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2 Teams on the same side?? Why is this a thing?

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sPvP is dead anyway, low population, lots of things who are not right, bad balance.

You just gotta accept it and move on, they snob the gamemode and don't care about it.

So just play it if you have fun without caring, if you don't have fun anymore, stop playing it.

Ranking and titles are useless anyway.

Farm the gold and legendary and move on.

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The matchmaking is horrible. It's impossible to carry to the point where i stopped caring about winning. I am currently playing for enjoyment. Still, 2 teams on the same side shouldn't be a thing. Idk how i ended up getting stuck in elo hell (probably me trying to make power vindi work), but with this matchmaking; i won't get out.

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Double duo queue vs 5 solos is extremely common lately.


It should never stack 2 premades on the same team unless the other team has at least 1 duo queue.


Either bring back full 5 man queue in ranked or make it pure solo queue, this middle ground of duo queue only is flawed in so many ways

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