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Noob question

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I just returned after 4+ years of being away and decided to start fresh by deleting my previous characters. I never played an elementalist. Okay, now for my noob question.


Assuming I chose both earth and air specializations:


If I'm currently attuned for air, will I still benefit from things like "earth's embrace" in the earth specialization?

And if I'm currently attuned for earth, will I still get the benefits of "raging storm" in the air specialization?


I know some of the traits are specifically designed for the specialization you are currently using, but does that go for every trait? Or do some cross over no matter what specialization you are in? 

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2 hours ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:


If I'm currently attuned for air, will I still benefit from things like "earth's embrace" in the earth specialization?


2 hours ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:


And if I'm currently attuned for earth, will I still get the benefits of "raging storm" in the air specialization?


"Earth Embrace" is also a "cantrip" so using the trait "Soothing Disruption" in the water traitline, reduces the cooldown of "Earth Embrace" of the earth traitline. 

Most traits cross over. There are some exceptions like the 1st trait in each core spec (except arcane). But its (I think) always given in the trait description (it says: "while attuned to XX" for example). 

Edited by SeTect.5918
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2 hours ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

decided to start fresh by deleting my previous characters.


Going to rip the band-aid off now: in general it is not advisable to delete characters, at least not the oldest one. Birthdays and related yearly gifts are per character, not per account. Deleting the oldest character on the account resets the acquisition of yearly gifts back to square one.


Maybe customer support can help with this, if this is a bother to you. If not, game away.

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Okay, thanks for all the information. Now for another noob question. The wiki page seemed a bit confusing. Anyway.....


We have a base speed of 100. With the air elemental Zephyr Speed trait it goes up 25%. So that's 125 constant speed. 


When I get temporary stacking speed bonuses of 33%, is the 33% bonus added to the base speed of a 100 for a total of 133. Or is the bonus added to the 125 upgraded speed for a higher total of 166 speed? I'm wondering if it's worth it to use the signet of air if I already have the Zephyr Speed trait. 


I'm sure it's different in and out of combat.


And exactly where on the screen do we see our speed stat so we can keep track of these things?

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53 minutes ago, Smart College Boy.3249 said:

Okay, thanks for all the information. Now for another noob question. The wiki page seemed a bit confusing. Anyway.....


We have a base speed of 100. With the air elemental Zephyr Speed trait it goes up 25%. So that's 125 constant speed. 


When I get temporary stacking speed bonuses of 33%, is the 33% bonus added to the base speed of a 100 for a total of 133. Or is the bonus added to the 125 upgraded speed for a higher total of 166 speed? I'm wondering if it's worth it to use the signet of air if I already have the Zephyr Speed trait. 


I'm sure it's different in and out of combat.


And exactly where on the screen do we see our speed stat so we can keep track of these things?

if you have a speed boost of 25%, its added to the 100, so its 125 then.
If you have another of 33%, its added to the 100 too, so its 133 then.

In combat you have lower base speed, but it stays the same way (cant stack up).

There is nothing where we can see the speed stat.
But I dont think its needed.
U either have 25% in traits, utility skills or on a rune.
If you have swiftness you have 33% (u see it in boon bar).
If you have superspeed you have 66% (also in boon bar).

So I dont think a movement speed stat is needed tbh.

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On 4/2/2022 at 6:15 PM, SeTect.5918 said:

if you have a speed boost of 25%, its added to the 100, so its 125 then.
If you have another of 33%, its added to the 100 too, so its 133 then.

In combat you have lower base speed, but it stays the same way (cant stack up).

There is nothing where we can see the speed stat.
But I dont think its needed.
U either have 25% in traits, utility skills or on a rune.
If you have swiftness you have 33% (u see it in boon bar).
If you have superspeed you have 66% (also in boon bar).

So I dont think a movement speed stat is needed tbh.

It is needed, at least as a displayed value *somewhere*; not everything stacks with swiftness/superspeed/other effects. There is also an absolute cap.

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1 hour ago, The Boz.2038 said:

It is needed, at least as a displayed value *somewhere*; not everything stacks with swiftness/superspeed/other effects. There is also an absolute cap.

Well I guess for some its needed and for some not.

Personally I dont have a problem if it gets added but I also dont have a problem if it doesnt get added.

If it helps other players, I am for adding it.

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On 4/1/2022 at 1:30 PM, Cyninja.2954 said:


 Deleting the oldest character on the account resets the acquisition of yearly gifts back to square one.


Maybe customer support can help with this, if this is a bother to you. If not, game away.

I also deleted my first character just a few days ago. I had no idea about this. She was a Asura Ranger that I just didnt want to play anymore. So I made a human instead. Hmm if I had known this I might have kept her.

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Movement speed is well explained on the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Movement_Speed


In short:

- movement speed bonuses are applied to the base movement speed

- base movement speed is different depending on direction (forward, strafe, backwards), state of combat (in combat or out of combat) and surrounding (land or water)

- movement speed usually is only affected by the largest modifier

- movement speed is capped at a certain value

- movement bonuses and debuffs are additive meaning they add or subtract each other usually

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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