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Duplicate Silverfed salvage kits

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I, like many others, had purchased multiples of the silverfed salvage-o-matics for multiple characters. I stopped playing for a while and when I came back, shared inventory slots are a thing. This basically makes having more than 1 silverfed pointless. I asked support if there was any way I could transfer one to my other account, or repackage them to maybe have one as a guild giveaway prize. Support told me they can't do anything but, if I post it on the forums, maybe I could get some kind of answer.

Basically, my question is: Is there any way to recover at least something from these items? I know i bought them knowing they were account bound so I don't expect a refund or anything. I just dont want them to be a waste of space in my bank, and I can't bring myself to delete something I paid money for.

Sorry if this isn't the right place for this topic. And thank you for your time.

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 I feel your frustration as I have 3 copper feds myself and now only need one since shared slots were a thing.  But as support told you they can't do anything.  So really there is nothing much to date you can do with duplicates.  I suppose if you only play a few characters most of the time you could free up that shared slot and put the duplicate salvage tools in your character's bags instead.   I keep my extras in my bank just because and in the extremely unlikely event Anet ever does something they can be used for.

Edited by JustTrogdor.7892
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You asked support and got an answer.
What you can do is ask more about the reason for declining the request.
To elaborate a bit more. 
You had the pleasure of using the extra salvage kits for some time before they got useless to you.
(just the fact that you didn't play during part of that time is of no consequence. You could play and decided not to do so).

So if you had this pleasure for over a year I would say a refund should be out of order.  If you only had this pleasure for a few months, it would be a different matter.

Another factor is that a good amount of time has passed after the introduction of shared inventory slots. Some people still choose to buy seperate salvage machines (eg, cause they do not want too many shared slots). People can also change their mind on this matter. 

Again, the fact that you choose not to play is of no factor. That was your decission.

You should expect an answer from support explainng why they do not offer you a grace priod. If they decline to explain this, ask for a review by a senior.

But given the information, I personally do not think the answer will change from not to yes.

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5 hours ago, mercury ranique.2170 said:

You asked support and got an answer.
What you can do is ask more about the reason for declining the request.
To elaborate a bit more. 
You had the pleasure of using the extra salvage kits for some time before they got useless to you.
(just the fact that you didn't play during part of that time is of no consequence. You could play and decided not to do so).

So if you had this pleasure for over a year I would say a refund should be out of order.  If you only had this pleasure for a few months, it would be a different matter.

Another factor is that a good amount of time has passed after the introduction of shared inventory slots. Some people still choose to buy seperate salvage machines (eg, cause they do not want too many shared slots). People can also change their mind on this matter. 

Again, the fact that you choose not to play is of no factor. That was your decission.

You should expect an answer from support explainng why they do not offer you a grace priod. If they decline to explain this, ask for a review by a senior.

But given the information, I personally do not think the answer will change from not to yes.

You may need to re-read the OP. 

@OP There's really nothing you can do with the extras if you use one in a Shared Inventory Slot.  Save them on the odd chance something changes, or delete them.  🤷‍♂️

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