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Requests for Ranger


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On 3/26/2022 at 2:02 PM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I never see anyone use it, but I can go along with fine, just for argument sake.

You never see anyone use GS? It's staple in EVERY power build in pvp and wvw.  The bear animation is a tell for one of the chonkiest hits you can do in the game when set up correctly.


On 3/26/2022 at 2:02 PM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Again, be sincere. 

It is unusable around high drops.

Just go try fight with sword in the majority of fractals or places like verdant brink... and let's not forget the airships on personal story just before Zhaitan.


C'mon. I'm all in for a good discussion, but alteast be honest.

I am sincere, and I frequently use sword across all three game modes. It's clunky, it could be better, but it's useable and still has it perks.

If you keep falling on edges.. Well, that's your problem. I don't struggle with it.

On 3/26/2022 at 2:02 PM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Is boomerang single target?

Have you ever played any games where boomerang is only single target?

The ones I played hits all targets from the moment is thrown to the moment it returns.

Pistols and rifles are, that's part of why they would be pointless additions. THEN you brought up the boomerang (because we "apperently aren't getting rifles" - I just told you why that is). I don't want a boomerang. The context of a boomerang is about as lame as it gets in the context of this game and all the possibilites you have. That's why it makes me shiver. And then there is the fact that axe 4 already has a boomerang vibe to it.

On 3/26/2022 at 2:02 PM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Not going to contradict you on this... see, if you feel like is what ranger needs, I'd like you to elaborate more on that.

I have done so countless time on these forums, to the point where I am tired of repeating it. I gave you the short version of the most important fixes they could do to this class. All of which can be done in several ways. Those are issues that actually matter for build variety across all three game modes, whereas your personal problems with stuff like GS are not.

Just for the sake of it, here are some simple Nature Magic changes that would improve ranger support:
- Evasive Purity now cleanses conditions off of nearby allies as well. Adds support to the support traitline instead of selfish gains.
- Windborne Notes now also heals allies you apply regen to instead of just yourself. Same reason as above.
- The revive trait now procs a lesser Healing Spring and makes this skill add some revive percentages, similarly to the necromancer trait in blood magic. 
- Invigorating Bond is awful. I don't even know what to do about this trait. Having it tied to the pet mechanic is awful enough as is, having it scale of the pet's healing power which barely is a thing is also terrible. The radius is small for what it does, cooldown is also too long for what it does, especially because it is stuck at a 2k heal anyway. The only time this trait is anywhere near decent is on soulbeast with a merged support pet. That's too niche and frankly pointless. This should be good alternative to a spiritless druid instead of always defaulting to Protective Ward.
- Speaking of spirits.. These are getting reworked anyways, so the trait depends on that change. But the current situation of spirits and its trait basically being a pve endgame thing and useless everywhere else isn't great.

However -and this following paragraph is nowhere near plausible - if I could retcon this entire class, I'd make the core mechanic an elite spec (like the mechanist) to please the people that like having subpar AI pets following them at all time. Core ranger would have a different, more straightforward mechanic that would be altered by druid and untamed (which again would make these two elite spec better at what they are trying to do, especially in wvw). Soulbeast would need something else, but it could still retain the bruiser-esque damage focus it has with stances and such.

Edited by Lazze.9870
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2 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:

You never see anyone use GS?

No. I just said that.

Want me to re-confirm? 

No, I never seen anyone using ranger GS to this point while in combat.

I tried it myself several times though, and would use it if it wasn't for the animation. 

2 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:


It's staple in EVERY power build in pvp and wvw.  The bear animation is a tell for one of the chonkiest hits you can do in the game when set up correctly.

Again, subjective.


It's one of them moves that is only useful in pve crowds. You go try it against any living player and see who stays there and take it without dodging, blocking or counter that move.

...and for the thousandth time; my request is about the animation, nothing to do with skill itself, even though I also mentioned that the name Maul and animation belongs in a hammer not a great sword.

2 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:


I am sincere, and I frequently use sword across all three game modes.

I doubt that... but if you do, I wonder who human player you actually hit with that maul attack.

2 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:


It's clunky, it could be better

Now we're getting there.

2 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:


, but it's useable and still has it perks.

Sure. I actually said that I like ranger GS and also said that I want to use it... several times.

2 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:


If you keep falling on edges.. Well, that's your problem.

That's a lot of people's problem. 

The issue is the sword skills that needs refining, not the players that use it.

2 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:


I don't struggle with it.


I see you never used it in those places I've mentioned... unless of course you can bend the game at your will and do as you please.

2 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:

Pistols and rifles are, that's part of why they would be pointless additions. THEN you brought up the boomerang (because we "apperently aren't getting rifles" - I just told you why that is).

Pointless additions, because you now decide on behalf of ANet.

2 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:

 I don't want a boomerang.

There you go.

That's honesty. 

You don't want a boomerang... and this is what it's all about.

2 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:


The context of a boomerang is about as lame as it gets in the context of this game and all the possibilites you have.

Yeah, so it's ranger and ele using a hammer.

So it was mesmer being cloneless and usung a dagger.

So it was thief using a scepter, so on so forth. 

2 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:


That's why it makes me shiver. And then there is the fact that axe 4 already has a boomerang vibe to it.

An axe it's axe, not a boomerang. 

It's like saying that scepter has a sword vibe to it.

2 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:

I have done so countless time on these forums, to the point where I am tired of repeating it.

Fine, then don't feller.

Your posts are boring me to tears now anyways.

You brought nothing but contradiction and negativity.

It seems like you don't want to improve ranger in any way, shape or form.

You seem the kind that never gives anything fresh, as you proved it in your replies, but then just complain everytime ANet nerfs ranger again.

2 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:



I gave you the short version of the most important fixes they could do to this class.

That essay wasn't exactly short.

Important Fixes in your oppinion. 

Shall I go through your posts too and contradict you there too?

Nah, I won't do that,  because It's not of my business. 

You posted a request to ANet and that's for them to decide.

Why should I try divert their attention to my posts by contradicting yours?

We're on the same side. All of us.

We want improvements, but it's ANet that decides.


All in all, Ranger is one of the most nerfed classes of all.

I play all classes and enjoy playing all of them almost equaly... except warrior.


But I feel that while playing ranger, is not right up there with Necro, which is a good all rounder, and other top classes.

Thieves have their purposes. Master stealth assassins.

Guardians, Revs, etc...


While playing ranger, you have... Very few AoE's.

Pets are almost useless for the most part, especially in WvW.

Druids are told to go away most of the time.


So here's the thing, why use ranger sword anything when you have reaper, guardian, rev, etc...

Why use druid when you have firebrand and tempest? 

Why use soulbeast when you have thief?


Rangers are the bottom feeder version of warrior, but ranged'ish.

If you can call ranged class when they have more melee weapons than ranged.


See, even if you haven't figured out by now, there are good reasons behind all my requests.

They aren't just in vain.


But as I said, we're all on tbe same boat, whether you're a player or dev.

Just wish some of the lower end classes got some much needed TLC.



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6 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Again, subjective.

No, it's not subjective that any meta or near-meta power ranger build in pvp and wvw use greatsword, it's a fact. Any power build not running GS/LB automatically puts itself into the tiers below, and it has been like that ever since they nerfed the staff/GS beastmaster druid build that was around at the launch of HoT. And that build was still using GS, what gives...

Valkery core ranger also uses GS. Decap druid used GS. The untamed builds people are testing out are often using GS.

The subjective part is that you can run a power build without GS and still succeed. Doesn't change the fact that the weapon is a meta choice.

6 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Fine, then don't feller.

Your posts are boring me to tears now anyways.

You brought nothing but contradiction and negativity.

It seems like you don't want to improve ranger in any way, shape or form.

You seem the kind that never gives anything fresh, as you proved it in your replies, but then just complain everytime ANet nerfs ranger again.

I listed improvements and why they would be meaningful. You're complaining about GS animations  and not to fall off ledges while using a sword.

6 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

So here's the thing, why use ranger sword anything when you have reaper, guardian, rev, etc...

Why use druid when you have firebrand and tempest? 

I don't see you suggesting meaningful changes to core ranger and druid to rectify the fact that druid is underperforming outside of PvE. You're calling me out for being a complainer, but you're the one making a thread with meaningless suggestions that wouldn't solve anything. You're the one contradicting yourself.

6 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

If you can call ranged class when they have more melee weapons than ranged.

There is no such thing as a "ranged class" in GW2, and the word ranger doesn't equal ranged combat.

Edited by Lazze.9870
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38 minutes ago, Lazze.9870 said:

No, it's not subjective that any meta or near-meta power ranger build in pvp and wvw use greatsword, it's a fact.

I listed improvements and why they would be meaningful. You're too kitten of player to utilize a telegraphed burst skill and not to fall off ledges while using a sword.

I don't see you suggesting meaningful changes to core ranger and druid to rectify the fact that druid is underperforming outside of PvE. You're calling me out for being a complainer, but you're the one making a thread with kitten suggestion that wouldn't solve druid's problem. You're the one contradicting yourself.

There is no such thing as a "ranged class" in GW2, and the word ranger doesn't equal ranged combat.

Ok. The short version of it, is: 

If you have suggestions to give ANet about ranger or otherwise, then do it in your own post. Don't hijack mine.

I never invited you on board this ship.

If you don't like my requests, then don't bother replying to them. Simple as...

This is not the first time you do this.

In fact I asked you kindly several times already not to reply to my posts.

But you seem to have an obssession with me, and so keep doing it.


I'm not here to argue.

I'm here to try reach the developers and give them my ideas.


To finalise, my requests aren't for you, they are in fact for the developers.

They choose if to take it into consideration and whether they bring it into the game or not.

To keep this friendly and respectful, I ask you again, since you only reply to what's convenient to you and dodge my other points.

Shall I stalk you and belittle your posts too?

Now, since you are not part of the dev team, it doesn't matter what you think. Besides, we've established already that you don't like my ideas; so point taken.


You don't want the boomerang, you don't like the idea of making the bear visual optional, you don't want improvements in the swords, and you don't want pet swap on soulbeast... am I forgetting anything?

It doesn't matter, because you don't want it anyways.

I get it... we get it. You made it clear.

You don't like or want any of my ideas.

So now, create your own post, so you can suggest what you well please.


I'd appreciate if you once and for all, stop stalking me.

You're the kind of person I really don't want to waste my time on, let alone have a debate with.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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25 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

If you have suggestions to give ANet about ranger or otherwise, then do it in your own post. Don't hijack mine.

I mever invited you on board this ship.

If you don't like my requests, then don't bother replying to them. Simple as...

This is not the first time you do this.

In fact I asked you kindly several times already not to reply to my posts.

But you seem to have an obssession with me, and so keep doing it.

Seems like you missed the memo about what the point of a forum is. The thing is, if everyone that disagreed with your priorites on how to improve ranger ignored this thread it would have been off the first page in a matter of days.

25 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Shall I stalk you and belittle your posts too?

Yeah, stalking is way more likely than the notification bell at the top of the forum page reminding me that I entered a conversation with the holier than thou.

If you don't like it, don't reply. Simple as.

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2 minutes ago, Lazze.9870 said:

Seems like you missed the memo about what the point of a forum is. The thing is, if everyone that disagreed with your priorites on how to improve ranger ignored this thread it would have been off the first page in a matter of days.

Yeah, that's way more likely than the notification bell at the top of the forum page reminding me that I entered a conversation with the holier than thou.

If you don't like it, don't reply. Simple as.

Please don't turn my request post into a personal argument.

Can we get back on topic?


Which is ranger.



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9 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Ok. The short version of it, is: 

If you have suggestions to give ANet about ranger or otherwise, then do it in your own post. Don't hijack mine.

I never invited you on board this ship.

If you don't like my requests, then don't bother replying to them. Simple as...


It's actually very important that people who disagree with your suggestions chime in on threads where you propose them. If they didn't Anet wouldn't see that there's contention amongst the ranger community in what you're requesting and might just take your word for it.


I myself would be immensely saddened if the awesome bear animation was removed from the greatsword. It'd utterly ruin the fun of the weapon for me.


Forums are not an echo chamber. Or at least they shouldn't be.

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3 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

"No ranger uses greatsword. If you disagree, don't reply. Anyway, here are my ideas on how to fix ranger."

This has been an entertaining read. Thank you.

That's very vague.

It is obvious that you didn't read the entire post and replies, or don't care to, as you only addressed one thing only, which makes it apparent why you replied.

I did ask to keep on topic, but you seem to wanna stray from it and highlight this, which isn't true at all.


A good discussion goes from.

"I don't agree, because..."

Followed by reasons, and how you would improve the issues on topic.

Not hijack a post, and divert attention to something totally different such as traitlines.


My post isn't about traitlines, it's about a few minor changes, which the majority are optional and therefore would not have any effect on anybody else's play.


Lastly, I don't go on anybody else's posts just to contradict every single idea they gave ANet, just because... no apparent reason, other than to try say "Look ANet, their ideas are rubbish. Look at mine instead"


It is a public forum yes.

But it clearly states on the rules to not hijack posts.

If you don't like it, say it once then move on.

If you have an idea of your own, do it in your own post.

It is a request post, not a question asking other's oppinions, as if ANet sees something they like, they will do it regardless. 

Which was the case of Fishing, Virtuoso, Gunsabre, etc etc.

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4 hours ago, Ehecatl.9172 said:


It's actually very important that people who disagree with your suggestions chime in on threads where you propose them.

It is a request post.

Not a oppinion asking.

ANet is not known for caring about oppinions as they do as they please.

They will however read requests.

That's why there are QoL and Gemstore dedicated request threads.



If they didn't Anet wouldn't see that there's contention amongst the ranger community in what you're requesting and might just take your word for it.

Why is it somehow I can smell the sourness on the way you express your oppinion on this!?


I myself would be immensely saddened if the awesome bear animation was removed from the greatsword. It'd utterly ruin the fun of the weapon for me.

Which part of optional have you not understood so far?

Optional, meaning if you wanna keep it, you can.

For those who don't want to see it can tick a box to hide extra visual effects.

Its been asked a lot in QoL.

Especially for mounts, backpacks and infusions, not just weapons.


One of the reasons is that I cannot afford for a fast computer, and it lags a lot when those extra effects appear on screen.

An option to reduce the visual clutter would help those who have low end computers make the game run much smoother.


Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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