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[Beta 1 Feedback] Roamer Perspective

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10 hours ago, CrimsonNeonite.1048 said:

WvW Guilds usually supply the most open tags, with an requirement to join discord, so they can coordinate things better, whether it would be for fights against other organized groups or even to PPT when it's needed.

This is not true for most European servers. Most tags are run by random guilds or even non-representing people and many more are run under WvW guilds but those people often switch between those guilds or just have that guild but aren't very tied to it in any way. It's people who run tags, for their world/community, not guilds. Guilds run tags more often than not for their guild alone. Wether that's for strategic reasons or elitism, it matters not, it gives you nothing unless you're in that particular guild.

All that will remain are guild exclusive tags for the majority of it, and a lot of random lost players who will eventually feel forced to apply to a guild and run by all their rules and 'activity' requests just to be able to play, or decide WvW (sorry GvG) is no longer a mode they can play.

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On 12/6/2021 at 4:59 PM, ASP.8093 said:
On 12/6/2021 at 3:24 AM, Prophet of Flames.2783 said:

If you're not playing WvW primarily in a guild and as a GvG gamemode, Alliances is not for you.

Sure it is.


21 hours ago, ASP.8093 said:

Who is "they."

The "they" you originally replied to, people who do not play WvW primarilyin a guild as a GvG mode and who will be left behind with Alliances.


21 hours ago, ASP.8093 said:

With all due respect, you all keep saying "roamers" but you're not really describing roaming. Just… floundering around without any vision

I never said roamers, that's what you make it to be. I very clearly described the players we are talking about in the post you replied to. They aren't roamers or not roamers, they're not any type of WvW role. All they have in common is that they don't like guilds as a primary way of playing WvW, be it the time investment, the smaller community, the demands on activity or being there for raids or trainings, the need to run only meta builds, or the flagrant elitism in some of them, there are many reasons.

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17 hours ago, Counterakt.9106 said:

Sorry to break it to you, Alliances are more stacked than servers ever were.

The Guilds that were in my server (Mag) for years already moved, splitting up the community forcing people to pick sides.  Ever since the whole 'alliancing' started happening in Nov, I play just 1/10th of the hours I used to play wvw. Just one week of beta literally changed the face of my server beyond all recognition. Imagine if alliances fail to achieve its goal. We get stuck with a flawed system on top of the broken community. I don't think the game mode will survive this double whammy. 


Alliances haven't even been fully implemented yet, stop this bias towards this current system, which already fragmented the population and is part of the reason why so many guilds and players quit since it begun, as a temporary fix for the loss in active wvw population.


6 hours ago, Prophet of Flames.2783 said:

This is not true for most European servers. Most tags are run by random guilds or even non-representing people and many more are run under WvW guilds but those people often switch between those guilds or just have that guild but aren't very tied to it in any way. It's people who run tags, for their world/community, not guilds. Guilds run tags more often than not for their guild alone. Wether that's for strategic reasons or elitism, it matters not, it gives you nothing unless you're in that particular guild.


I've actually seen a decent amount of cooperation on the temporary Alliances, during this World Restructuring beta, even our Alliance has invited the other guilds and players who got teamed up with us this week. There's also some tags who just queue, chatmand and/or cloud on EBG all day, which isn't that different to those servers with decent coverage and population left and those with an active link server.

I've been on this server, which has steadily losing population, been a full server and the quality and coordination has declined dramatically, compared to what it used to be like, especially after all the bad relinks we've had during the past two years.

In fact I know my previous Guild at least open tagged, as much as they could on Deso, but we could not conjure up numbers against organized groups, unless we got a Link that actually wanted to cooperate with us, whether it's to find fights or PPT when we needed to. Our last german link had so many Chatmanders on reset night and during the weekend, that it was pointless to even open tag anymore.

That has now burned out commanders on this server, as everything is too out of our control, now we are full and have no link now.

Edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048
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4 minutes ago, CrimsonNeonite.1048 said:


Alliances haven't even b3ej fully implemented yet, stop this bias towards this current system, which already fragmented the population and is part of the reason why so many guilds and players quit since it begun, as a temporary fix for the lost in active wvw population.

I would rather raise alarm now and salvage what is left of the game than wait till Anet invests too much time and effort on this and can't back down. It would be the story of desert borderlands all over again.

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