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Micro stutters after DX11 came out of beta? [Merged]

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So, I am a bit of a... Graphics tryhard and I absolutely hate seeing stutters or micro-stutters in games. I started heavily playing GW2 in January and back then I noticed quite a lot of stutters when turning my camera - this was fixed by disabling DPI scaling along with turning on DX11 Beta. I have also done almost all available steps from this reddit guide.

Everything was fine for 4 months with virtually no visible stutters at all... Until about two weeks ago. I was wondering what happened, but I know my PC temperatures are fine, drivers up to date, etc... And then it hit me, DX11 came out of beta around the time I started seeing the micro-stutters again.

Is this just a coincidence? Can anyone help somehow? 

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I can confirm this. Frametimes are stable (a flat 16.6ms line at 60fps), but the game stutters horribly at camera turnings via mouse for a few weeks now. No stutters when the character is just moving forwards. Definitly just another issue with ANets weird DX11 implementation. Nothing is wrong with your PC. GW2 has DX11 issues I have never seen in any DX11 game since this API exists, which is more than 10 years now.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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I did not have time to read through the entire guide that you used, but have you tried turning on Vertical Sync (VSYNC) in the game? I was having this problem and it was terrible. It was after I just moved to a new computer and monitor and did all kinds of testing including going back to my old setup. Then I started noticing it there as well. The new monitor has a higher refresh rate so that is why it seemed much worse. Enabling VSYNC has greatly reduced it for me, but it still happens at times but does not seem as bad. I realized later it all started with DX11. 

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VSync should not even be considered as a fix or workaround. This is 2015 tech. No one who bought a gaming monitor in the last 5 years is even bothering with vsync as adaptive sync (gsync, freesync) is the standard for pc gaming.

Vsync stands for inconsistent frametimes and input lag, which is even worse than the problem described in this thread.

Edited by KrHome.1920
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Just to update - this issue still persists. Tried reaching out to the support and they kept saying DX11 is still in beta, which is weird since I was under the impression it is no longer considered beta setting? But still, really weird that the micro-stutters came back after months of having no issues at all, especially since I definitely did not mess with any option in the settings.

I tried reinstalling the game, removing cache folder, uninstalling/turning off background apps that could interfere with the game - nothing helps.

Guess my best bet is hoping it will fix itself... Somehow...

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I came here in hope that I'd find someone else with similar issue and boom! Thanks for making the thread.
Two days ago I have turned Dx11 on and I had no issues up until today where micro stuttering became a thing suddenly.
I thought it was...a map issue, but when I  changed maps the stuttering was still there.
My FPS skyrocketed after I changed to DX11. From below 60 fps to over 150 fps! It's a crazy increase! I am getting around 70 fps in Cantha though, but it's amazing.

The micro stuttering is super annoying and makes the game feel so off. 
I really hope there's a fix to this soon. 

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3 hours ago, Blur.3465 said:

What seems to have fixed it for me? Is setting framerate to 60, to limit it. 


No, the stutter does only stop in the VSync cap.

I have a 144 Hz freesync premium monitor (adaptive sync range from 0 to 144 fps). When I use any 60 fps limiter - be it the driver, RTSS or the GW2 ingame limiter - I should have a smooth experience as I am in adaptive sync range. But the game stutters. Only when I enable VSync and the game caps at 144 Hz/fps (so that VSync kicks in), the stutter vanishes. When I disable any fps limiters and the game runs below 144 Hz/fps, it stutters as well.

This is simply a frame pacing issue, that is only compensated by the frame prerendering of VSync - that same prerendering that casues input lag.

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A week ago my game started stuttering really badly whenever I play, and I have no idea what could be causing it or how to fix it. It happens on every map no matter how many players there are, sometimes it's fine when I log on and it just gets worse and worse until the game is unplayable. I haven't changed any settings on my pc or in game, and gw2 is the only game that's doing this, my other games run fine.

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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to Micro stutters after DX11 came out of beta? [Merged]

Experience the same thing.
DX11 + 144Hz G-SYNC monitor + i7 12700k + RTX 3080 Ti gives me super annoying stutters.
Maps exploring or doing some daily stuff is kinda ok but if we talk about metas, WvW or beetle races it becomes completely unplayable.
Graphic settings can barely affect this situation.
Looking forward to new technical updates.

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On 6/16/2022 at 8:05 AM, Chesire.6720 said:

A week ago my game started stuttering really badly whenever I play, and I have no idea what could be causing it or how to fix it. It happens on every map no matter how many players there are, sometimes it's fine when I log on and it just gets worse and worse until the game is unplayable. I haven't changed any settings on my pc or in game, and gw2 is the only game that's doing this, my other games run fine.


Same here... my game just started stuttering a couple weeks ago. Before that it was running without any stutters. Of course FPS would drop a bit when a lot of players were near like in a big World Event or in WvW, but never had stutters.

My temps are good and other games on my PC are still running perfectly fine (Cyberpunk 2077, CoD Warzone)

DX11 + 144Hz G-SYNC Monitor + Ryzen 5600X + RTX 3070

(DX9 runs even worse though.)

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  • 2 months later...

I've just started playing gw2 this week. First days it was little annoying but I didn't thought much of it until I arrived in Lion's Arch, where it was so much more visible, as mentioned above the game stutters horribly at camera turnings via mouse. I've tried several settings but the shutter is always there. I'm happy that I've found this thread because everything else I've found out there is related to motion sickenss 🙃

DX12, 160hz G-Sync Ultra Wide Monitor, RTX 3080TI, 12700k

Edit: I've contacted support, in my case is the Windows 11 which is not supported. 

Edited by Durn.8256
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