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Fishing Rod Skin Ideas [Merged]

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I gotta say the first two gemstore fishing rod skins did not tickle my fancy - of course very subjective! 


I actually now realize it'd be super cool if you could customize the bobble alone, and then sell bobble skins on the gemstore for 200-300 gems, and also have craftable ones. But that is not to be, in all likelihood.


So we are stuck with full fishing rod skins. That's ok. I would please like to see: A duckling bobble fishing rod, like in animal crossing. ❤️ 

Why stop at duck, lets do little kitten heads and dog heads and fish heads and frog heads and panda heads and crocodile heads, and all sorts of heads?


What's your ideal fishing rod skin? ❤️ I think for me it's the simple rod with a cute bobble 😄 4 dye channel on the bobble mmm? Or at least 2. 3. Duckling oh yes.

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If you want to get closer to a sim or second life, everyone needs to be wearing different clothing. There needs to be an endless amount of clothes.


Put em in the gemstore, I don’t care.


The problem is, ANet has also decided to monetize skins for skiffs and fishing rods…


And if you’ve been paying attention, we are getting 1 at a time, unlike the many mount skins. 

So instead of making fashion wars a reality, they are starting from scratch with rods and skiffs.


Basically, if you buy a rod or skiff skin, you will look like everyone else who has a rod or skiff skin, because there are only 2 skins. 


Who wants that?


They should have instead added more armor and outfits. You know, the thing we actually use all the time, the thing which differentiates us from each other?


How is it fashion wars if you have a choice of a whopping 2 rods?

Edited by lezbefriends.7516
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I'm surprised they did skins for fishing rods at all, but I suppose some people will buy them so it makes sense for Anet to sell them.

But this isn't new. When PoF came out there were no additional mount skins at first. The first ones released were the Spooky mounts, which came out in October 2017, about a month after PoF was released. It wasn't until November that we got the first adoption licence (the purely RNG one with 6 skins for each mount). Then they did some more themed 5-packs and it wasn't until March 2018 that we got the first of the licences with RNG and select options. (I think the delay was partially due to the backlash the original RNG-only licence got, they had to rethink their plan.)

I don't remember the exact timescales but it was similar with HoT and gliders. At first there was only the default one in the game and the green one that came with the deluxe edition, then they gradually added new ones in the gem store. (That's also why the newer mounts have fewer skins, they release them gradually instead of dumping a whole load in the store at the same time.)

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