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My personal nerf and buff wish list: warrior, necromancer

Regon Phoenix.8215

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WARRIORSpellbreaker:1) Full counter - reduce damage by 25%.2) Trait "sun and moon style" - reduce healing from criticals to 5%.3) Trait "revenge counter" - remove resistance from it.4) Natural healing - reduce healing by 25%.5) Featherfoot Grace - increase cooldown by 10 secconds.Berserker:1) Trait "last blaze" - stacks 2 stacks of burning.2) Trait "king of fires" - berserker skills no longer detonate fire aura, but instead will cause your next attack to inflict burning.3) Wild Blow - increase attack range to 300 .Core warrior:1) Arms trait "bust precision" - now also increase condition duration applied by burst skills by 50%.2) Defense trait "rousing resilience" - increase healing by 100%. Give this trait 10 second cooldown.3) Tactics trait "leg specialist" - redesign: every 4th successful hit against the same target will immobilize your target for 1.5 seconds. (multi-hit abilities counts as single hit)4) Tactics trait "vigorous shouts" - increase healing by 30%.5) Discipline trait "inspiring battle standard" - also increase banner duration by 20% and picking the banner will cause you to gain 4 seconds of protection and 8 seconds of swiftness.

NECROMANCERScourge:1) Harrowing wave - now only inflict burn.2) Oppressive collapse - now always give 2 stacks of might regardless the number of conditions.3) All scourge abilities who apply torment (except sand shades) will apply 1 stack less torment than currently.4) Increase radius of sand shades to 240. All other abilities and traits linked directly with sand shade radius get their radius increased as well.5) Sand cascade (F3) - increase barrier granted by 35%.6) Trait "desert empowerment" - increase barrier granted by 200% and give this trait cooldown of 10 seconds.Reaper:1) Trait "chilling nova" - reduce cooldown to 4 seconds.2) Trait "soul eater" - increase healing by 35%, but limit it to be in effect only while bellow 50% of health.3) Trait "chilling victory" - increase life force gained from 1% to 2%.4) Trait "blighter's boon" - increase healing by 65%.5) Trait "deathly chill" - reverse it back to cause chill to deal damage LIKE IT IS SUPPOSED TO DO.6) Increase greatsword melee attack range by 50.7) Death spiral - increase range by 130 and cause you to rush to melee range to your target.8) Death shroud "death's charge" - increase damage 40%. In addition, it should cause 1 stack of bleeding over 5 seconds.9) Death shroud - by default should grant 3 seconds of resistance.Core necromancer:1) Signet of vampirism - increase passive healing by 25%.2) All wells (except well of blood) - increase duration by 1 seconds. Well of blood - increase duration by 2 seconds.3) All minions - increase health by 60%, increase toughness by 400 and minions get 15% of your precision and ferocity.4) Death magic trait "unholy sanctuary" - increase healing by 30%.5) Blood magic trait "ritual of life" - also drop lesser well of blood when you get downed.6) Blood magic trait "vampiric presence" - damage of this trait will stack with your power and condition damage., healing will stack only with your healing power. Increase healing done on you by this trait by 25%.7) Blood magic trait "vampiric rituals" - damage of this trait will stack with your power and condition damage., healing will stack only with your healing power.8) Blood magic trait "unholy martyr" - also cause you to take 3% less direct damage per condition on you.9) Blood magic trait "transfusion" - increase healing by 100%.10) While bellow 50% of life force and out of combat - gain 1% of life force every second until you reach 50% of life force.11) Reduce maximum health to 15922. Do not change maximum life force.

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:Alternative option: just delete spellbreaker specialization.

And the truth behind this thinly veiled thread comes out.

If it can't be fixed - delete it.

So why not delete all specs and go back to Core?

Why didn't you ask for reaper delete last year? Or rev delete last quarter? Or xyz delete?

Why is it only ok to delete things when YOU don't like them?

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Your proposed spellbreaker nerfs are weird to say the least. I hate SB, have hated it since it was first announced and we got to see the ridiculous mechanics and skills it has, but your nerfs are not good ones.

1 - Full counter's damage is fine, its the multitude of other effects, both baseline and traited, that are too much, especially for the low CD. Pick literally almost anything else about the skill to propose nerfs, but nerfing the damage is just downright strange, and does nothing to nerf SB's sustain2 - Sure, I can get behind this, since Warrior already has a decent amount of passive healing via adrenal health and their heal signet.3 - This trait is still pure cancer against condi builds, even if you remove resistance. I would reduce the amount of conditions to 3 (or even just 2 honestly), but make it transfer conditions instead of copying. Then also remove resistance, or bring it down to 1sec duration . Since it would be transfering conditions now, it would still alleviate a lot of condi pressure from the SB when they use FC, just by virtue of having fewer conditions.4 - If you nerf the healing so significantly then reduce the cast time to 1sec at least. But I would rather see the amount of condis removed lowered by 2 or 3 if this skill even needs to be nerfed (depending on how you nerf FC, the sustain of SB is already heavily influenced, and remember that this has to compete with heal signet still. nerfing it too much means no one will ever use it)5 - Can't agree. Every elite spec got a 30s stunbreak with its utility skills. No rational reason to make Warrior's a 40 sec CD. That said, 5sec of Resistance and superspeed every 30 seconds (potentially 10sec of resistance in WvW) is absolutely ridiculous. I would reduce the effects to 3 sec of superspeed and 3sec of resistance. As it is, Warrior and SB already have tons of access to resistance, no need for such a high uptime from this single skill, especially when it also gives you superspeed

There are other things that could be addressed. Like sight beyond sight. Its fine really, but as it is its nothing more than just revealed spam, which I can't agree with. FC does need to be addressed, but definitely not the damage aspect.

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Those Spellbreaker changes are mostly non-sensical.Full Counter only hits for like 3-4k. The damage is fine. Full Counter needs a slight radius reduction to 240 units.Revenge Counter needs to lose the resistance and limit copied conditions to 3 (at most).Sun and Moon Style healing needs to be increased to 10%. The quickness ICD needs to be removed.Natural Healing needs an activation time reduction to 1 second.Featherfoot Grace is perfect as is.

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@Crossaber.8934 said:

@Darknicrofia.2604 said:FC's biggest problem is that its an aoe unblockable daze that transfers conditions every 8 seconds. Not the amount of damage it deals.

It is copy conditions, not transfer conditions. By the way i prefer transfer conditions 2 or 3 is fine, resistance can go as well.

I am fine with condition transfer instead of resistance.

But it should only transfer to 1 target. Potentially transferring 2x5 conditions to 5 targets would be OP again.

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