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Add an infinit sink for Legendary Insights

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As a player that regulary plays raids and Strikes, I have acumulated a lot of Legendary Insights and Legendary Divination for wich I have ZERO use.

1. Why is this a Problem in my opinion:
Rewarding an item repeatedly that has a limited sink will lead to the item bekomming totally worthless. Totally worthlless means as soon as you material storage is full the best you can do, to not litter your account is, to simply destroy your fresh loot. The limited sink is because the only use for LI and LD is to craft the Legendary Raid Armour (150 + 2x300 LI) and Coalescence (150 LD) any amount over these 900 cannot be used for anything in the Game, exept littering accounts and beeing deleted....

2. How has this become a Problem:
Because LD can be converted into LI I will be focusing only on LI. LI (and LD) are the Weekly Reward for Defeating a Raid Boss summing to 25 per Week over HoT and PoF. LI have been also added to EoD Strike Missions, 1 for doing all Normal ones per week and 1 for each Strike CM per Week for a total of 4 (yes I am counting Harvest Temple). In total this makes 25 + 1 + 4 = 30 LI per Week that can be achived by a veteran player. This would mean after only playing the game hardcore for a year, no gain in LI would be had, since sinks are limited in amount. Many Players that Raid since serveral years have all sinks exhausted and still thousands of these laying around, for no reason. Also the Weeky gain seems to increas with future Updates and no sink is in sight.

3. How can this be Fixed:
- Add the option to convert them to Raid or Strike Currencies. (Magenetit shards, Gaets Kristals, (Blue and) Green Profetshards)
- Give them a vendor value of 50 or 25 silver so they can be sold to a vendor of course not on the TP.

- Give a Option to by some material with them. Suggestions would be 5 for a mystic coin, one or two for a Material Shippment of choice, or simmilar....

LI (and LD) have repeateble and therefor infint sources, however the sinks for these material were alway limitit in amount, renering the Item useless after exhausting the sinks. I suggest to add some form of Infinit Sink (convert to gold, currency or materials) to provide some use to these itmes after the fixed sinks are completed. Also a new Legendary Strike Legy Backpack/Ring would be nice.

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I don't want to sour the mood, but i think it is to late for such a change. The same is the case for PvP league tickets and the various WvW and PvP emblems. Giving them any kind of meaningful value will disrupt the economy to much. At 50 silver and only looking at gw2 efficiency user base that would be an possible injection of over 18 Million gold into the economy. While it is annoying to have death loot , looking at you chilis, Raid rewards were designed with LI being worthless. Same for PvP League tickets, which reasonable would ask for the same treatment. Which would be another 9 Million injection at a fair 50 s per ticket. And that are just 2 currency's the same argument for li could also be made for emblems of all kind. I just took league tickets as they are basically PvP Insights with identical use and acquisition rate.
Buying materials which can be sold would have a similar effect, less then liquid gold but still massive.  Only thing you can hope for is a discount on ascended salvage tools, ascended Weapons, clover or something similar. as long it is account 
bound and unable to be liquidized.

Edited by Albi.7250
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