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Idea - Being able to write our own backstories. In-game journal [Merged]

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On 1/23/2022 at 3:58 PM, kharmin.7683 said:


Been merged, at first I thought you were linking to the same thread. There was a bit of difference in the two. SirRocket was wanting to be able to write a back story for  role play. For example, I'm guessing if it was implemented we'd see a lot of son/daughters of Destiny Edge members. Malak seemed to be more wanting to describe how we play. Though you can share your build in chat for that.

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Not sure it is the best idea, people would write books that would eclipse Tolkien’s work with lord of the rings. Believe it, I made the mistake of playing on a RP server in WoW for the free trial.  My innocent 11 year old eyes have never seen more scum and villainy- oh so much troll role play, still can’t erase it from my memory. 

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On 1/26/2022 at 3:54 AM, AusarViled.7106 said:

Not sure it is the best idea, people would write books that would eclipse Tolkien’s work with lord of the rings. Believe it, I made the mistake of playing on a RP server in WoW for the free trial.  My innocent 11 year old eyes have never seen more scum and villainy- oh so much troll role play, still can’t erase it from my memory. 

Yes, you are right, once in our head then hard to get it out.

In Eve-Online and especially Second Life there are certainly some risque or even downright offensive profile texts that can spoil one's day.


 Just wish for a way to share our build-info and role-play elements so we don't have to keep asking others. I admit to like reading profile texts but that is just me. With players having multiple characters it can be hard to remember who is who, especially in large WvW guilds, so a text profile might help that.


Perhaps some predefined template format might work so that moderation would not be needed. Sounds a lot of work though for the already overworked Devs. Perhaps one day, can but hope.



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What I'd say about being able to write a story is I think it would be more effective, if you want somebody to see your character's back story, to write it and put it on a fan fiction site.

If you could write your back story in game how would somebody see it? Would it be write click on your name and a view story option? I could write  out a back story that I'm proud of then just got to hope somebody reads it then whispers, "Great story." But then with the amount of players I see  and that see me in game every day, I can't see a lot picking me to view my back story. To top that off there are people who wouldn't write a story at all and, well, if I was to write back stories I'd probably write one for my favourite characters. But I'd have a few characters with blank pages. Makes me think that if somebody wanted to read a backstory, clicking on a lot of characters to see lank pages might put them off looking.

Might also get lore elitists. Let's say for example, nobody's Sylvari character, in canon, can be a first born. If you want to pretend your Sylvari is then I have nothing against that. But if you could write a story that others could read you might get elitists saying how in lore that would be impossible.

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