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[sPvP] Let's talk about Flash Combo..


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I've used this skill a lot in sPvP in replacement of Judge's Intervention and.... as much as I really want to like it, it's just not very good.

Judge Intervention: Can re-center Whirling Wrath, can give a near guarantee hit of F1, or can be used with any other damaging skill. It has a 40s cd.

Flash Combo: Is a 450 to 750 damage per hit skill, on a 25s cooldown that can't be used in combination of any other skill. IF you land every single hit....which isn't a guarantee, you can "repose" which means you shadowstep BACK to the spot you casted the skill. Repose is only useful on certain maps because 9 out of 10 times you want to shadowstep forward instead of shadowstepping backwards. Repose is a contradicting skill of what Willbender is.

Flash Combo would be good if one of the following was added:

  • if it can AoE radius hit multiple people instead of a single target
  • if it had a cd of around 15s
  • if it had a 35% damage increase....
  • if it had 1200 range instead of 900

Contemplation of Purity / Judges intervention / Stand Your Ground / Whirling Light... Flash Combo make a rough 3rd pick utility choice. It doesn't excel in anything and it certainly isn't Flashy.

Edited by Saiyan.1704
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On 5/23/2022 at 12:00 PM, JunkJunk.8971 said:

Please.  You wb need nerfs to everything.    Not buffs

I saw your WB "fix" post and it changes the gameplay of the class completely without actually changing the reason why the class is strong in sPvP to begin with....

How about making a new character, pick Willbender, play the class up to Plat soloQ... then maybe we'll start taking your suggestions seriously because it is clear that you have no idea what you're talking bout.

Also, you can nit-pick ANY non-meta, bad, utility skill in hopes for changes. Just because a certain class is strong, does not mean that a particular non-meta utility skill doesn't need changes. How about being pro-active instead of expressing your wrong opinions, champ.

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On 5/28/2022 at 6:02 AM, JunkJunk.8971 said:

Pick one then.  Either get tone down dps or tone down the mobility.    WB are 2012 thief 2.0.       Oh and you want a resume for PvP.     I will email that right over to you office

Even if WB needs some nerfs in spvp that does not mean bad skills should not be fixed. They are not mutually exclusive.

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