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The Entire DE Meta debate SUMMARIZED!

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15 hours ago, blackheartgary.8605 said:

I remember when Triple Trouble launched, that there was this feeling that the world boss event was way too hard to complete. It was an open world event, requiring 3 groups to split off and  simultaneously attempt to take down 3 heads of a Wurm.  Back then, it originally felt unbeatable. 

Overt time,  teams began organizing, strategies were forming, and  attempts were being made to test out these strategies.  a LOT were unsuccessful,  and yeah... people did get a bit salty over it.  if i recall correctly, there was even talk that TT was too hard. Talk that TT didn't appeal very much to the casual player for the level of difficulty it presented. 

and then people learned how to defeat TT.  repeatedly.  and Yes, it still fails  today sometimes. 

The Chak Gerent fell to a similar pattern. Anet Stepped in at one point and nerfed it.  the Gerent didn't have as strong a bite anymore and people began playing it more. 

the same exact thing is happening here with DE. 

TT is done by like a single guild only nowadays. It's basically never done open world.

It's not in a good state either and the only reason no one cares is because nothing is locked behind it. So avoiding it is easy. It is a literal example of what everyone is saying here. That the meta is dead on arrival if it does not change. That it will be there for a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of the community when everyone else will happily never ever do it again. 

If that degree of difficulty is the goal (not challenge, it's not challenging you or me in any meaningful way. It's just high difficulty where you either have to command yourself at the complexity of raids or have just 0 impact on success. It's pure difficulty, no challenge).

If they wanted to appeal to that subsection of the communiy then there is no reason to make it an open world event. Might as well provide tools for organization by making it instanced similar to Dragonstorm or have a map queue like WvW or something along those lines. No one else is completing it anyway in two months time. And right now it only builds frustration. 

Edited by Erise.5614
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5 hours ago, ctorrezan.3498 said:

I don't care about the mount, I just don't want an entire boss fight based in RNG, it's not player/group skill, it's luck, yesterday my group took the boss to 20% with 4min to go, what did RNG do when she reached it? Another spear mechanic, yeah, what happened after it? The 3 platforms mechanics and our time went down the drain. I raided in WoW and FFXIV and I never seen nothing like it.


The phases at 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20% are fully deterministic. Only the attacks in between are random.

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19 hours ago, Walle.6045 said:

After tagging up and organizing 8+ runs and having the meta only fail each time got really frustrated so decided to turn a meta raid into a raid group. 

Ended up forming 50 people 5 per group raid builds so alacrity, quickness, pdps, cdps per group in another map not to have Dragon's End instantly fill up. Each person had to ping their gear and build in chat, and then were assigned a group. This took about a hour and a half

Next the harder part waiting for a fresh instance to get in and get all 50 people in. This actually ended up being a bit easier than expected took about 45 minutes while those who were in were prepping the map areas to High and getting the 10% Buff 

All said and done we cleared the meta with 5 minutes and something seconds left 


until its tuned will not be going back

this should be a "fixed" post.

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6 hours ago, ctorrezan.3498 said:

I don't care about the mount, I just don't want an entire boss fight based in RNG, it's not player/group skill, it's luck, yesterday my group took the boss to 20% with 4min to go, what did RNG do when she reached it? Another spear mechanic, yeah, what happened after it? The 3 platforms mechanics and our time went down the drain. I raided in WoW and FFXIV and I never seen nothing like it.

Thats not rng, thats just a mechanic that always appears after you get her to 20%.

When people complain about rng, it is about her moves during phases in wich you can damage her. Like her swooping from one side of teh arena to the other several times in a row.

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