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PSA From A Historically Accurate Town Crier - About Win Trading

Trevor Boyer.6524

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I very much agree that ANet needs to bring Team and Solo Queues back, although that would only be half of the solution required. There are actually way, WAY more players doing Solo Queue than Team Queues; in fact, one of the reasons why Ranked/Unranked got created was because 5-man teams complained that it was taking way too long to get matches. Some of them had to wait upwards of 30 mins to get into a match! (And back in GW1, ANet actually released some metrics that showed that every day more players played Random Arenas than in all other PvP modes COMBINED. The convenience of just able to hit "Go" trumps everything else. Player/human behaviour doesn't change very much so I'm willing to bet good money it's the same here in GW2.)


So, firstly, bring Team Queues back as the OP suggested. This means that you now have the power to completely block bots or poorly skilled players from joining your team, and you can queue dodge the high-skill teams too if you so desire. Next, to eliminate the problem of long queue teams, I propose that ANet add in a new PvP option called "Allow me to be matched against Team Queues" which is OPT-IN. Picking this option means that you can join as a Solo Queuer, but should there be insufficient Team Queue players, the matchmaker will put you in a team match to fill spaces. This will ease the population crunch for Team Queue, and it will also provide a solution for teams who happen to be 4/5 and can't find a last member.


To sweeten the deal, ticking the new option means that, if you happen to get put into a Team Queue match as a solo'er, you get DOUBLE the rewards that you would normally get, win or lose. This means that you get double the pips, double the reward track progress. Note that you won't know if you've actually joined a Team Queue match or not, so the onus would still be on you to perform your best regardless. If, on the other hand, you absolutely do NOT want to be matched against duos/trios/teams at ALL, then leave the option off and your PvP experience will be pure random teams, and you accept the consequences of rolling the dice on what you get.


Finally, it may be a good idea with this change to split the Leaderboards into Team and Solo leaderboards. The experience of putting together a good team and working like a well-oiled machine is a great one, and I think those who perform well at it deserve to be recognized. All the same, I think that my respect would be much, much higher for somebody who managed to climb the Solo leaderboards all on their own, relying on nothing else but their own individual skill (with perhaps a healthy dose of luck).

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There just needs to be 2 separate ladders.


The first should be solo que only without the option to duo que; when you are ranked higher than plat 1.


Create a separate 5vs5 Conquest game mode for  Guild vs Guild or your desired 5 man Team.

AT tournaments is a dead game mode.  Time to move away from it.

Edited by OutOfOrder.3719
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