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Need help with my build

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I have been playing the game for a while now but just recently decided I wanted to try and upgrade my gear and build to try out some of the harder content but have found that I can't get higher than 8k damage per second, I have been playing staff weaver which I know is the opposite of meta right now but I just want to see how far I can get with it, rather than taking on the highest content possible since I know thats not a pheasible goal. rn my build is berserkers hood all the way down to the boots excluding the chest piece which is wanderers with 5 scholar runes. My staff rn is diviners. My apparel are all ascended berserkers gear. For trait lines im going fire: 1-3-3 arcane: 3-3-1 and weaver: 1-2-3. I'm using signet of restoration, arcane wave, signet of fire, arcane shield, and glyph of elementals. I understand this build probably sucks since I just kind of threw it together with what felt best, I tried to use metabattle but there aren't any builds for staff besides tempest healer and im adamant on sticking with weaver staff. I understand its silly to be so stubborn on something likes this while also asking for help but I was hoping you guys might have some ideas. Thank you!

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7 hours ago, Lalaboompoo.1289 said:

rn my build is berserkers hood all the way down to the boots excluding the chest piece which is wanderers with 5 scholar runes. My staff rn is diviners. My apparel are all ascended berserkers gear. For trait lines im going fire: 1-3-3 arcane: 3-3-1 and weaver: 1-2-3. I'm using signet of restoration, arcane wave, signet of fire, arcane shield, and glyph of elementals.

In the future, if you want to show your build, you can simply put it into this editor and then create a link at the bottom and post it here on the forums: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/

As for build assistance with non-meta builds, MetaBattle does have several listed among the meta builds: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Elementalist

Other than that, I think people in the Elementalist subforum will be able to assist you as many of them main this profession.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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3 hours ago, Sarius.9285 said:

any reason why you're not using 6 runes? Or why you have the random wanderer and diviner items?

I plan to replace them all with berserker gear im just having difficulty getting them, after that ill put the rune onto the chest piece but im worried about putting too much effort into it when the results are so lackluster compared to the effort.

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I think that the issue is most likely the randomness of of your gear and the efficiency of your rotation. For referrence I would suggest checking the wvw build- https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Weaver_-_Staff_Backline it's probably the closest thing to what you are trying to achieve. You can find a lot of details regarding the usage of the build and I'm sure that there will be something helpful inside.

Once you check the build and make sure that you are doing the right things I would suggest optimizing your gear asap. This is something that I used to neglect but it is actually a huge deal. Here is a very rough example: a fully berserker geared character has about 2300 power. Adding scholar runes to the gear provides additional 175 power, over 200 ferocity and 5% damage. Adding infusions is another 90 power. The best food gives you 100 power and probably another 100 from the correct utility. Sigil of force on your weapon will provide 5% damage. So in the end the optimized berserker gear will have about 2750 power and two 5% damage modifiers. That is a very signifficant increase that will have a huge impact on your damage. The more you min/max the equipment the greater the effect of these small modifiers will be.

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Did you test your DPS with all the usual boons and class buffs, with all the usual conditions on your target and with food+utility?


On snowcrows website if you open benchmarks, there will be a link to the golem configuration that they use for their testing.


The reason I'm asking is because even though your build sounds like no build at all (and others will definitely be able to help you much better with it than me), 8k DPS sounds like my full minstrel HFB, with literally 0 damage stats. DPS builds usually get about 10-20k with just auto attacks.

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