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[Suggestion] Bring back character restoration service for players.

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1 hour ago, Ydeirt.3905 said:

I think this isn't bad suggestion. What i guess right now is that they backup a lot players data but idk up to how many year but the build up from so many players just doesn't seems cost effective but can be mitigated if they back up only until certain numbers of years per account so it won't clog up their database.

I for one don't mind paying gems for this service.

I'd have said days or weeks rather than years. Unless we're talking about a situation where someone quit playing and then came back to find their account had been hacked while they weren't using it I can't imagine it would take someone years to realise they had an important item on that character or somehow deleted the wrong one.

But maybe I just don't understand the thought process here. I've been playing this game for nearly 10 years and must have deleted a couple of hundred characters in that time and I can't think of a single one I wanted back after deleting them so it's hard for me to imagine how that might happen.

Admittedly most of them were temporary characters who I always knew I'd delete eventually, even if it took a couple of years before I was done with them, and when they were permanent characters I took my time thinking about it so I was certain it's what I wanted before I deleted them, it was never an impulse decision. But I still find it hard to imagine how someone could delete a character then years later realise they want them back and therefore need a backup.

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6 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I'd have said days or weeks rather than years. Unless we're talking about a situation where someone quit playing and then came back to find their account had been hacked while they weren't using it I can't imagine it would take someone years to realise they had an important item on that character or somehow deleted the wrong one.

But maybe I just don't understand the thought process here. I've been playing this game for nearly 10 years and must have deleted a couple of hundred characters in that time and I can't think of a single one I wanted back after deleting them so it's hard for me to imagine how that might happen.

Admittedly most of them were temporary characters who I always knew I'd delete eventually, even if it took a couple of years before I was done with them, and when they were permanent characters I took my time thinking about it so I was certain it's what I wanted before I deleted them, it was never an impulse decision. But I still find it hard to imagine how someone could delete a character then years later realise they want them back and therefore need a backup.

Yeah thats what i meant since days old characters won't be really worth the trouble asking for a restoration since days can be easily replaced by new one. But characters that takes time to build up and ended up deleted thats another story.
All i can say different people have different sets of mind, as for me, it takes time for me to realize the mistakes so there you go.
I'm not gonna blame anyone for that, i just wanna suggesting to the dev to add back that options for players but with additional measures in place.

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3 hours ago, Ydeirt.3905 said:

I believe i don't need to repeat this anymore. Again you don't get what i'm saying, this was an option before but was taken away due to certain people exploiting which what i was saying which a lack in supervision or checking from anets end. I was saying they can provide the service with additional security measure on their end to prevent such abuse and exploitation.

Actually they don't, recently i read someone got their characters deleted by their ex iirc and anet denied them of character restoration. Sure they got most of their QoL items back but at what cost? A lot of time lost on the character, levels, crafting profession, birthday gifts that will get reset with new characters, etc.

Please stop being ignorant and say i made up random stuff, I'm merely presenting example that already happened. Sure i do need the service but it doesn't mean people don't have issue with these as well. Like i said, we can't expect perfect situation everytime.

On your point regarding the shortcut, i was saying it because its not a very known stuff for people. Sure you can tell me here but it doesn't mean everyone who play this game automatically know how.
If you don't like options sure, have it your way but for me more options, the better.

Sure like this isn't a game at all that we need life lessons.
Yet the service was there for 9 years before they took it away because they didn't check the people enough to let exploits happens.
Not saying anet is 100% at fault for this, most of this happens because the exploiter ofcourse.
And who finally at loss here? Yep, the players who needed the service.

You are aware that when character restoration was a thing, exes messing with the account, children getting access, roommates messing around, etc. were not reasons the CS Team would offer any kind of restoration, yes?  So, removing character restoration does not affect players in those circumstances in any way, shape or form. 

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34 minutes ago, Ydeirt.3905 said:

Yeah thats what i meant since days old characters won't be really worth the trouble asking for a restoration since days can be easily replaced by new one. But characters that takes time to build up and ended up deleted thats another story.
All i can say different people have different sets of mind, as for me, it takes time for me to realize the mistakes so there you go.
I'm not gonna blame anyone for that, i just wanna suggesting to the dev to add back that options for players but with additional measures in place.

Ah, I see what you mean. I thought you meant they'd need to keep backups of all characters for years after they were deleted, just in case someone decided they wanted them back. Not that only characters who were a few years old at the time of deletion would be backed up at all.

So for example I'd be able to get back the 2 year old character I deleted last week, but I wouldn't be able to get back the key runner I deleted the day before, who had been around for less than 24 hours in total.

That does sound more reasonable because it would be a lot less data to store.

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4 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Ah, I see what you mean. I thought you meant they'd need to keep backups of all characters for years after they were deleted, just in case someone decided they wanted them back. Not that only characters who were a few years old at the time of deletion would be backed up at all.

So for example I'd be able to get back the 2 year old character I deleted last week, but I wouldn't be able to get back the key runner I deleted the day before, who had been around for less than 24 hours in total.

That does sound more reasonable because it would be a lot less data to store.

Simply put, theres will be a threshold of how many hours the character have been played before starts getting backed up. Pretty sure it'll be a good this since it could be more efficient in terms of file size usage but also might be more difficult to set up, since i'm not a programmer though, i can only assume.

Edited by Ydeirt.3905
Better wording.
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They need to take a page from world of worships, in that system you can restore your own ships through an account interface on their website no dev team needed. Since in that game you sell ships not delete, you do have to have enough credits on your account to unsell the ship. But the point being is that this is a self-help function on your account…

Edited by aesur.1457
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6 hours ago, aesur.1457 said:

They need to take a page from world of worships, in that system you can restore your own ships through an account interface on their website no dev team needed. Since in that game you sell ships not delete, you do have to have enough credits on your account to unsell the ship. But the point being is that this is a self-help function on your account…

It could work but unsupervised restoration makes it prone to exploitation like restoration service before it got shut down, it got too lax which leads to players abusing it.
This might work if the character swiped clean of items upon restoration and item restoration only works through anet's support team so they can check the player's log, transaction, backups to prevent exploits where they see fit.
At least thats what i can think of.

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I work on software house, users tend to ask the software house to protect them from themselves and their infinite capacity for stupidity. I call this the infinite parametrization paradox theory: experience teaches cost-wise its best solution is forbidden a risk activity than add a layers and layers of security against the risk, since stupidy is infinite, the security layers required will become infinite, so the cost will become infinity.


So apply the infinite parametrization paradox theory, to the case of alt deletion:


if deletion of character become a thing, the best solution cost-wise ins't restoration, but make deletion difficulty. Actually it's require type the name of character, so they can just add a e-mail confirmation.

Otherwise if they add restoration service, and stupidy of the ppl tend to infinite, ppl will delete characters for stupidy reasons, the cost of maitaning so much backups become infinite. Also problems with "childs" trying explointing the system will be infinite, also more and more security layers to all these problems togheter. in the end the "game" company turn itself into a kind of "anti-virus" company lol.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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  • 1 year later...

This is great. I just deleted all my characters, including the day 1 ones. Just got so tired of the bugs, the ones that also funnily enough annoyed me on day 1, still here 10 years later. I had to quit proper to not do what I just tried to do now. Restore them and keep playing. Not offering restoration is a great service for us who have a severely addictive personality.

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1 hour ago, Gremmel.4689 said:

This is great. I just deleted all my characters, including the day 1 ones. Just got so tired of the bugs, the ones that also funnily enough annoyed me on day 1, still here 10 years later. I had to quit proper to not do what I just tried to do now. Restore them and keep playing. Not offering restoration is a great service for us who have a severely addictive personality.

Good for you hope your happy in the next game you find mate.

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