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Please increase sources of Elemental Empowerment, even benchmarks struggle to keep up 10 stacks.


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I would not mind seeing more combo base effects for catalyst maybe empowerment every time you combo (keep the 10 sec cd on aura only). I still want catalyst to be the combo ele sadly it dose not seem to be working out like that.

Better yet if that is too op why not make augment if you use them in the right F5 give you some empowerment. A kind of self only combo that you cant just spam to cap out.

Edited by Jski.6180
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On 12/8/2022 at 6:18 PM, Batalix.2873 said:


Why is this getting downvoted and laughed at? It's a legit observation that EE is an interesting way to use buffs to create burst windows. This community has been so spoiled by reachable crit cap and permaboons, I swear. 😛


One has nothing to do with the other.

The problem of EE is that it makes the game more perfect-choreography and encounter-ping-dependant than it already is. 

I mean, where is the problem of providing a fixed buff when in combat, and reworking the other traits for different purposes instead? 

Why do we have to make everything over-complicated for Elementalist, instead of keeping things a little simpler?

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On 1/7/2023 at 10:12 AM, DaKillaOfHell.5907 said:


One has nothing to do with the other.

The problem of EE is that it makes the game more perfect-choreography and encounter-ping-dependant than it already is. 

I mean, where is the problem of providing a fixed buff when in combat, and reworking the other traits for different purposes instead? 

Why do we have to make everything over-complicated for Elementalist, instead of keeping things a little simpler?


Because the system is already reaching its limits of creativity anyway, the only way to make classes feel different is to maintain different "triggers" for the same few boons, and that in a game where every class is now DPS those minor differences are the only thing preventing the classes from all converging on identical playstyles.

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The reason elemental empowerment is so difficult to maintain is because new applications don't override the older ones. 

For example: Suppose you have 10 stacks of elemental empowerment which are all about to expire. You cannot gain new stacks until the old ones expire.


This means it is literally impossible to maintain 100% 10-stack uptime, because you cannot refresh any stacks, you must wait for at least one to expire.


The same problem occurs with necromancer carapace stacks. You new applications of carapace cannot replace stacks which are about to expire.

Edited by Barnesy.5839
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1 hour ago, Batalix.2873 said:


Because the system is already reaching its limits of creativity anyway, the only way to make classes feel different is to maintain different "triggers" for the same few boons, and that in a game where every class is now DPS those minor differences are the only thing preventing the classes from all converging on identical playstyles.


That is not the point.


But instead, we already have four buffs for only the weapon skills, plus persisting flames, plus EE. And the order of how to apply the buffs, when to use grand finale etc. is also heavily affecting the overall dps output. The same goes for rotation and energy management. Augments are also being a very important aspect as well. Also, when to use glyph of storms, and FGS. So basically, you have 25 skills to manage AND 6 buffs. And all, I am asking is just, to think about not making all buffs conditional, because this is exactly the reason why catalyst gameplay is so screwed up and < 1% of people play a proper rotation, while the rest does below-average dps.

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For me cata lacks combos for auras, i mean it is a spec that needs auras non stop, so maybe a couple hammer skills and spec skills could combo too, for example, fire 4 leave a fire field, air 2 is a rota finisher, while each spec skill, if used inside its element field, gives you that element aura for a second, just a tick to maintain the trait buff.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/9/2023 at 6:56 PM, Barnesy.5839 said:

The reason elemental empowerment is so difficult to maintain is because new applications don't override the older ones. 

For example: Suppose you have 10 stacks of elemental empowerment which are all about to expire. You cannot gain new stacks until the old ones expire.

Whaaaaat? That's crazy, I'm ok with EE not being renewed every time you'd get a new one. Not overriding the old ones, however, is even more punishing that I thought... Hopefully they change it in the upcoming balance patch.

I think another cool feature they could add to the Catalyst UI would be a bar counting the EE stacks above the health orb. That way we can properly prioritize CC or aura generation to maintain the 10 stacks (basically reusing the Druid CA bar, just like they should do for Harbinger's blight stacks). It's horrid having to check your (bloated) buff bar in order to check if you are at 10 or not.

On 1/10/2023 at 12:46 PM, zaswer.5246 said:

For me cata lacks combos for auras, i mean it is a spec that needs auras non stop, so maybe a couple hammer skills and spec skills could combo too, for example, fire 4 leave a fire field, air 2 is a rota finisher, while each spec skill, if used inside its element field, gives you that element aura for a second, just a tick to maintain the trait buff.

I thought it'd be great if either the hammer or the augments added more finishers to the Catalyst kit. I hadn't thought of them giving auras as well! That could be a great implementation. Specially for the augments... they are really tame for a utility skill. I think it'd be cooler if they were Elixirs (to keep with the chemistry theme for the Catalyst) instead of glorified stances.

In any case, there are other options to make them cooler as well: they could be changed so as to improve the Jadesphere abilities when used in their corresponding element or to summon more orbs to orbit around you (either closer or farther away from the current hammer orbs).

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