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My take on the DE Meta and the Turtle Collection

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I want to get this out of the way because people will assume it either way: Yes, I've done the meta; Yes, I have the turtle mount unlocked; Yes, I want the meta to stay at the current level.


Okay, now that the tribal people are out, let me actually start with this:

(disclaimer) I acknowledge that there exists a problem with the meta and the Turtle unlock. However, i would like to not have the meta nerfed so that it becomes a mindless 1-spam like all the other metas because I've grown so bored of them I don't even want to do them anymore unless i want to get anything from it.




Instead of nerfing the metas, I've seen and thought of different Ideas that might resolve some, if not all, of the problems (especially if combined):

  1. Move the turtle unlock from the meta to a simple event (e.g. at the turtle area: the save the turtle event that exists already or the pre-event for the meta)
  2. Increase the amount of rewards from the meta
  3. Add rewards for completing the prep-phase
  4. Add a "Strike-like" system


Onto explaining every Idea:


1. Move the turtle unlock from the meta to a simple event

Pretty straight forward, to me at least. Participating in an event to unlock the turtle, especially if it's one of the events at the turtle hatchery matching thematically, would fit quite well and would be rather easy for solo-players as well. This would of course anger people who did the meta to get the turtle so to "compensate" (for a lack of better word) people who have the turtle already, maybe hand them stuff like a free exclusive turtle skin/another precursor/another exclusive thing only possible to get by having the turtle unlocked already.


2. Increase the amount of rewards from the meta

One of the main problems I see with the meta is the amount of rewards being relatively low. Maybe adding a (new) infusion (jade-themed?) and more chests to loot would feel great, making it worth to do 1.5-2h of playing (something around 30-40g/h considering drizzlewood is around 31g/h according to this [although it shows DE as 66g/h its a) without pugs and b) needs the player to do extra steps, meaning the average player wont be getting that much]). Also adding rewards in the case of failure like Tarir would feel great so that failing at least grants something


3. Add rewards for completing the prep-phase

This would be similar to drizzlewood. having, e.g., some reward chests spawn before doing the 4 small dragonvoid events that are spread apart or right before the crystal phase. Again, having bonus rewards would make people more likely to participate in the meta as it grants a feeling of success.


4. Add a "Strike-like" system

Okay, this will have to be explained a bit more, I feel.

For everyone who doesnt do Strikes: There is a system in place such that you get more rewards the faster you complete a strike. You get gold rewards after x minutes, silver after x+y minutes and bronze after x+y+z minutes.

This would translate into keeping the meta as-is (maybe adding extra rewards for doing it in the current time frame), but failing to do it in 20 minutes adds another x minutes (lets say 5) at the cost of some rewards and another y minutes if still not completed (to continue the example: to a maximum of 30 minutes) losing more rewards (but not all, of course).



Finishing thoughts

These are just some Ideas that I had/have heard of from other people. They are mostly thought of as being compromises as to appease the people complaining about not getting the turtle while retaining the "difficulty" that some people (like me) want this meta to have (although, if I'm being honest: its not that hard, like most of the content in the game; the main difficulty comes from 50 people having to do something).

Maybe adding all of these Ideas together might be the best thing - maybe it isn't.

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Just now, Raknar.4735 said:

Anet really needs to create a merged megathread for all these „unique“ ideas from 1 post alt accounts spamming the forums. It‘s getting ridiculous.

Interesting, 99% of the posts I saw were just people complaining about the meta or telling other people to "git gud".

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Problem is not how hard it is.  It is map's hold limitations of player.  If they host a mega server that allow all player to be in one instance at a time.  I wouldn't complain at all.


For now.  Unlesss you have done pve legenary, or incredible lucky to join a full instance. This meta is almost impossible to complete.

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