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Why is it Devs create selfish DPS who cannot apply self boons?


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23 hours ago, ZDragon.3046 said:

Nope... you just adjust your build a bit and you can have quickness outside too you just don't know the build and wouldn't have tried it. You cant play the raid rotation in full and you will lose damage for taking the build but it saves you the effort of having to take diviner gear. Like i said i can share the build with you if you want its really not complicated to figure out. Though i wouldn't use it for anything other than solo open world play.

You could just have answered: Dread.

Also, theoretically, with 60% boon duration you could sustain self quickness on ranger throught strider's defense. You could eventually reduce the need for some amount of boon duration by adding Zephir's speed and quickening zephir. Even soul beast could add it's tiny bit by slotting the trait live fast. Not sure whether it would be worth anything thought.

Edited by Dadnir.5038
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On 3/31/2022 at 6:16 PM, ZDragon.3046 said:

The topic started about why selfish dps can give themselves certain boons and i dont think the target boon was ever quickness it was just certain boons that would help in general. As at one point the idea of virtuoso and fury came up....

Topic; not thread. 

We got on to this "who can self-provide quickness" *topic* when I commented the following:

On 3/28/2022 at 9:58 AM, The Boz.2038 said:

A lot of ANet's design really doesn't work in the "solo DPS" department, they seem to be bumbling about a lot in there.

Vindicator is the first class in a decade that can provide quickness for itself, and only itself, without investing *deeply* into diviner's. Kinda hilarious, isn't it?

So, we're talking about exclusively self-providing quickness, not a party buff role.

Later on, I clarified that ranger came kinda close, as well as reaper and mech, but all three needed investment in diviner's. 

Yes, Strider's Defense helps with a fully cooperating enemy, and gets even easier with a Soulbeast + dagger MH + QZ + rage sigil. You can avoid heavy diviner's investment with all of those, but daaaamn, is it scuuuffed.

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6 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Wait, Dread?
Dread is the answer we're going with?
Wow. Pitiful.

its additional quickness + fury on fear application which you have no reason not to use in open world content. 

Yes you trade it for close to death 20% damage on foes under 50% hp but any foe who lives long enough to actually get any value out of that trait usually is a foe where you will have a zerg of players around you and you will likely have boons covered anyways. 


Other foes that die in 10 -20 seconds heck even if they are under 50% hp for 30s its not that much value it takes a while for the value of close to death to start to show and the faster the target dies the less value you get out of it. Dread is a very good options for open world reaper with its rework. 

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