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8 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

sPvP. That's the answer. People in this gamemode hate losing to AI and thus AI are nerfed to the ground to soothe their rage.

You could argue that with the balance split pets could be stronger in PvE but the devs never glanced at the pets in this light since they accepted the possibility of splitting balance.

That said, it might be better to have the pets as utility provider and keep the bulk of the damage onto the ranger itself. Now, the question is whether or not the utilities the pet provide are worth something or not (Most vanilla pets with their long CD and long cast time might not be worth anything, atm)


Yeah this.  For most core pets they'd need to speed up the F2 by like 10x for them to be anywhere reasonable in today's game. 

It's annoying the joke about 'no one uses moa' for instance, but if they'd fix the F2 I for one would use red moa to get instant fury access when it's near me.  Problem is, it takes 45 hrs for the cast to finish so it doesn't work well at all.  

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6 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


Yeah this.  For most core pets they'd need to speed up the F2 by like 10x for them to be anywhere reasonable in today's game. 

It's annoying the joke about 'no one uses moa' for instance, but if they'd fix the F2 I for one would use red moa to get instant fury access when it's near me.  Problem is, it takes 45 hrs for the cast to finish so it doesn't work well at all.  

When you consider that many vanilla pet F2/skills haven't been updated since release of the vanilla game despite the changes to conditions and the many improvment of the game as a whole, you understand why the pets are in such a dire state.

The worse is that the devs even made improved version of the pet's skills for Soulbeast beast mode. Which is, for me, as good as them acknowledging that vanilla pet's skills are already plain bad.

Why do pet need to stop themselve and use a specific animation to use a "shout"? All shouts are basically instant for the the player but for the pet somehow they need almost 2s to use them...

Some F2 are very similar to each other yet 1 of them can have triple the CD of the other... Why?


Again, I'm not against having the pet there just to provide utility for the master but can we make it worth it? Can I have the boon support I ask at the moment I ask it not 2-3s after I ask it because the pet need some pre cast, rooting himself, to cast a 1.5s cast time shout and then find himself stuck in an after cast. I mean, I'm sure cat and dogs don't need to stop themselve, sit on their kitten and look at the sky to bark or meow. My cat sure don't.

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