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Druid and spirit changes are not okay


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13 hours ago, FalsePromises.6398 said:

If you want less emphasis on Lingering Light's modifiers and higher base CA effectiveness... you really just want Lingering Light removed and druid's post-HoT healing and might simultaneous effectiveness returned, which I agree with, amen.

GotL is a PvE trait and druid might generation is very much a PvE issue.

The Lingering Light change was positive in PvP and WvW. The current functionality of the trait allows support druid to be on the talking block again in PvP. They just need to adress the other issues as well, the 20s CD on avatar in PvP being the first one.

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3 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:

First off, you need to stop talking about game modes across of each other.

PvP druid with transference sigils has a 45-55 % outgoing heal modifier. With druid runes and a couple of glyphs you can basically achieve mender amulet stat on your healing power when you need the burst healing. The healing is good and the AF regen is better than before. There are other issues than healing that need to be solved for it to be closer to the meta.

Ok, then it's fine in PvP. There's such a thing as PvP splits, yknow? The thing ranger has a ton of that ate even split from wvw?


These changes for druid in PvE overall are terrible. Yes, I get it, you like pvp and it's fine right now in pvp. But just as you seem to claim that I'm ignoring pvp, you're also straight up ignoring the major issues these changes bring to pve.


Druid has been specifically nerfed in terms of healing specifically because of might generation. Now, it cannot keep up a boon that 1. It once could, without issue, without causing issues and 2. Encounters are balanced around having. Not only that, but our sidegrade option got cut to pieces and it still cannot compete with things such as HAM or HB.

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16 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:

GotL is a PvE trait and druid might generation is very much a PvE issue.

The Lingering Light change was positive in PvP and WvW. The current functionality of the trait allows support druid to be on the talking block again in PvP. They just need to adress the other issues as well, the 20s CD on avatar in PvP being the first one.

I'm largely talking here in a PvE context, as I know druid has existed in the competitive world on and off, and I don't care for this game's PvP anymore to try to keep tabs. Most everything I say about druid that isn't specifically mentioned as a PvP oriented idea is for PvE, as that's where druid is REALLY struggling (and where a PvE balance patch should be focused on). I won't try to discuss contemporary specifics of PvP because I mostly quit that mode after the blanket damage nerfs that made it unfun, and haven't regretted doing so. 

I don't mind Lingering Light being pushed as a competitive healer trait, I personally would love to hear druid popping back up as an actual healer in competitive like the old HoT days instead of a cheese trapper rune abuser.  However, it should not be considered the most efficient support option for PvE due to Grace of the Land/base CA's weaknesses. Druid's not a 10 man support at all any more, it can stand to be buffed back up to its original dedicated healer glory (especially in the current meta). Too many classes were eclipsing druids might and healing output before this patch (and so was tempest before the might cap reduction too), and now it's even worse with the might trashed and the spirits slopped up into whatever they are now.

To put it short, I like seeing Lingering Light touted as a competitive healer trait, but in PvE it should only be considered an optional tradeoff or niche composition pick as it originally was, not a necessity or competitor to GotL. It should not be a "well the original BIS trait sucks now so you might as well take the other one and shirk your might duties onto another" kinda option like I've been hearing people talk about lately. 

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On 7/7/2022 at 5:56 AM, Lazze.9870 said:

GotL is a PvE trait and druid might generation is very much a PvE issue.

The Lingering Light change was positive in PvP and WvW. The current functionality of the trait allows support druid to be on the talking block again in PvP. They just need to adress the other issues as well, the 20s CD on avatar in PvP being the first one.


I've seen all of zero people use Lingering Light in WvW over Ancient Seeds.  Positive zero is...still zero.

Also, you kinda contradicted your previous 'don't talk across game modes' with this post where you...talk across game modes...🤔

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It truly sucks that the 2 classes I play, Warrior and Ranger, the 2 classes in most need of buffs and unique effects to get anywhere, were nerfed so hard in this balance update for some reason, while 2 classes currently occupy 41% of all total played classes in raids, Mechs and FB's. And yet mech gets buffed for some reason and Ranger gets its druid neutered and SB heavily power nerfed. 



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1 hour ago, NazzyDragon.9127 said:

Just bring back mobile spirits again.. spirits that just walk with you. Not sure why that was axed... forever ago. It's been a while.

While other things changed since then, it was simply very oppressive in PvP. Just like throwable and CCing Turrets. Or Minionmancers (not too long ago and maybe still nowadays in lower tiers). 

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