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Does my asura name make lore sense?


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So my understanding of asura is furious little meat eating hybrids- so I named my asura “Corpse Eaters” a thief daredevil to fit the lore of an crazy little monster who runs around and takes out enemies and players and eats them. But here is the actually question… do asura eat people?


I know it’s weird, but play along.  Is there any mention of canablism in GW lore? Or about eating enemies during time of asura starvation? Since the asura are cold enough to use golemency a form of necromancy - do they kill the enemy and force their soul into the robots? That sounds dark. Let discuss it 

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Well, the Inquest certainly can kill people and force their soul...or life force, at least, into a golem. We've seen it happen a few times in the story. As far as eating people...nah. Not even the Inquest does that. I can't think of a single mention of *any* of the five major races doing that, not even the charr at their most brutal (that said, I didn't play GW1, so if there's a mention of them doing that there, I wouldn't know).

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I believe the charr in GW1 did eat humans at least sometimes, they certainly threatened to eat them. (The humans definitely made armour from charr skin, so they weren't any better in that respect.)

The asura do eat meat, but I think that's in the same sense that humans eat meat, they're omnivores rather than carnivores and I can't remember any mention of an asura eating any sentient creature. (They will call sylvari 'salad' as an insult, but given the asura value intelligence over everything else I think the implication is that they're as intelligent as a salad, not that they're food.)

I think an insane asura would be more likely to cut up their enemies to see what's inside and how they work than to eat them. Or yes, put their souls into golems as the Inquest does in various storylines.

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