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My experience in ranked thus far


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  • Arklite.4013 changed the title to My experience in ranked thus far

its always the same things
1 you play against dog kitten bunker that doesnt even interact with you, prot holo, fweaver,core valk ranger im looking at you guys.
2 your team loses so you are gang-banged every 60s by 4 people, bonus points when they are so bad you can actually survive 1v4 and escape and then have an awkward staredown from your perch atop kiting spot, even more bonus points when you see your team run into enemy team 1v5 one by one from atop the perch
3 you play against thief that stealths and re-ganks you every 20-30s untill it works, even if he sucks you have to give up a node, 1-2minutes of a intense duel ruined by thief appearing, feelsokayman 

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