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Ranger pets need improvements to functionality and controls [Merged]


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How your able to command your pet has been severely lacking since launch and the mechanics of pet's haven't been brought up to speed since HoT, and It's been crippling ranger options for way too long. I've split the post into 2 Categories one for actually controlling our pets, and the other for pet balance


Pet Controls: We don't have adequete controls for handling pets

  • First Untamed pet controls should be baseline for rangers with an option to swap to the AI controlled skills for both:
  • it's ridiculous to have it be divided by what specializations your running,  rather than being able to choose whichever the player prefers
    • We're lacking any options to adjust the position of our pets in combat
    • Right now the best you can do is mash follow me until YOU'RE in line for your pet to avoid running straight through an aoe
    • We need an option to tell our pets to go to a specific location, many other mmo's already have this function and I don't see why gw2 has avoided adding it.
    • We need at least need a third pet mode (Guard/Avoid Combat) for stopping pets from chasing targets that are far away (i.e. Your pet won't try to attack targets that would make it move further than 300 units away from it's ranger) Because right now it's  too much of a  constant nuisance to refocus your pet off of players, and mobs that were grazed by your aoe and are miles away to the one your currently attacking

Pet FunctionalityA significant portion of core ranger's (and by extension Untamed's) damage comes from pets. and pet's don't scale well into group content.

  • Pet auto-attacks need to have damage scaling for quickness if the AI can't update it's skill activation for it to work. Because right now quickness is only partially affective for pets.
  • Getting boons on your pet is a pain in the kitten especially for PvE and WvW where most of your boons are coming from supports(as far as I'm aware your pet counts as part of the target cap for friendly aoes and will be excluded from them in favor of other players, like how they work with npcs), and your not going to be running nature's magic for that single minor trait to get boon share for pets or cast heal as one for only 2 seconds of boons (especially if your trying to dps in group content). Just have the pet not be considered on target limits for friendly aoes.
  • In addition some traits unnecessarily exclude your pet (there is no reason vow of the untamed and restorative strikes shouldn't affect your pet).
  • Pet's need damage reduction and condition duration from player aoes in WvW they just run in and get annihilated (this is also made worse by the lack of controls and friendly target limits)
  • Ranged pets should be able to shoot and move, and melee pets should cleave on auto-attacks

Ranger needs changes done to pet's soon or it's just going to keep being Soulbeast the class.




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1 hour ago, AlCapwnd.7834 said:

Rangers need nothing. Especially in WvW. Unless you want to give them a boon support roll. I could be on board with that.


You a necro main by chance? 😂


Anyway, it would also help if our pet didn't pause for 3 seconds on swap figuring out what to do.   Hadn't noticed it much recently until trying out the EoD pets; I mean they are bad already but watching them sit there as you mash 'attack my target' is infuriating.  

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23 hours ago, AlCapwnd.7834 said:

Rangers need nothing. Especially in WvW. Unless you want to give them a boon support roll. I could be on board with that.

Core pets need to be reworked, soulbeast needs to just be in merged mode all the time with no access to actually using the pet so that core and untamed can have really good pets for their kits and Soulbeast wont get an indirect buff. But lets be honest here most of the pets are trash which means your options are smokescale, bird/ pick your PoF poison. 

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This kind of thread come back every so often...

- We need to be able to set the pets skills on different mode (just like we could set the GW heroes skills): Auto/Forbidden/Manual.

- Untamed pet skills shouldn't replace the core ranger pet keys. They should have their own keys on top of the common pet keys. (Same goes for mechanist).

- Pretty please, give the pets the revised skills that Soulbeast inherit when in beastmode. I can understand that the poor animations that plague the pets need more cast time but why the hell are the CD higher and effectiveness lower compared to SlB?

- Some vanilla pet's F2 badly need to be improved be it in cast time, CD and even effectiveness, most of those vanilla F2 are plain awfull. (What do you want to do with the 35s CD F2 of the murello that still think poison work like in the vanilla game? What's the point of the 45s CD weak F2 of the polar bear? When was the last time you've seen someone use a dog for the 45s CD terrifying howl? The F2 that grant boons have impressively long cast time in general for ridiculously low boon uptime... etc.)

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  • 6 months later...

What do you want changed? Buffing their stats? Reworked beastmaster traits? Doing what WoW did and giving them a 90% reduction to AoE damage so pets don't instantly die in WvW? Reworked AI?


I do think we should get a new F button, one that allows us to point and click and tell our pet where to go and stay there until they either die or are recalled.

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35 minutes ago, Valfar.3761 said:

What do you want changed? Buffing their stats? Reworked beastmaster traits? Doing what WoW did and giving them a 90% reduction to AoE damage so pets don't instantly die in WvW? Reworked AI?



35 minutes ago, Valfar.3761 said:

I do think we should get a new F button, one that allows us to point and click and tell our pet where to go and stay there until they either die or are recalled.

That should be handled by the shouts. I mean commands, like the shout Guard! used to work. But for your info the leash, the range the pet can go was nerfed some time ago from 5000 to 1200. I think at the same time they "reworked" the shouts .

Which means even if you command you pet to stay it will return once you are out of the radius. 

Edited by anduriell.6280
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3 hours ago, Valfar.3761 said:

What do you want changed? Buffing their stats? Reworked beastmaster traits? Doing what WoW did and giving them a 90% reduction to AoE damage so pets don't instantly die in WvW? Reworked AI?


I do think we should get a new F button, one that allows us to point and click and tell our pet where to go and stay there until they either die or are recalled.

You said it all haha i didn't even have to..... haha 

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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to Ranger pets need improvements to functionality and controls [Merged]

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