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Fresh Air Scepter Dagger Roaming


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Show me a d/d weaver build! Scepter always feels lacking vs more then one target dagger main hand on weaver has some real power behind it and it has good 5 target aoe so it "can" fit in a bigger group as a melee bomb burst. With the barrier that weaver gets its far more able to go dmg builds then say a tempest or core ele (more then likely cata as well).

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9 hours ago, Jski.6180 said:

Show me a d/d weaver build! Scepter always feels lacking vs more then one target dagger main hand on weaver has some real power behind it and it has good 5 target aoe so it "can" fit in a bigger group as a melee bomb burst. With the barrier that weaver gets its far more able to go dmg builds then say a tempest or core ele (more then likely cata as well).

In all honesty, I'm not a fan if D/D gameplay and I would disagree with you re scepter lacking vs more than one player. The range on scepter allows you to pressure while you kite (something dagger can't do), which is key for outnumbered roaming. I also think scepter has way more damage on it than mainhand dagger (between dragons tooth, phoenix, plasma beam, shatterstone, earthen synergy, fracturing strike etc) and also has 5 target aoes... I guarantee you this build outdamages any d/d Weaver build in a big fight. If I join a bigger fight I will usually be top 3 in dps while running this - usually only beaten by something like staff weaver (understandably). I'm not saying dagger is bad at all, I just find scepter way more fun 🙂

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Thanks! Yeah, you can't really show how every fight goes in a <10 minute video. Also, most people only want to see the potential anyway. I would definitely argue its up there with focus offhand in terms of effectiveness, just perhaps a little harder to play.

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