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Switching Untamed to Damage and not Brawler


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The ranger got soulbeast instead of a shapeshifter because, had he got a shapeshifter, it would have had super cluncky animation that every single soul in this subforum would have complained about and the ranger would have been locked out of it's utilities which everybody would have hated.

Just try using the norn elites or other racial transformations (Melandru avatar... lol), they've been in the game for 10 years yet are still horrendous to use (And on top of that they still have a 240s CD to make sure nobody make the fatal mistake to think they might be usable).

On topic: I don't think giving the pet 25% increase in damage while unleashed is a good idea. It's the open door to abuses where you stack way to many damage modifiers on your pet and end up with sPvP people complaining that "PvP is to fight players not to be one shot by AI".

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9 hours ago, Daddy.8125 said:

How would a ahapeshifter be soulbeast? 

Loss weapon swap lose the pet entirely. gain the ability to choose 4 animals, each on a general weapon swap. 

Be basically like attunement, with options. 

Each animal has 5 abilities. 

Be less like soulbeast then untamed is core lol 

I mean one of the reasons engi is the least played class is because you cant show off your legendary weapons since you need to camp grenade/bomb kit.

So a shape-shifting ranger would be played even less unless it had a cooldown or timer on the shapeshift. 

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12 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

I mean one of the reasons engi is the least played class is because you cant show off your legendary weapons since you need to camp grenade/bomb kit.

So a shape-shifting ranger would be played even less unless it had a cooldown or timer on the shapeshift. 

I don't feel thus would be true. 

Engineer is the least popular proffession in every game and under 5% of accounts in this game actually possesses a legendary. 

Also holosmith massively boosted numbers. And mech has gone even further in boosting its popularity. 

Engineer has never been a massively popular concept in any iteration. 

Shape-shifting however has proven to be a massively popular concept it has proven successful in every game its arrived in. And I think you would find it would be equally as successful in this game. 

Very few players own legendaries. Vast majority don't even have ascended gear. 

The masses are running exotic gear and half the time not even sets that make sense or using sigil or Runes. 

I own tons of legendarys they get boring after having used em for multiple years and shape-shifting would bring brand new animations and more I'd happily play one and I bet tons of others would also. 

If it becomes such a problem,  they could add a option that stops the physical transformations or maybe even make them more humanoid so it still wielded weapons. 

I.e half transformations. 

Where you are a humanoid form of the animal. 

There are many ways they could do shape-shifting. To multiple degrees. 

Edited by Daddy.8125
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On 4/29/2022 at 11:53 AM, Daddy.8125 said:

I don't feel thus would be true. 

Don't bother. You're arguing with someone that can't imagine how a petless ranger wouldn't be "too similar" to soulbeast.

Meanwhile being all happy go lucky about the prospect of every single ranger elite spec having the same old core pet mechanic attached to it, which is currently the case. Soulbeast is just really good at hiding it, permanently if you want to.

The irony... Wonder what they will say when the next expac launches and the pet mechanic is still there. Basically core ranger with a side fluff, as per usual. At what point do people not realize how stale and limiting that is?

Edited by Lazze.9870
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