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Would it be possible, for new maps using....


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So the suggestion comes up every once in a while for new maps, we know it takes them over a year to create a new wvw map, and pretty much never will again. We even have the discussions about using pve maps as base of new wvw maps to cut down on time, and also have suggestions for open world pvp. The biggest hurdle for new wvw maps is probably the placement of objectives, everything needs to be a good spot, all the exploits need to be account for. But what if we cut out that middle man?


I'm wondering if they could just use the living story maps (they have more static/timed events than normal leveling maps), which by the looks of it only takes them 2-3 months to make, they are smaller yes, but that's also ok as we can use lower map caps. Use them it in an eotm setting. Heck they wouldn't even need to do this for every living story map, maybe even once every 6 months or once a year use a new map and rotate more during the year when you have a few of them.

Create 3 non campable spawn areas for the 3 sides.

20v20v20 map cap.

Leave all the events and npcs in place.

They don't need to create extra wvw objectives, put in the usual basic vendors.

Use ppk and event completion as warscore in a two hour period, then reset map like eotm.

Let players fight over themselves or npcs for rewards, use some of the unique wvw rewards as drops from events.

Winning this period for your side would reward one victory point to their current matches, or if that's too much to unbalance matches, reward one gift of battle to the winning side players?


Just an idea to implement/use minimal changes for something new to wvw.

Thoughts, suggestions?

And don't come in here complaining about " barf pve", gtfo and stick to the usual maps then.

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At this point, I'm surprised they don't just make the Silverwastes a wvw map.  Zergs can just run ktrain in a circle.  Anet can make it so the towers reset to neutral right after they flip (with the 5 min countdown), so that the tower will be available when the blob comes back around.

Each borderland could just be the Silverwastes map, and only that color team is allowed on their home map.  So, green can just ktrain their borderland over and over, blue theirs and red theirs.


Since that is all these overstacked blobs are doing anyway is fighting doors and never each other.  And, Anet keeps nerfing defense and anything that dents the blobs, so they would likely support this.

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34 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

So the suggestion comes up every once in a while for new maps, we know it takes them over a year to create a new wvw map, and pretty much never will again.

I'm wondering if they could just use the living story maps (they have more static/timed events than normal leveling maps), which by the looks of it only takes them 2-3 months to make

I'm not trying to be an kitten here, just set things straight: Yes, threads like this comes out regularily. The info about how maps are difficult for them comes from an SCW post on Reddit in 2016. The same post gives the reason that all of WvW is essentially one big map. So it is not a problem with designing maps (though DBL and EotM admittedly show them struggling with that too) and rather that it is technical issues with WvW's collective back-end. The new maps are essentially stiched into corners of the existing map and stitched into the spaghetti that holds it together. That's the problem.

So adapting PvE maps does not solve the problem. It also shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what WvW is. The WvW maps may look like rectangles on graphics but are essentially triangles where objective layout and distances are important for content flow. People who mainly drift around by themselves, playing WvW as world-PvP, don't pay much attention to that. However, that is pretty much the heart of WvW and anything else is essentially a different game mode. Instead of asking for PvE maps in WvW, you could essentially just ask for optional PvP flagging in PvE and leave WvW out of it. That would suit your needs better and possibly be easier to implement for them.

Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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I guess why couldn’t the reskin alpine?  (And EbG for that matter.)


I imagine it’s somewhat more complicated than ‘transmutation charges ‘ lol (yes that is an understatement) but take those maps that re popular, reskin them so the locations of everything is the same, it just looks different.,.

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23 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

I guess why couldn’t the reskin alpine?  (And EbG for that matter.)

Should have done it years ago, shocked they even went through all that work with desert instead of just turning alpines into a desert theme. Would have been nice if the maps had seasonal change versions. But they decided on an entirely new map for the wrong place(home maps), and now have a divided population on who likes what for whatever reasons. At this point probably wouldn't even get any good appreciation for any changes to them, even a reskinned ebg would be met with a "is that it?"


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1 hour ago, subversiontwo.7501 said:

So adapting PvE maps does not solve the problem. It also shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what WvW is. The WvW maps may look like rectangles on graphics but are essentially triangles where objective layout and distances are important for content flow. People who mainly drift around by themselves, playing WvW as world-PvP, don't pay much attention to that. However, that is pretty much the heart of WvW and anything else is essentially a different game mode. Instead of asking for PvE maps in WvW, you could essentially just ask for optional PvP flagging in PvE and leave WvW out of it. That would suit your needs better and possibly be easier to implement for them.

I looked at this post only because a friend linked what was said, you're going back to my block list after.

The only problem here is you think wvw is all about objectives, when many play it for the fights, it doesn't matter where you place them, in long, short, tall, triangle,  4th dimension, they would mostly only play for the fights in the end. I'm trying to think outside the box in providing an idea to get maps quickly to wvw with minimal changes needed to content they're already making.

I'm also not asking them to use maps to replace the current maps, if anything it would be a fifth fun theme map to add into the rotation, so it doesn't have to be a carbon copy of current maps, we don't need a perfect triangle flow between three sides. The living story maps would provide their own flow through the events, poi that could lead to sides defending or even ambushing over.

I'll leave it to Kash to ask for pvp flagging because it's not something I would play because it's not tied to wvw, nor do I think that's an idea that would work in gw2, it kinda failed in WoW which had a bigger pvp crowd.

Thank you for your input, I still like my idea.

Peace out.

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1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I looked at this post only because a friend linked what was said, you're going back to my block list after.


I wasn't even aware that you had me blocked 🙂 .


The only problem here is you think wvw is all about objectives, when many play it for the fights

This is a strawman. If you didn't have me blocked you'd be able to read about where I stand on things like fights or what kind of content I like to engage in. Me discussing things brought up in a thread you shared with the rest of us shouldn't make you lash out at some perceived "other". That says more about you than what you created a thread on a discussion forum to, presumably, discuss.

The truth of the matter is that we don't have to think, we know exactly what WvW is and what ArenaNet intends for the design of it: It is a sandbox battleground mode where things like objectives and fights or content of different scales are meant to coexist in the same space. If you just want one of those things and can't accept what the other things contribute to the whole of it, well, then you are simply wrong. No matter what you prefer to do or what side you pick. No matter how mad you get about that, it doesn't change what it is. It's not about you or me. It is what it is.



I'm trying to think outside the box in providing an idea to get maps quickly to wvw with minimal changes needed to content they're already making.

I'm also not asking them to use maps to replace the current maps, if anything it would be a fifth fun theme map to add into the rotation, so it doesn't have to be a carbon copy of current maps, we don't need a perfect triangle flow between three sides.


Thinking outside the box is not the same thing as wishing. Again, the simple fact here is that there is no rotation of maps. It doesn't exist. It would need to be designed, programmed and implemented into a larger system. My kind reply to your thread that made you so agitated pointed out that- and where ArenaNet has explained this, to help.

In fact, a much better approach would have been to suggest that they should rework their entire back-end to enable a rotation of maps. If you didn't have me blocked, you'd know that I have suggested that very thing several times over. It is one of my favourite topics. I think ArenaNet could solve a lot of "future design direction" issues by creating a back-end with rotation of maps. I'd be your ally in that and not some enemy to be scared of.



The living story maps would provide their own flow through the events, poi that could lead to sides defending or even ambushing over.

I'll leave it to Kash to ask for pvp flagging because it's not something I would play because it's not tied to wvw, nor do I think that's an idea that would work in gw2, it kinda failed in WoW which had a bigger pvp crowd.

If you had the functionality to rotate maps you wouldn't need the living story maps, fit for other content. You could make better maps, fit for WvW content, because making maps is not what is difficult for ArenaNet (or shouldn't be). What I'm pointing out is that the back-end you are wishing for or take for granted when you bring up living story maps, is what is difficult for them to both work with and change. That is the door stop that takes your idea between irrelevance and relevance. Make maps, easy. Stick maps into WvW as we know it, hard.

Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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certainly new maps would be appreciated by many players, seeing them rotate periodically would help the mechanics with respect to its possible monotony.

sometimes to achieve your goal there are simply no shortcuts or there can be no shortcuts.

when the administrator deems it appropriate to give a new map to our mode, you will unfortunately have to devote the right time and work to be able to get it.


tip for arenanet : put on BLTP a box to fill with gems, you choose the necessary number, when the players have filled it 100% with gems you can afford to outsource the work of a new map to some professional programmer.

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