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Elite Spec Weapon Collections : Great, Until the Final Part

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The final part being that you have to replay the /Entire/ EOD storyline for 1/14th of the Elite spec weapon. 

Something that, At least to me, and a good number of people in various map chats, Feels like a Punishment for having multiple classes. 

Story Completion for Legendary crafting materials, Or even a legendary itself, using The " return to [x] " Achievements as a baseline, are REALLY Good 

But story completion for Fractions of Collections that result in an Elite Spec skin can completely ruin one's enjoyment of the story and Feel. Especially when it's 8 Times you have to re-complete it to Get every part. 

Is that Anet's vision for it ? To have players absolutely hate the story because it became a Massive time-sink with minimal rewards? 

I feel like there are far Better, More time accessible, Less Story-averse and Alt-Punishing Methods to have that final collection Peice. 

More specifically I feel like We NEED that one collection peice to change. Many people just don't think it's remotely worth the effort, Which , Considering how Accessible the other two Expansion Elite spec collections were, Is a very bad deviation from an established pattern. 

The Elite spec weapon skins are supposed to be rewards for Completing Content and engaging with the World, Rewards that don't Take away from the players ability to play the game to the degree of Many HOURS spent turning your brain off to slog through Multiple story completions. 

EOD's Weapon Collections Fall Drastically short of the ' Worth While ' bar, which for something that's supposed to be a reward, a fun bit of lore and Exploration on the new spec, is a horrible thing. 

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I agree.

It is very hard to love a story that you've had to play through 9 times. Hell, I haven't even watched my favorite movies 9 times and they're short and excellent. Does Anet really want me to end up hating it ?

Also, on a MMORPG perspective, why incentivize players to repeat the story, which is solo instanced-content ? Logically, I think incentivizing the repetition of group-content, either instanced or open-world metas, would be a better way to make this game feel alive ? The choice to add this requirement for the specialization collections is disheartening and doesn't make any sense to me.

Edited by Joraan Adenard.2061
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52 minutes ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

There already is a 5-page discussion on this topic: 


I'm aware of it now, But I wanted to be able to Better Get my words out there Without it being muddied 

Plus, Older threads have a habit of attracting the " Don't like it, don't do it " Crowds, which is just.. Not the point I want to make. 

I DO Like the content, I want to KEEP liking the content, So naturally we want to improve on the content's design 

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