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Mirage Axe/Off-Hand Sword + Staff [JDAM Build] Updated!

Avion Blade.4869

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"What Build is that?" - Thieves.


Build Reveal Date: 2/12/2022.



Update Video Upload 3/3/2022: (The origin of the build was based on fighting thieves, after thousands of deaths, using the build got better and better. Still learning, and growing! And I hope it is entertaining to all interested!)


Edited by Avion Blade.4869
Updated with another video, 35min!
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  • Avion Blade.4869 changed the title to Mirage Axe/Off-Hand Sword + Staff [JDAM Build] Released!
On 2/19/2022 at 8:25 PM, soltrain.5960 said:

Can you link to the build? the video no longer works



Links: Jumper Mirage


JDAM stands for Jaunt, Deception, Alacrity, Mirror

Celestial Beginner Anti-Condi Sustain

Celestial Beginner Anti-Boon Bonus DPS

Celestial Beginner All-Round Initial Quickness

^ CBARIQ is the standard for versatility due to lowest cooldowns available for shatters and dps from compounding and might generation. You lean more on power with the build overall, condi is a supplement.

Build Usage: Begin with Staff and build up Might and then switch to axe sword. With the Illusion Spec summoning sword 5 phantasm will enable you to have quickness to have a fast mirage advance.


With the Domination Spec you really push more at removing boons in addition to softening them up with staff then striking combos against them.


You have blocks, reflects, teleports, use clones as meat shields, against thieves who cloak, stand inside your clones they will hit the clones with pistol or any LOS-based skill.


I am remaking my videos because of improved methods of fighting style and also better editing for texts/transitions etc. 


If you want more DPS and can avoid condi/damage, with the exception of the amulet and backpack, mix up some marauder/assassin/berserker trinkets. I use two marauder on accessories and one assassin and one berserker. Due to no cloak, any more dps armor weapons pushes the build to being limited to a 1v2 hit and runs; but with the above standard you can 1v3 but have to kite. 


You will die a lot at first, but once you figure out the rotation it will be fun. 

Because you have a lot of teleports, the goal is to not be stunned to begin with. 


Combos (Not field combos but using the skills for the build).

Crippling Daze (surprise attack) = Axe 2 + Blink on opponent + f3 

Spider Web Daze Chain = Staff 2 + jaunt on opponent + Illusionary ambush + Chaos storm on opponent + f3  -> switch to axe sword, axe three + axe 2, then power shatter then sword 4 (twice for 2 second daze) then shatter again or cry of frust; mirage advance, run away, mirage retreat, switch back to staff; opponent should be at a distant to reset.

These are done quickly. 


Edited by Avion Blade.4869
Fixed Links due to wrong linking.
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Another vid up from improved use techniques. More coming soon! Thanks to all who asked and put their thoughts in!


Please wait for processing. I'm exciting of showing the progress of the potential of this build! Something new or revisited at least, another style of mirage that may be uncommon or unseen! 

And also, finally, a non-lagging vid! I need to get better comp system. I will soon upload a win/loss compilation with voice over on learning from it. This build is for high-challenge on purpose due to no cloak, no signet, one evade.

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I have been trying to get this to work but they always immediatly cleave the clones or pick the real me. Not able to get any real damage off either. I turned off auto attack to make sure i could match the tempo of the clones attacks too. Although i have only been 2 or 3 v 1. Cant find a legit 1 v 1 anymore these days.


All that being said i do like the build. Really want to make it work but just cant seem to get it there.

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9 hours ago, Matthius.9104 said:

I have been trying to get this to work but they always immediatly cleave the clones or pick the real me. Not able to get any real damage off either. I turned off auto attack to make sure i could match the tempo of the clones attacks too. Although i have only been 2 or 3 v 1. Cant find a legit 1 v 1 anymore these days.


All that being said i do like the build. Really want to make it work but just cant seem to get it there.


If you're coming from normally using cloak in your rotation that might be the issue and/or the Inspiration Specialization version is also another reason you are having damage difficulties. Because normally cloaking would help incase they discover you, but this build is a real hard challenge without cloak!

Advice for now would be:


- Spread out the teleports and use them when you really need them.

- Stay on Staff as long as possible with clones up and don't move after using Illusionary Ambush, let them work hard to find and reach you. You can use regular attack speed during this, place chaos storm on a clone* to bait them. Use Staff 4 if they get near you to buy time with their miss.

- Switch to Axe/Sword when your boons are 15+ Might stacks and then do mini bursts when ther aegis/stablity stacks/protection boon has run out.

- Go with the Illusions Spec options High Mid Mid or Domination Spec Option Mid High High.

- The Inspiration version is actually based on dealing with necromancers/reapers/scourges in a fight, and is the beginner version.

In Theory: Staff to boon yourself up and soften them, and then axe/sword to strike and hit and run them. Sword 4 x 2 for that 2 second daze is useful. Also practice sending dazes to the other opponent in a 1v2 to buy time pressuring the targeted opponent, and then switch vice versa. You can check the second vid on this thread to look at the 1v2 and see how I spread out the ports.

If I didn't post the food and utility here it is:

Corsair Maintenance Oil

Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew


And also you need this on an exotic or any max level 80 trinket *backpack for me*: Polyluminescent Undulating Refractor

^ buy color of your choice.

It is a celestial stat jewel that will also show an icon on your clones to increase the chance opponents will believe they are you.

Low Damage output is sometimes caused by not being on staff long enough to get the might stack before switching to axe/sword. Also, Axe 3 + F3 for the interrupt bonus damage with sigil of severence on axe is a must to get more dps also! It does take practice though. I died a lot too when I began using this, you will see those opportune moments in due time! Good luck!

Avoid open fields as much as possible, and use ledges/los obstacles when you can.


Example of how to escape unwanted scenarios:

There is a lot of value gained from standing still while placing a storm on a clone.


And also, do the spider web on one of them in a 1v2! If you don't know how to it is in the first vid in the OP post here, about 10 minutes in I think, of how to do it.

Edited by Avion Blade.4869
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19 hours ago, Matthius.9104 said:

I have been trying to get this to work but they always immediatly cleave the clones or pick the real me. Not able to get any real damage off either. I turned off auto attack to make sure i could match the tempo of the clones attacks too. Although i have only been 2 or 3 v 1. Cant find a legit 1 v 1 anymore these days.


All that being said i do like the build. Really want to make it work but just cant seem to get it there.


As a second post in response, the whole doctrine of the build follows this idea:

- The teleports allow you to be here and there giving you time for cool-downs to reset while the enemy has to take time to travel to you, or spend a skill to get to you. The combination of confusion and torment puts them in this situation: If they are standing still looking for you, they take double damage. If they use skills to get to you they take damage. In essence, you want to be in control of the fight (unless you fight a thief, which is another story).


- Striking the enemy shouldn't spend all the teleports at once, it is usually a combination of one utility or two, + weapon skills and a couple of the f shatter skills.


Be sure Chaos Low Low Low is always equipped as a specialization option because the first two lows reduce manipulation and staff cooldowns, and the third low is for stability and boons (great for keeping you upright while on axe moving into the enemy).

Next one for the all-round version, is; in addition to Chaos; having Illusions High Mid Mid. This is for being able to set up a second burst later due to the second shatter stack for F1. The second mid for quickness after phantasm summon is really to have mirage advance activate nearly immediately. And then the third mid works well together with the shatter bonuses from Bountiful Disillusionment from Chaos third Low. 


Mirage High High Mid, works together with the previous specs selected. Walking through your diamonds after setting up clones is also another time buyer for your shorter f-cooldowns and manipulation cooldowns, and throw in that staff 1 evade for alacrity and you will see how this build is put together. Combine that with ledges and LOS obstacles with your teleport superiority and you can work wonders!


Domination is usually only used in a 1v1 and against the heavy boon-meta users; and Inspiration is for low-risk good reward face tanking any necro/elite (reap/scourge), but in general Illusion is the All-round version. Scroll up to see the listed build(s) variations and know that Chaos and Mirage remains the same while the situation may call for changing up which of the three versions are needed.

And if you are okay with avoiding big hits from a 1v1 or 1v2, go head and get marauder accessories, get one assassin ring, and one berserker ring; but keep the rest as usual to maintain enough tankiness to buy time for cooldowns. In essence, jumper mirage wins by a battle of attrition, and/or finding gaps in the opponents rotation for that opportune interrupt into a high crit ender to the fight.

Also, never underestimate auto-attacking with axe 1 while they are blinded! 


Use confusion vigor shatter (F2) to have the 50% endurance regen, and evade attack to produce alacrity, this works together with the reduced manipulation cooldown on mirror heal and blink; as well as staff itself having reduced cooldown.

When being pressured by enemy, only use teleports to get out of aoe or avoid a big hit; use them when needed, not to close gaps (with the exception of doing a crippling daze: axe 2 + blink + f3 quickly in that order in a 1v1 for pressure). Basically, you have so many teleports the goal is to not be stunned as often. Don't forget to combine sometimes jaunt with staff 4 + f2 with clones up. Stacks of confusion help too.

Edited by Avion Blade.4869
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Question: This is hard. I try my best but they still beat me easily. What am I doing wrong?

Answer: Read this 10 page essay and get your Bachelors degree in Mesmer and if you practice really hard you may get a 50% win rate against meta classes rolling their faces on the keyboard.

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1 minute ago, Yoci.2481 said:

Question: This is hard. I try my best but they still beat me easily. What am I doing wrong?

Answer: Read this 10 page essay and get your Bachelors degree in Mesmer and if you practice really hard you may get a 50% win rate against meta classes rolling their faces on the keyboard.


yeah its hard to explain on paper how to use it. And "Meta classes rolling their faces on the keyboard" is funny haha. I think they can afford that because their stability stacks last a while.

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Hello again! Here's another video session with bonus clip(s) for a duel with a cool Virtuoso! It is a win/loss video in one gaming recording. It shows weaknesses and strengths, how best to play how to maneuver, etc. And also... lol dealing with lag :(.





I'm treating this thread as a hub for updating on the progress of this build, so far the means of which to use it is getting better and better.

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This is a great example of the strengths and weaknesses of this build vs thieves, and how to fight against them.

You'll notice in narrow or close environments (with obstruction and buildings), our build has the advantage.

But when in open field, they have the advantage.

There are two critical moments where we had low health, had there been no allies to help either of us, it could've gone either way, depending on who takes advantage of the ending strike(s), and who reacts properly to survive the high hitting skill.After hundreds to thousands of deaths, and learning from them, it pays off to apply what you learned to better perform against theives.

The trick to fighting them isn't blowing off your cool-downs in a burst, but letting them damage you a little bit (to get the regeneration bonus to condi and boon duration, and then for condi damage and incoming condi damage bonus from chaos), and then counteirng with confusion, and interrupts with power shatter to work alongside with sigil of severance.

As expected from Diamond, he's wise in his decision to weigh the risks and pull back sometimes. WvW isn't about 1v1s, but knowing when to commit, and when to retreat. There is no shame in that. It's not a 1v1 PvP duel where you should be irritated if someone else intervenes, anything goes, and both the daredevil and I used whatever advantage we can to stay alive.

Fighting against thieves is scary at first, but you have one advantage: While they're cloaked you are not being hit, so technically they are helping you the longer they remain cloak, the closer you are to your cool-downs resetting. But, the question is: which skill do I use/pop next, and when?

You'll notice on average, a common cloak-to-strike time from is about 2-3 seconds. They are invisible for 2-3 seconds before they strike, likewise, I spread out my defenses and stab shatters accordingly, (Bountiful Disillusionment) hence the survival shown here.However, the mistake I made was pushing to far into open field, where there is less obstruction, thus the best choice is to stand inside a clone, which worked you'll notice his hits landed on the clone(s) at times.

When they hide in shadows, you hide in clones, or at least stand still after a target break, it will buy time, but you need to rotate run/walk to decrease the chance of a backstab. A moving back is harder to land than a stationary one. Yet, good thieves that save their evades, and are patient for defenses to expire, will have the upper hand.

Thus, I have chosen Jumper Mirage, full teleport skills (besides portal), vs thieves with cloak teleport. Your ability to relocate the moment they come out of cloak, creates a critical moment (you deny their surprise attack, and you surprise them instead), it makes it a scary situation to the thief. Wait for their evades to finish, so you jump on them and land good hits, but, the thief noticed this, and ported after his evade.

This proves this specific daredevil is skillful and watches animations, which is important in a mobility vs mobility fight. My conclusion from this fight is: in the right environment and with patience, it is indeed possible to win vs thief. Likewise, the same for him.

We have defeated thieves before, but the more experienced ones (like this skilled fellow), are the ones I'd like to encounter more of. With no disrespect to other thieves who are still learning, I am looking forward to fighting the more experienced players so I can also improve. Likewise the thieves I defeated are learning more from me, in the same way I learn more from this thief. 
Now, hopefully I can catch some non-lag vs dead eyes, and core thieves on WvW, i just hope zergs don't intervene for my frames to drop LOL. I am also saving up for a better gaming system, so it will be a while before completely smooth videos.

Build Equipped at the time:


One thing, the backpack piece had a Polyluminescent Undulating Refractor instead of the Charged Quartz. It retains the celestial jewel stats, but adds a visual color changing effect (based on your choice at market), also applying an icon to clones to increase likelihood the opponent will think they're you. Unless they pay attention to movement/player-unique buffs.

When fury, regen, 15+ might stacks from staff/evade/shatter/orbs, and vigor is up, combined with sigil of severance bonus upon interrupt, your stats are just enough to spike damage while retaining just enough sustain with toughness/vitality and heal.

We build up power/condi damage from staff due to self booning, then swap to axe/sword to deliver damage with the stacks of might and other boons we have. Quickly applying dps before the stacks expire.

Due to no cloak, we retain toughness/vitality, and counter-striking with spiking power damage, and confusion. Torment is a supplement. Your teleports and forcing the opponent to be cautious from spiking power damage and confusion stacks, and good toughness/vitality all comes together to help you buy time for cooldowns to reset. We only need one stun break because our teleporting abilities are used to avoid any CC attempt. Spreading shatters also covers against CCs during melee engagements. In short, we get what we need only when we need it, we don't have 20+ second boons, but boons which last just enough to get the job done.

Edited by Avion Blade.4869
Reworded and shortened post to avoid wrong interpretation.
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  • Avion Blade.4869 changed the title to Mirage Axe/Off-Hand Sword + Staff [JDAM Build] Updated!

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