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Perhaps Controversial way to make Berserker Better...

Lan Deathrider.5910

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@Lan Deathrider.5910

To tell you, Berserker needs sustain and maybe unnerf some Arc divider nerfs.

I think Berserker would be great to be a contestant on the role of Reaper, with some on people hit on burst damage reduction, some more healing and better condition management for full on melee teamfight brawler (It might even get a spot on the zerg for wvw but it needs some ranged non projectile attack, Scorched Earth could be it but it needs work) . Spellbreaker and Core already have spots in WvW and pvp as supports and duelist/sidenoders, they just need number tuning to compete.

All the warrior specs just need some work on a reason to be something, be it PVP, WvW and PVE and also they should not compete with eachother roles. The game is 9 years old people have defined some positions to fill, and Arenenet should work on the specialization aspect of Elite Specializations, there is not point to the elite specs if they just change how it plays but functionally does the same thing. I don't understand how Warrior exist in this state, when Guardian and Necro have such great functionality between traitlines, everything has a place and each is better at something (well FB and Scourge are little too much in PVE and WvW  but you get the idea)  and each spec has reason to exist in all modes of play. 

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On 9/29/2021 at 7:29 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

You may be right, it was more of what do you do with the existing functionality. But then it also would distinguish it more from Core. Core may get T3 and T2 bursts, but Berserker would get more T1 bursts off.

On the topic of more T1 bursts: What if activating rage skills would reduce the cooldown on primal bursts?

In general your suggested version of Berserker sounds pretty interesting, thanks for posting it.

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9 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

On the topic of more T1 bursts: What if activating rage skills would reduce the cooldown on primal bursts?

In general your suggested version of Berserker sounds pretty interesting, thanks for posting it.

TYVM. One Rage skill already does that. The problem though it is all still gated behind Berserk Mode. People will kite you when you go into BMode, just like they'll do when you go into Rampage and wait you out. Once you are forced out of BMode you're just 2/3rds of a warrior. So being able to spam F1's due to rage skills reducing the CD of F1 doesn't really address the issues holding back the spec.

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So with the suggested changes, it would no longer be a spec that revolves around a "mode".

-Berserker would be the burst-spamming spec

-Spell break would be the "chose what to burst with" spec with full counter.

-Bladesworne would be a spec with a single highly specialized burst.


Not bad, it resolves the problem with berserk and maintains distinct spec playstyles.

They could rename adrenaline to rage and make the bar red to add some flavour too.

Edited by Arewn.2368
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23 minutes ago, Arewn.2368 said:

So with the suggested changes, it would no longer be a spec that revolves around a "mode".

-Berserker would be the burst-spamming spec

-Spell break would be the "chose what to burst with" spec with full counter.

-Bladesworne would be a spec with a single highly specialized burst.


Not bad, it resolves the problem with berserk and maintains destinct spec playstyles.

They could rename adrenaline to rage and make the bar red to add some flavour too.

That is a succinct way to summarize it, thanks!

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23 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

TYVM. One Rage skill already does that. The problem though it is all still gated behind Berserk Mode. People will kite you when you go into BMode, just like they'll do when you go into Rampage and wait you out. Once you are forced out of BMode you're just 2/3rds of a warrior. So being able to spam F1's due to rage skills reducing the CD of F1 doesn't really address the issues holding back the spec.

My comment in regards to the Rage skill type was made assuming the changes you proposed for Berserker were implemented. So not being in Berserk mode would not be a problem.

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3 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

My comment in regards to the Rage skill type was made assuming the changes you proposed for Berserker were implemented. So not being in Berserk mode would not be a problem.

Ah. I'd still keep it limited to Blood Reckoning. If they are made to spammable then they just get gutted because the PvP forums would QQ over it.

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