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  1. You explained it better then me with quotes and all, but oli don't think opinions will budge since apparently the 400 people doing teams are more important then the thousands of casuals. Also I did mention a tin foil hat theory that anet is actively trying to kill of pvp or is it passively if they do kitten all about the core of it. I really hate people that latch onto few words in jest to discredit me as a person instead of my point, but I take it as a win since they are not tackling the argument but say I'm stupid or ugly or both. The best bet would probably be like LOL solo but without duo and flex(2 3 5), the flex can even add death match to the pool of 2 and 3s. Quite frankly the leaderboard doesn't make sense if there is no solo queue and 5 man would make even less sense if it is not based on team instead of individuals.
  2. Great argument. I'll respond with no u, nuh uh and maybe a meme with me being the chad and you the soyjack which makes me the winner if bothered to do it, but lets pretend that I did.
  3. And that was long long time ago, probably done on purpose so anet does not spend resources on PVP(tin foil hat theory). But if we have Only 5 man queue it will probably kill off what's left of pvp. Pretty sure also that LOL players complain about the duo part in the solo/duo queue, they do have flex queue and doesn't make sense to have the duo muddling the rating in solo when you can play duo in flex.
  4. @Trevor Boyer.6524 How is Nah. Sure as kitten most of the casuals wont bother which means 95% won play the game. Also no one goes to dungeons if there isn't some kind of goober for legendary or something. Vast majority don't give a kitten about wintrading, bots, f2p whatever, they care if its fun and if its not you don't get new people to play with. Also you know if given the choice people will queue solo over 5s if given the choice. Tournaments are clear indication that like 50 players play 5s. LFG sucks kitten even in PVE, everyone wants proof its worse then trying to get a job out there and even if you try to wrangle the cats kitteners could kick you from your own group for stupid reason, its kitten all the way. People also don't leave the game because "match manipulation" , people leave cause they are bored and there are no new people come in cause most people who play GW2 are really ,really , really casual and to them too hard, too boring and too unfun. The whole game is not competitive even the pvp is not on the basis that it is MMO pvp, there are not tangible rewards for GIT GUT, there is no point in GIT GUT, there is no league or something to show off and get money, its just a game to have fun and be entertained. There is literally no point in sweating and tryharding this game since at best as competitive as that weird party game Fall Guys. See you look at the game of the very narrow perspective of a tryhard player, take a step back and get inside the shoes of a really really casual player (which is the majority of the playerbase), will you bother with finding 4 other players to wait in queue for 5 minutes to play for max 15 and get 30 silver and allot of frustration or go do a sparkly meta event, world boss or join a WvW zerg?
  5. Getting only 5 man queue is sure way to kill off pvp for good though. You live in a fantasy if you think most people will kittening bother to find 5 man teams , by statistics from anet 80% of people were solo queue when they dropped 5 man, so only solo queue makes sense here. Actually anet should make 5man queue and solo queue separate of eachother , people will vote on which they prefer by playing it. Also the socializing argument is stupid most people do not want to bother with even more Randoms on the inernet , 20 years ago it was fun novelty , now everything and everyone wants you in some kind of chat or some kitten social media. People just want to click a button and play a game and have fun, the more hoops you put to getting to the fun the more people go to play something else. Also it seems that you think that most people want to be competitive it's actually the reverse most people just want to play a game like years and years ago before companies added ranking numbers.
  6. See nothing wrong with the idea its just badly executed , at some point the game considers your shity casual account for legend player that has to Carry every game. And let's not kid ourselves if someone with 5k games made like 7 years ago but started playing again now vs someone with 500 from this year, the one with the current knowledge will be winning while the grandpa account will be forced to carry people that are not on the level of the 500 games one. There is also the whole smurf situation where mister legend decides to smack noobs with fresh account or the duo with legend and smurf to drop the duo rating and other stupid kitten. Quite frankly these few lines of code just add volatility instead of reducing it since grandpa is no longer at p3 level because the bones ache and is at like g3 level but the game treats him like its his job to win the game.
  7. Old man Trevor complains about his bed time schedule. Old Man screams at clouds moment. Kinda on Trevor's side though, not because of ATs schedules and what not, but for wasting time on them. Most people didn't play them before cause they got rolled and wont play them now for the same reason. It was fine as is. Do tournaments even have 400 people playing them across EU and NA? Pretty sure they don't. Tournaments are kind failed mode that has taken too much development time for literal minority of players. Like the core mode of pvp is in shambles but ATs get most of the development, which is kitten all in the grand scheme of things, but it would have been better spend to cater to the new (if pvp even gets them anymore) and average player, cause pvp ain't fun and if there are not people in the normal queues there would no new players in the ATs in the long run. All the goobers and MacGuffins for the 20 players that win the AT ain't making your average player to play or even care for PVP.
  8. I hate the Untamed Bubble, not because its broken and annoying and you cant distinguish the ally one from the enemy one (a thing the started working on at one point but kittening forgot) , but because they kittened Defense field on scrapper but gave the same skill to ranger while moving, the fun bit is that they deemed the scrapper version broken op even though its the same thing . The kittening mental gymnastics on the design for this kitten.
  9. Just to point out if there is any misunderstanding, I'm not against locking it to solo queue, I'm all about locking the whole shabang to solo and maybe giving separate team queue to those who want to play like that. The single person leaderboard doesn't really make sense if we have duo queue , also it doesn't make sense in full team stack or any variation since you have 5 people working together so it should have team based leaderboard.
  10. With the rate the population dropping top 250 will be all in g3 soon enough so no duo queue in plat will not matter.
  11. First problem with PVP is conquest , the mode is too complicated for new players (and some old ones), so it has terrible retention. Yes it is hold more points for longer then the enemy but good luck with all the feature, ,mobility or whatever creep in the game that will never go away since its for PVE. Conquest requires too much coordination to be fun and that is its biggest issue its just not FUN. Second problem everyone starts at 1200 rating in ranked so the noobs get farmed by the "pros" and continue to farm them even after since the rating margins are kittened and the game prefers kitten quick queue where the higher rated players will still play against the lower rated ones. Third problem is that MMO players are not amazing mechanically and the game by it self is too complicated with all the variations in builds and professions and what not, while even more complexity is added over time and quite frankly most of the new skills have kitten telegraphs or none at all. MMO players are not fighting game players and can't handle the pace of the game. Fourth problem is that changes to how stuff plays are catered to the top end players and consulting them is stupid cause the top end that is left doesn't give a kitten about the fun of the game, but how to win something irrelevant at this point and will give biased feedback to make it easier for them to win. Fifth to tenth problem the game ain't fun anymore.
  12. Man I remember when Warrior was doing 3k reckless dodge and people were complaining so much it got nerfed, the funniest bit is the most vocal about it were Mirage mains. The stupider thing is that Anet tried the dodge bot spec like 3 times before and it is always kitten and they had to nerf it for the obvious reason that only good counterplay going against it is bunkering up and pooping pulsing AOES on your feet which is also kitten to deal with by everything else. The problem is that they never add obvious counterplay to that kitten or if it has one, it is easily circumventable.
  13. I think the game was better with the long seasons and like a month of off season. Also should have put 2v2 and 3v3 permanently and have unranked option cause I can't test weird builds and if I do it in Ranked I get stuck with the goofy goobers till the end of the season and can't get actual result if the build is good or bad. I think something broke PVP when they put the new Lobby in game with all the ladder changes and since then people can't be bothered to play. The population can't grow as long as new players start with the old ones and get rolled. I think people start of in 1250 or something rating top 250 is 1450. I kind of prefer the 2v2 cause it depends on my effort more and if I try hard enough I could carry a goober and get a win or 2 / 3 to don't feel bad about it while in conquest I might get stuck with 1 to 4 goobers and sit and wait for the game to end. Conquest is also not very casual game mode and the game is really really casual on the base level, so it can't be the main pvp mode. Death match is good for player agency feel, while a mode with larger pool of players would be amazing for casual play, since removes allot of the agency but also allot of the responsibility. If the new mode is like WvW but with actual tangible win condition would do the trick, since WvW is too grand and removes almost all agency of the player and it just doesn't feel like you are achieving anything.
  14. Kinda forgot to add that Snap Pull on Staff warrior should work like Grasping Darkness on Necro GS, cause changing the direction of the telegraph when you want kind makes the whole point of the telegraph pointless. Telegraphing IN the game is quite kitten ngl.
  15. You don't need slurs, you just call them kittening thief main, I don't think there something worse you can be then that, maybe mesmer but only when Anet has some grand mechanic/balance idea.
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