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The most simple, easy to implement banner change possible


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Just make Banners pulse 0.75 sec of quickness, remove quickness from the Elite banner and make the quickness not be affected by double standards. Ship it, if Full zerker quickness build monopolize Quickness in 10 man content reduce to 0,5 in the next patch.


  1. It allows a support build to only run 1 Banner with 60% boon duration warhorn and soldiers focus.
  2. It Allows dps quickness builds flexibility in utility slots depending on how much they want to invest in concentration. Full zerker/Viper but 3 Banners + tactics Martial cadence. Some boon duration+ 3 banners etc.
  3. In Open world it allows good enough quickness support without gear requirement and only a change in utility slots. Might open up some  quickness solo build for HP/elites.
  4. Having the elite Pulse quickness is clunky game design and should be avoided People shouldn't choose between quickness upkeep and reviving people. Elite should get some boon durations back when it loses quickness. Also having the elite banner give quickness limits what the utility banners are allowed to give out.
  5. Decoupling quickness from Double Standards is needed to make room for build diversity.

Not a warrior main, but did read the patch notes and was confused why banner don't pulse quickness, because that seemed like the obvious Implementation. Not the Perfect change or long dreamed rework but something that could possible happen till the next patch.


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You must not have been paying attention then because the whole reason its so convoluted is because:

  1. They want it to be a significant DPS loss to be a boon provider, either through trait choices or through high Boon Duration (Warrior got slapped with both of these criteria)
  2. The implementation should never allow stacking 2-4 of these builds with 0 boon duration yet on a full dps build to effortlessly upkeep the boon

Your suggestion fails both checks, even accounting for the 3s pulse thing. 

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2 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

The banner pulses are on 3s intervals. If you want quickness to be pulsed you would need at least 1s base duration if the trait still boosts the duration. (It boosts the base duration by 50% prior to boon duration increases).

Pulsing 1 second of quickness affected by double standards would make it too accessable. It would be repeating the same problem we already had with catalyst (and still have with harbinger, fix that, Anet!).

1,5 seconds with double standards means you just need 2 warriors in your group with 1 banner each and that trait, or even just 1 warrior with 2 banners and that trait, for full uptime. These warriors could still run around in full berserker gear and dedicate their entire builds to damage, except that one mandatory trait double standards.

And discipline is already providing plenty for a dps build, so investing in that trait line is also not giving up very much. Banners for sure need buffs in some way, but I don't think they will (or should) make quickness too easily accessible here.

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18 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Pulsing 1 second of quickness affected by double standards would make it too accessable. It would be repeating the same problem we already had with catalyst (and still have with harbinger, fix that, Anet!).

1,5 seconds with double standards means you just need 2 warriors in your group with 1 banner each and that trait, or even just 1 warrior with 2 banners and that trait, for full uptime. These warriors could still run around in full berserker gear and dedicate their entire builds to damage, except that one mandatory trait double standards.

And discipline is already providing plenty for a dps build, so investing in that trait line is also not giving up very much. Banners for sure need buffs in some way, but I don't think they will (or should) make quickness too easily accessible here.

With the BS that is Harbinger I don't care.

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2 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

The banner pulses are on 3s intervals. If you want quickness to be pulsed you would need at least 1s base duration if the trait still boosts the duration. (It boosts the base duration by 50% prior to boon duration increases).

Is that some meta joke about Warrior unable to do math I don't get? You know you can get easy quickness with some boon duration and/or tactics.

47 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:
  1. They want it to be a significant DPS loss to be a boon provider, either through trait choices or through high Boon Duration (Warrior got slapped with both of these criteria)
  2. The implementation should never allow stacking 2-4 of these builds with 0 boon duration yet on a full dps build to effortlessly upkeep the boon

Your suggestion fails both checks, even accounting for the 3s pulse thing. 

1. As you need 3 utility slots and tactics do go full dps it should be fine. If it is not, the fix is in the first paragraph: reduce to 0.5 instead of 0.75. Or just start with a 0.5 pulse and increase only if needed. Also going into tactics is a trait choice:).

While bladesworn already runs tactic i don't think it can drop all 3 utility slots and would rather go for some diviners. So it will be a dps loss for the strongest builds. 

2. As the top dps kinda needs some of there utility's i don't see how that is much different from 2 harbringer, renegade who just changed 1 trait or something similar. Again a problem that cant be fixed with 0.5 adjustment if it is really to high. Also the quickness out of tactics isn't 100% reliable so its should be accounted for some seconds of overflow.

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