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If the Mechanist Mech will be better than Pets i'll be pissed


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I think it will work way differently compared to ranger's pet. At base it will be as useless as Asura golem skill. Ranger's pet as base got attack rotations, some of these rotations are quite good(like smokescale for example). However, engi will have much better micro management options and OnDemand attacks coming from the F1-F4 buttons which will replace the engi F1-F4 belt utilities(not confirmed) and additional signets utilities for maximum effect.  Remember, it can probably get destroyed(lets see the CD on re-summoning) with no F4 to get the pet back on track when its getting lost. Also, most of the ranger's traits, skills and weapon synergies with the pet in someway. 

It will be cool sure, but if you like pets, I think ranger will still be the way to go. 

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The Mech looks like more powerful and interactive pet I always dreamed of for the ranger. But honestly it kind of make sense they introduced it this way. Ranger is very limited by the pet variety it has. Making all pets more flashy and interactive would be incredibly expensive.

It's just a shame that the ranger has this limitation while the pet variety competition wise isn't really there.

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