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Reason why classes suck


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5 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

This is true for alacrity but not for quickness. Guardian could already provide quickness before chrono was released while every professions could already get quickness by themself through various mean (when they released guardian's group quickness, 'feel my wrath!" there was the symbolic avenger's short lived bug where each symbol gave an additional damage increase... I've never seen tequatl melt that fast... It was awesome!).

Dont forget timewarp! Its astonishing how this skill is arguably even worse now than its release version.

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  • 10 months later...

GW2 classes suck because they are not unique in anyway and that's due to the fact, every classes does something another class already does, which destroys the idenity of every class.  Second, the developers defeated their own concepts of classes by tailoring to their bad concepts in the form of class "nerfs."  GW2 classes are a mess, to say the least and when you toss in the pvp unbalance, which is beyond evident, moving on when something else (MMO) lands with better design and concepts will be easy.  I'd rather go with a paid for mmorpg done right than something so called free-to-play done as poorly as GW2.

Instead of mixing up all the classes, they should have just created new Races and new Classes all together (not new class specs).  What the "Devs" did was took the lazy way out just to create a new money grab and they are at it again with a new expansion already, after "EOD."  I guess mixing up the weapons is next, huh....

I guess the good news is, the mmorpg development world is wide open for fresh companies.


Peace "ArenaNet Babies"

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On 8/8/2022 at 7:12 AM, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

Classes suck because everything looks like this:

Example A: Knock down your opponent, duration: 1sec, casting time: 0.5sec, cooldown: 60sec. (Has a bug where it doesn't function properly.)

Example B: Blow your opponent across the map, immobilise them in place until they use an emote then mark everyone around you for death. If they're using a skill then apply all conditions to them and all boons to yourself. duration: 30sec, casting time: instant, cooldown: 15sec. (Does damage in PvP due to an oversight.)


Devs: "These are the same skills".


Real examples:

Engineer signets vs signets from any other class.

Firebrand mantras vs Mesmer mantras.

Dragonhunter traps vs Ranger traps and Thief "preparations".

Pre-buff Warrior banners vs Ranger spirits.


There's many, many more, and its not just old classes, it affects newer classes sometimes too, which is what makes some specs better than others.


There seems to be two conflicting design priciples in the game being put forth into balance:

Either that each skill, trait, weapon, etc. should do only one thing, do it well and have noticeable tells, counterplay and so on, or a skill should just be spammy whammy damage, CC and boon jammy and should make up 90% of the functionality of a kit.


Let's take a look at Scourge. Its a very, very good class, and has excellent support that can carry groups easily. But all it gives is barrier, cleanses and some Might. Machinist can do all those things plus high DPS, boon spam (including a key boon) and so on at the same time. Literally the only reason Scourge is still taken by groups i because Machinist can't play the mercy role because their Elixer R toolbelt AoE revive skill isn't accessible while specced into Mach. One single tradeoff in a seas of endless benefits.


Why does this duality in class design exist? Why does it keep being put forth into the game?

Answer:  Core game and principles aligned with it follow the former whereas a lot of content in HoT and beyond follows the latter.  The scourge issue is more of a problem because of Scourge in the competitive modes being very, very imbalanced when allowed to deal a lot of damage/support, especially WvW due to necro's boon denial scaling and AoE.  For a while when scourge launched, GvG comps were running stuff like 18 Scourge, 2 FB, 2 Mirage/Chrono, 1 SpB.

One of the core tenets of the game at launch was that players would not have to watch skill bars/icons for any indications of what was going on in combat.  All things would have tells and no effects were even remotely supposed to be permanent.

Obviously this is nowhere near true today, so things designed and balanced by the old school of thought are largely garbage and because they don't get played often don't get dev attention.

Edited by DeceiverX.8361
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