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Best PvE Build for Ranger


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For champions farming I would say everything is working pretty well, if you mean the openworld farm part. 


If you want to go power meele, you could go gs/dagger axe, or condi meele, axe/torch, dagger/dagger 

If you are afraid to die go trailblazer condi version, if not go viper on condi oder go full zerker on power meele


For builds, I would. Always recommend going beastmastery, it's just an super strong traitline, gives good stats and has quickness while also reducing pet swap 

Than either skirmishing or marksmanship and slb or wilderness survival (if you wanna stay core) nature magic is kinda meh only for support builds working "good" 

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3 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

For champions farming I would say everything is working pretty well, if you mean the openworld farm part. 


If you want to go power meele, you could go gs/dagger axe, or condi meele, axe/torch, dagger/dagger 

If you are afraid to die go trailblazer condi version, if not go viper on condi oder go full zerker on power meele


For builds, I would. Always recommend going beastmastery, it's just an super strong traitline, gives good stats and has quickness while also reducing pet swap 

Than either skirmishing or marksmanship and slb or wilderness survival (if you wanna stay core) nature magic is kinda meh only for support builds working "good" 

Viper can't solo a lot of bosses with attack chains that are unavoidable in their entirety due to terrain preventing efficient and swift kiting (Legendary Forged Demolisher comes to mind). You want something that can sustain through ley-line energy build-up (which hits like a truck post-50%) and trash mob summons (i.e. harpy bounties) hitting you between evade frames and windows.

I use zerker on core world, raids and things like Chak Gerent.  Things with telegraphed attacks and no need for major sustain. Those aren't things I need advice with.

Edited by NorthernRedStar.3054
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Tbh half diviner boonbeast is probably the best PvE build i ever played. Good condi cleanse, high survivability, permanent protection and regen, great stab uptime and good damage.


Its a stance spam build that focusses on prebuffing before engaging in combat and stacking boons with heal and merge/unmerge.

Edited by InsaneQR.7412
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