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Warrior GS skills request


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Hi ANet, 

I would like to request a rework on 3 of Warrior’s Great Sword skills.


○ Hundred Blades

This skill puts warrior in a position of weakness.

The damage isn't that great to begin with.


● Request 

Make warrior walk fowards as its using this skill.

Reduce the amount of swings, but add more damage to each one.


○ Whirlwind Attack

I find it unecessary to have a 2 click press to use this skill.

The direction is unecessary. 


● Request 

Remove the 2 click and direction.

Warrior should move in the target's direction with just 1 press.

If no target is selected, then it will aim at the nearest foe.


○ Bladetrail

Not a bad skill, but I have a suggestion.


● Request.

Jump fowards with a stabbing or slashing motion, breaking out of stun, immobilise, or other restricting conditions.

Keep apply cripple. 




Warriors are extremely vunerable when still.

They cannot afford to be in this position.

I find that when fighting Overpowered foes, such as Icebrood/corrupted, White Mantle, Branded, when warrior gets overcrowded, it dies very easily because it has hardly any mobility. 

Especially with great sword.


Warriors need to keep moving, but keep attacking at the same time.


Thanks for your time.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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You could always enable auto targetting and instant cast in your settings.


Auto targrtting is one of the worst thing on games as you lose a lot of control of your character though. Furthermore you would prob be falling into death a lot of times because of it. (Whirl over cliff)


In PvE esprcially open world GS is fine and 100b does good dmg if you cast it all the way, its also very good for getting adrenaline and its one of the best skills with quickness.

If you want more dmg bring axes mire defense bring a shield

Depenging on the build you can also generate about 1k Health per second with Berserker stats as we talk about PVE and that means a whole lot of facetank potential.

If your still worried slap some armor on top. 


You could also get cheap lifesteal food on top of all that.


Its unclear hat yout trying to fo with warrior but rather than waiting for Anet to change sth. you should just look at what you can do right now and improve your experience that way.


Also warrior has decent mobility. GS 5 without auto targetting id great for running away to safety.


Have I mentioned Endure pain and defisnt stance already.... you could aldo do that ofc.


Small rant: Bladetrail ss is is one of the best warrior tools in pvp as it can to up to 5k dmg down range if you land it perfectly with double crit.





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WWA's directional choice is a very important thing to have and is in no way a detriment. If it is for you then turn on auto targeting.

100B needs either it's channel time reduced to 2.5s, for it to become a mobile skill, or for it to gain evade frames. That last one would cause Anet to nerf it's damage in competitive though.

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1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

This skill puts warrior in a position of weakness.

I think, if anything, more skills across all classes SHOULD be more like Hundred Blades. Trade-offs are so-so-SO important for any game that wants to be competitive and have a semblance of balance in the long run.



○ Whirlwind Attack

I find it unecessary to have a 2 click press to use this skill.


You don't have to...?

Edited by NorthernRedStar.3054
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GS2 proposed changes: no. If you want to buff this (and honestly, that would be good): Remove the rooting, or let it grant you quickness for the duration, or reduce the duration. From these probably only the duration reduction would help, but would be very strong when combined with quickness.

For GS3, check the control settings. There should be a setting that lets you press the button only once (cast AoEs without an extra click or something). Being able to run away from someone and GS3 back into them is a vital part of GS mobility.

GS4 proposed changes: no. Its fine to have a ranged attack, best to not replace it with 1 more dysfunctional leap. If you want to buff it, would be nice to have baseline immobilize.

But honestly? Drop any of the changes above if you can fix rush to track the target. That alone would be gold.

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I've looked through all the options for that GS skill 3 to "cast" on a single press, but can't find it.


What section is it under?


By the way, that means that spellcasters such as elementalist will cast automatically too, right?

I'm not sure if I wanna do this...

just for the sake of one skill!?


I guess I'll keep the free aim.

Still, would be nice if this skill activated straight away without having to change settings.

Otherwise would have to do it everytime I play my only warrior.


Honestly, the only reason I haven't deleted this one too is because, I have to have my ten member original GW1 crew.



Dervish was first a Daredevil with scythe skin staff. Now A Reaper.

Ritualist had to be an Elementalist with ele summons instead of spirits.

Paragon and Monk both had to be Guardians... DH and Core.


...and Warrior... well, has to remain warrior, because unfortunately it exists.


So anyways, just trying to get more mobility on warrior that doesn't seem to have a lot.

It is a CQC class, but its skills feel stiff.

Guardians and Revs are so much better.


It reminds me of a post I've read sometime last year.

The O.P. comment.

"Why have warrior when you can have Guardian or Revenant?"

At the time, I thought... how dare you insult warrior?

I had many, but always end up deleting them.

Last one was a Berserker over how useless it felt against a Thief in WvW.

I think you remember that post.


I really really don't want to delete this one.

You gotta have at least one warrior, right?

But I just feel that no matter what gear I stick on ot, and traitlines, along with everything else... never feels up to par with any of the other classes.



Who suggested to try Bladesworn?

Yeah... about that.

I don't have EoD. Ya know?

No money no gamey... something like that.



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2 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I've looked through all the options for that GS skill 3 to "cast" on a single press, but can't find it.

What section is it under?

General options -> Combat/Movement section -> Ground Targeting: -> Fast with Range Indicator

I also suggest:

  • enable "Lock Ground Target at Maximum Skill Range"
  • enable "Allow Skill Retargeting"
  • disable "Autotargeting"
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