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[Forum Issue] Quoting someone doesn't tag them due to .xxxx at the end.

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Hi everyone reading this...

When you quote someone, you can't quick click their profile or give them a notification because it cancels out the quote after their name ends.

For example the quote links their name like so: @DakotaCoty.5721, whereas,If you tag someone it puts " around their name example: @"DakotaCoty.5721"


Links:https://gyazo.com/3e2c7a8cb3d452494599b27582478b9c (Error with User due to quoting problem)https://gyazo.com/a436959019a15a34b69b4ac3a8288d77 (Literal example of quote in thread, and screenshot of the link it gives at the top)

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@DakotaCoty.5721 said:Hi everyone reading this...

When you quote someone, you can't quick click their profile or give them a notification because it cancels out the quote after their name ends.

For example the quote links their name like so: @DakotaCoty.5721, whereas,If you tag someone it puts " around their name example: @"DakotaCoty.5721"


Links:https://gyazo.com/3e2c7a8cb3d452494599b27582478b9c (Error with User due to quoting problem)

Literal example of a quote, sorry double post.

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  • 1 month later...

Issue is ongoing but redundant discussions 16288 and 2315 need deleted / consolidated.

The issue:When you quote a person's comment who does not have a space in their name, quotes are not placed around their username when it's copied into the text box below. When you then submit the comment it only includes part of the username in the hyperlink.

Tagging @Gaile Gray.6029 for awareness (not sure if you ever even saw this one, actually, as it's not the one you were tagged in before. Hopefully this'll get traction again and eventually resolved?

Thanks in advance!

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@SoulPariah.2856 said:Issue is ongoing but redundant discussions 16288 and 2315 need deleted / consolidated.

The issue:When you quote a person's comment who does not have a space in their name, quotes are not placed around their username when it's copied into the text box below. When you then submit the comment it only includes part of the username in the hyperlink.

Tagging @"Gaile Gray.6029" for awareness (not sure if you ever even saw this one, actually, as it's not the one you were tagged in before. Hopefully this'll get traction again and eventually resolved?

Thanks in advance!

Gaile previously commented on my older thread saying the issue had been passed on but 1 month later nothing has been fixed on it :(

Newst Topic: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/16288/quoting-feature-unfixed-after-2-months-of-reporting-it

Topic Gaile replied to: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/2315/gaile-please-quoting-issue-2-full-breakdown

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Basically this feature "works as intended" - at least from what was intended by the Vanilla forums devs (Vanilla Forums is the Forum-Software that is used here). In the file %WHEREVER VANILLA FORUMS IS INSTALLED TO%\library\core\class.format.php shipped with the forum there is a function called formatMentionsCallback() which is responsible for parsing mentions.

The header of that function states:

 * Supports most usernames by using double-quotes, for example:  @"a $pecial user's! name." * Without double-quotes, a mentioned username is terminated by any of the following characters: * whitespace | . | , | ; | ? | ! | :

I guess the Vanilla forums-devs made the conscious decision as in "normal" forums, you won't find a lot of usernames with dots or other special chars. But you will find stuff like "Hey @somerandomuser.how about XYZ?" and this would lead to a broken mention as it would try to tag "somerandomuser.how" if it wouldn't treat the dot as the end of the mention.

Untested I think all that ArenaNet would have to do is to change line 1648 in that file from

$parts2 = preg_split('([\s.,;?!:])', $str, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);


$parts2 = preg_split('([\s,;?!:])', $str, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

This should remove the dot from the list of chars that "terminate" a mention (if you look closely, i removed the "." after the "\s").

Oh, and I guess its basically the same in the quote-function - i just don't have the motivation to check this, too :smile:

Just tagging @DakotaCoty.5721 so he sees this :smiley:

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10/10 helpful @Tiscan.8345. Thanks!

Also @"DakotaCoty.5721" keep in mind about the forums being supported by another party, Vanilla Forums, which may have something to do with the delay in your response. For example, a poll was just put up on Nov 10 about what to do regarding the "draft save" popup while you're commenting, and that issue has been ongoing months, but coordination with Vanilla was needed.

Point is, don't take it personal and feel you're being ignored when that is most likely not the case.

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@Tiscan.8345 said:Basically this feature "works as intended" - at least from what was intended by the Vanilla forums devs (Vanilla Forums is the Forum-Software that is used here). In the file %WHEREVER VANILLA FORUMS IS INSTALLED TO%\library\core\class.format.php shipped with the forum there is a function called formatMentionsCallback() which is responsible for parsing mentions.

The header of that function states:

 * Supports most usernames by using double-quotes, for example:  @"a $pecial user's! name." * Without double-quotes, a mentioned username is terminated by any of the following characters: * whitespace | . | , | ; | ? | ! | :

I guess the Vanilla forums-devs made the conscious decision as in "normal" forums, you won't find a lot of usernames with dots or other special chars. But you will find stuff like "Hey @somerandomuser.how about XYZ?" and this would lead to a broken mention as it would try to tag "somerandomuser.how" if it wouldn't treat the dot as the end of the mention.

Untested I think all that ArenaNet would have to do is to change line 1648 in that file from

$parts2 = preg_split('


$parts2 = preg_split('

This should remove the dot from the list of chars that "terminate" a mention (if you look closely, i removed the "." after the "\s").

Oh, and I guess its basically the same in the quote-function - i just don't have the motivation to check this, too :smile:

Just tagging @DakotaCoty.5721 so he sees this :smiley:

I very much appreciate your response to the thread, and I am quite happy that you took the time to try and debunk it - it's highly annoying to be involved in a discussion and to have to ctrl + f each time to see if someone has actually quoted you in a response :(

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  • ArenaNet Staff

As I have explained, we have several bugs over with Vanilla. They are prioritized as to whether they are game... well... forum breaking issues. While this is irritating, it's not a Priority 1, where something that prevents someone from logging in would be set at that level.

We'll see where Vanilla is on this bug, but please be patient, as they are queuing up on other issues first.

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@Gaile Gray.6029 said:As I have explained, we have several bugs over with Vanilla. They are prioritized as to whether they are game... well... forum breaking issues. While this is irritating, it's not a Priority 1, where something that prevents someone from logging in would be set at that level.

We'll see where Vanilla is on this bug, but please be patient, as they are queuing up on other issues first.

Hey Gaile,

I understand your continued support on this forums and really respect the time you give to reply to this thread - but to my, this is a forum breaking issue. I cannot have conversations with people due to no notifications; people may think that I am ignoring them or simply don't want to discuss with them and this isn't the attitude I want people thinking of me.

I hope this issue gets fixed soon, it's impossible to find replies on threads have numerous pages to them and the likes.

Have a good evening - and thanks for the reply again.

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I have trouble understanding why some of this stuff seems so hard for Vanilla to address; their business is forums and for this (and similar issues), people have spotted the solution that would (a) resolve the issue & (b) not affect other use cases. OTOH, I've been in similar situations to Gaile: it doesn't much matter if this should be easier; the fact is that the contract calls for a limited amount of "changes to software that is 'working as intended'" and one can only argue so many times, "but that isn't how the software should be intended to work." I don't envy Gaile, in the middle of fire and frying pan.

@DakotaCoty.5721 said:to my, this is a forum breaking issue.The forums work; notifications are terrible, even if this was fixed.

I cannot have conversations with people due to no notifications;What did you do on the old forums? There was no notification system there at all.

people may think that I am ignoring them or simply don't want to discuss with themI doubt very much if anyone would think that. I've hardly seen anyone expect folks to come back to a thread, unless they were the OP (in which case, I imagine that people tend to keep more careful track, with or without notifications). Even more important: you stand out as being respectful & reliable; I'd be surprised if anyone reasonable thought anything worse than you'll reply when you have time.

In the meantime, I try to fix call outs (even in nested quotes) by manually inserting the syntax:

  • Type @ and add the first few letters.
  • If needed, Use the arrow keys to select the correct name from the pop up.
  • Press Tab to insert the name (even gets the single-word names correct).

I agree that Vanilla should fix this; I don't agree that it's a forum-breaking issue or even that it's all that high priority.

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I did a quick test on my local vanilla-setup. Changing the regular expression the way i said (removing the "." from ([\s.,;?!:])) "fixes" that particular "bug". The function I mentioned (formatMentionsCallback()) is responsible for the @... part of quotes, too. So they get "fixed" as well.

But its still bascially a "botch-job". The best solution would be to add the quotes to the username when somebody clicks on the quote-button.

Again, mostly untested.

In ...\vanilla\plugins\Quotes\class.quotes.plugin.php is a function called formatQuote() with this little piece of code in it:

                case 'Markdown':                case 'Display':                case 'Text':                    $QuoteBody = $Data->Body;                    $Quote = '> '.sprintf(t('%s said:'), '@'.$Data->InsertName)."\n".                        '> '.str_replace("\n", "\n> ", $QuoteBody)."\n";                    break;

and it seems that this modification does the trick:

                    $Quote = '> '.sprintf(t('%s said:'), '@"'.$Data->InsertName.'"')."\n".                        '> '.str_replace("\n", "\n> ", $QuoteBody)."\n";

(adding " around $Data->InsertName) - but like I mentioned before - i don't really know much about how Vanilla Forums works internally and only spent a few minutes looking at their code. I tested it locally and it seems fine but I really don't know if it breaks anything else.

Probably this information helps @Gaile Gray.6029 when she talks to the VF-peeps. But i should probably start charging gems for IT-support :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: (just kidding)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Thanks for your additional notes and suggestions about this bug. While I know having the notifications is a very handy thing, it's true that we went for five years without any such thing and there is a work-around, sharing by IWN, that addresses the issue:

  • Type @ and add the first few letters.
  • If needed, Use the arrow keys to select the correct name from the pop up.
  • Press Tab to insert the name (even gets the single-word names correct).

We will share the suggestions and tested improvements that you have noted -- thanks for those!

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I really hope this'll be changed because the majority of users will not manually change the @name.xxxx thing in quotes. It's a lot more comfortable to be notified when you have been quoted/mentioned instead of whenever a thread you've participated in has a new post. I sometimes have 300+ notifications with the majority in one and the same thread leaving other notifications unnoticed. (I apologize for everyone I have "ignored" so far because of this..)

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