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Random double beep sound

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This may be a dumb question, but sometimes when I’m playing I’ll randomly hear a low pitched double beep sound. It’s happened twice in the past two weeks, and almost sounds like a background notification. Yesterday it did it while I was in the mini dungeon hidden in Echovald, so maybe it’s an alert sound in game? Any ideas because I have no clue what the game is alerting me to

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When I get random sounds (and they have only shown up on Guild Wars 2), they have been from the monitoring programs/applications I use.  One example is, though seldom, a notification from my Network Meter program/app telling me my connection has dropped momentarily.  I get no notice in-game, nor actually lose connection with the game, as I guess it is so very brief.  🤷‍♂️

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I spent quite a long time trying to figure out the random beeps I used to get. I tracked it down to my graphics card software which used to kick in whilst playing GW2 to limit fps to reduce card temps. I spent literally weeks trying to find out what was making GW2 beep at me and all along it was the GFX software...

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