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what graphic settings do you use?


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Hi Tyrians, i bought a new laptop Asus  Ryzen 5 3500U witth vega 8 and 12 GB Ram, i don't know wich graphic settings  use, my last laptop allow me to play on the lowest settings possible but now i'm a little lost, if i put it on "automatic detection" its look weird (see the image),  what would you do recommend me to enchances or activated?



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Seriously? The fight you've picked for it looking "weird" is the toxic alliance fractal boss that's SUPPOSED to look weird at the end of the fight. That's the whole 10% health mechanic of that boss. Granted, I have no idea what this boss fight looks like on lowest settings.


I'm using max settings for most stuff, but I've disabled movement and distance blur effects. Though that's a personal preference and apparently some people like this "cinematic" blur effect. The only setting I found having a major impact on fps is the max player model setting. Limiting the amount of players shown at once, prevents the game from becoming a slide-show when running with a big zerg.

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I assume what's going on in that fight is an effect the boss causes and your screen doesn't look like that all the time. If it's possible to turn it off the first thing to try is disabling post-processing, that stops a lot of effects. For example Liadri in the Queen's Gauntlet will periodically cover the whole screen in a psychdelic effect, but if you turn off post-processing it doesn't happen which makes the fight a little bit easier.

But the only factors which matter for graphics settings are what your computer can handle and what you think looks good. I usually start by turning everything up to maximum and then experimenting with turning things down until I think it looks good and I have decent FPS.

I always turn off antialiasing because I think it looks better without it, and depth blur because when I notice it at all I just end up wondering why it's fuzzy and not loading properly. Other than that I have everything on high except the character model limit (which is medium) and reflections (which are terrain & sky only), oh and motion blur which is very low but not completely off.

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6 hours ago, BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

Seriously? The fight you've picked for it looking "weird" is the toxic alliance fractal boss that's SUPPOSED to look weird at the end of the fight. That's the whole 10% health mechanic of that boss. Granted, I have no idea what this boss fight looks like on lowest settings.


I'm using max settings for most stuff, but I've disabled movement and distance blur effects. Though that's a personal preference and apparently some people like this "cinematic" blur effect. The only setting I found having a major impact on fps is the max player model setting. Limiting the amount of players shown at once, prevents the game from becoming a slide-show when running with a big zerg.

well, before the new laptop it looks like red-yellow, now, it looks like violet- and a weird yellow

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Do you have DX11 beta turned on?  It sometimes will have graphic glitches that recolor skins or shaders.

it might just be playing the game with some settings turned up that enable shaders you haven’t seen before as well. The best thing would be to try adjusting the settings yourself to see what changes.  However, after running GW2 on many different machines, I generally trust the auto-detect settings for graphics to pick pretty good settings to start. 

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