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Most underused weapons/skills/traits for necro


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For MH dagger, I'd like to see:


- AA is now ranged (600) and applies bleed in a small AOE

- AA has added defensive bonuses when used within a certain smaller range


AA changes would make it more usable, at least. Not sure what to do about 2 and 3 skills - as @Shroud.2307 puts, it's like they were designed for a different class. I guess #2 could be changed to AoE and grant barrier instead of health, and #3 turned into a flip skill that changes to some power damage/condi if you land the immob.

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Personally i would like to see the following get looked at.


1. Staff autos and #2. 

Staff is good weapon in pvp/wvw but the autos and #2 are only for spam, sure you use for lf and regen but lets be honest. The gameplay is very clunky, outdated and most importantly not fun. I think they can be implemented in a way that is more fun and fluid while providing the same utility as now.


2.  Focus#4 The same reasons as above but not to that degree.


3. Warhorn is a disaster atm. It has a strong unblockable daze(kinda clunky tho) but a useless #5 skill. I think this needs a major rework and they need to rethink what warhorn needs to provide to necromancer again. Just compare necro wh#5 to ranger wh#5 and you will see what a joke of a skill it is. Even tho i dont like comparing skills from different classes but this just shows the kind of utility a weapon#5 skill needs to provide.


4. Following warhorn skills would be blood magic and wh trait. Honestly if they rework wh into something else this trait slot can be used to empower the new skills and provide new kind of gameplay. Also Blood bank is just weird.


5. Dagger mh is kinda weird in a way that it has kinda ok skills on paper but actually getting them off is very difficult as the skills have literally no qol and very situational. This needs rework but not the same as wh. I think what dagger is supposed to provide is well figured out, just the way of aquiring those benefits are kinda weird so they need to change that.


6. Scourge's, Serpent Siphon is unusable in this game and dessicate is useless for the most part, also boring.

Reaper's shouts need to be looked  at and the shout trait augury of death needs to remove lifesteal and add some other kind of sustain that makes this trait have an appeal for an effect outside of just shout cd reduction for spamming.


7. Necro has very very few combo finishers and it does cause problems in some niche scenarios it would be nice if they address it sometime. If it was upto me i would add blast finisher to reaper shroud#3 second tap 'Terrify' as it literally reads "Detonate your armor...." and probably the same for Harbinger Shroud #4 and Dagger#5 just on the basis of their animation.


Not really serious but one of my personal, for fun wishes for a long time is for reaper gs#3 to be a dash 600 range so it can be usable in pvp game modes and also is just cool.

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On 3/27/2022 at 4:50 PM, Kozumi.5816 said:

It's good in pvp/wvw.

Only for its effects when traited and in scenarios where multiple enemies are being fought.  It's otherwise pretty terrible and overshadowed by OH dagger in utility into most matchups (depending on the skill of the user and their understanding of how to buffer projectiles and animation cancel).

A weapon's usability should not hinge on whether or not it's traited because frankly, I'd put it up there with Scepter in terms of how weak it is when not traited.

Similarly, Lingering Curse and Scepter need overhauls, too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/24/2022 at 10:21 AM, Nimon.7840 said:

With the most recent Studio update arenanet released some very exciting news.


"...we’ll be making professions and elite specialization updates a higher priority..."

"... In addition to the number tweaks that you’re used to seeing, the team will be revisiting some underpowered and underused weapon skills, traits, or utilities for each profession in each profession update..."


What traits/weapons/skills do you think need an update/ rework (and why)?


I'll start here with an example:

Dagger mainhand: rework

it's not really used in any kind of Necro build. It's a utility weapon but in pvp modes the Autoattack isn't usable (low range with no real payoff. Its way too self punishing to go I to melee with dagger) and in PvE the lifeforce Generation of the Autoattack is the only useful utility.

warhorn 5: rework

If you use wh 5 you solely use it for the swiftness. The life Siphon and lifeforce Generation do not impact the gameplay at all.

Sadistic searing - rework

Make it more appealing to take on DPS builds over desert empowerment. 

dagger offhand 5: update

Speed up the animation

Harbinger shroud: update

Update so allies as well as enemies see the harbingers health bar while harbinger is in shroud.

All shroud versions: update

Remove the green border on the screen. It overrides the yellow border from boss mechanics


That's not all the changes I want to see, but my top 6.

what do you think?


I am not quite sure you have right idea how some items and feats are supposed to be used.



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8 hours ago, jalmari.3906 said:


I am not quite sure you have right idea how some items and feats are supposed to be used.




Then enlighten me.

I only used to have 18 different Necro builds when arc had it's templates.

(I think there were about 6-8 PvE and 10-12 wvw builds, all with different traits, weapons and stats)

And across all my 4 - or is it 5 already?- necros, I have around 80 to 90% of my whole game time - playing around two hours a day (sometimes much more) over the past 6 years.


And I played PvE in a competitive setting as well as wvw.


Yes I don't know what anets idea is on all those skills and traits, but I think I have a pretty decent idea, what is good and used nowadays, and what falls short

But if you know better, pls enlighten us all


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