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Fishing lacks integration with the rest of the game. [Merged]

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16 hours ago, Antycypator.9874 said:

But you regain all stacks when boarding your skiff again, unless it's destroyed/despawned, then RIP all your stacks.


You lack combat effectiveness underwater (it hasn't really power crept like the rest of the game) so yes it's extremely common to not be able to kill any enemies before the skiff de-spawns. Things that might take a second on land take minutes in the water due to your more limited skills  and (likely) lower level weaponry and unfamiliarity with rotations.

Edited by Boogiepop Void.6473
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6 hours ago, Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

You lack combat effectiveness underwater (it hasn't really power crept like the rest of the game) so yes it's extremely common to not be able to kill any enemies before the skiff de-spawns. Things that might take a second on land take minutes in the water due to your more limited skills and (likely) lower level weaponry and unfamiliarity with rotations.

You're not limited to 15 seconds like many people think.  You can take as long as you need to kill them.  Just don't let your skiff get destroyed.    Note, if you are "on-board" your skiff (i..e. sitting so you can drive it) mobs will attack your skiff and any damage they do goes to your skiff.  If you are standing on your skiff to fish, the mobs attack YOU, not your skiff.  Any damage to your skiff only comes from collateral damage like AOE, pierce/cleave, etc., so it takes less damage.  So, if you are going to stop to fish in a place with mobs, immediately stand to reduce the damage your skiff is taking.  Then jump off to take care of them and reboard.  In many places, mobs might try to hit you but they can't so your skiff will not even take damage.   When you go to leave, be sure to not sit down until you can immediately begin moving, because as soon as you sit, they will start doing damage to your skiff again.  Alternatively, jump off and kill them before you leave.  When standing, watch the tiny little skiff health bar that appears to see if it is taking damage.  (ANet, this health bar needs to be MUCH bigger.)  Also, stick to deeper water.  In shallow water, the mobs are more likely to be able to hit you and thus your skiff.

Also, if you can get your fishing power up from all the other buffs, then in all but the highest-level areas (Desert, Orr and Ring of Fire) you don't need the buff from Fishing Party to be above Level Il or III (10 and 25 fish respectively).  This makes it must less impactful if you lose it.  Having done 26 fishing collections so far, I am convinced Fishing Power does not work like magic find.  Continuing to raise it after you have reached the minimum needed for a fishing hole does NOT continue to improve your chance of getting rare fish.  After you have reached the require fishing power for the hole, it's up to RNGesus.

Okay, didn't mean for that to turn into a fishing tutorial.  😁 

Having said all that, I agree there are things Anet needs to fix.  You should definitely not lose your stacks because of a player population forced map switch. 

Edited by sylmatyr.1485
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  • 1 month later...

The way the fishing party buff works is a problem.

You lose it if you change maps or stop fishing (even if you get deboated by enemies, which in some areas is unavoidable, to the point you can literally go to the other end of the map and not drop aggro and so are forced to lose stacks to deal with them). This means you have to actively ignore the rest of the game to keep your stacks. You cannot do ANYTHING else while fishing. Not events, not gathering, not crafting, NOTHING, because you will lose your stacks. If an event happens literally AROUND you, you have to not participate because stopping costs you hours of fish progress. Fishing actively blocks you from playing the game, and on some maps (ie Dragon;'s End) causes major conflicts between players trying to fish and those trying to do the meta.

Within fishing itself, the buff still causes issues. If you run out of bait, lures, etc., you have to lose your stacks to go buy more (even if they are right next to the water), and some maps still have no fishing vendors (ie LW) and so it's impossible to not map change to restock. If you need to go to another map due to needing to change fishing hole types or even just move to a disconnected body of water on the same map, you lose your stacks. If the map closes on you and you are forcibly transitioned you lose stacks as well (and this often happens because people will stay in maps fishing after metas have fished).

Please change the fishing buff. Give it a longer duration, at least a few minutes, to allow for gathering, dealing with water ads, restocking etc. while on the same map. Remove the map change issue entirely (at the very least, remove it for map closures). Better still, make it last an hour or more so you can do events and come back (maybe depending on maps, so for example on heavy meta maps like DE have long CD and on non-meta maps shorter, but prevent meta ruining by fishers).

Edited by Boogiepop Void.6473
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  1. Having a com tag on blocks the fishing indicator (the exclamation point over their head), preventing people from fishing easily while leading and in lfg. This means people don't tag up, meaning they are hard to find on the map to group up for fishing parities, defeating the purpose.
  2. Fishing lacks an LFG category, and so is spread all over central tyria and the various expansion and LW lfg channels. this makes finding fishing groups very very hard.
  3. The time of day system is very awkward, especially dawn and dusk. You can't stop fishing to do something else (due to how the fishing party buff works currently, see detailed post on that) until the next time window and come back, so it feels horrible to just miss things, and for the dawn and dusk fish the time window is very tiny so you feel rushed trying to get them and horrible if you get other things.
  4. Please give fishing its own daily panel, especially for the daily region (currently in EoD and thus invisible on non-EoD maps). Also put the fish for Taro Everclaw in this daily tab too (Even better just make it a daily that pops without you having to go to Arborstone to check what it is and turn in; GW2 isn't supposed to do "get quest from NPC and return to them" style quests).
Edited by Boogiepop Void.6473
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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to Fishing lacks integration with the rest of the game. [Merged]

Moderation has completely missed the point of resposting and reorganizing a prior post. The one original giant post was getting TLDRed and had errors that were taking over the conversation. The new posts were meant to a) simplify discussion by having only 1 or a few points to talk about rather than a whole laundry list and b) leave off the incorrect points so discussion would not be derailed merely pointing out the errors.

Appending all the shorter, more focused, and corrected posts to the original post (that is months old) does not help people to actually see and comment on the intentionally simplified and broken up points. This also discourages people re-framing or make corrections or even coming back to re-discuss anything, because it will just get stuck below the original post and won't be seen as people coming to it will continue to see the original post and respond to that.

Edited by Boogiepop Void.6473
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