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LF Active, Fun, LGBT Friendly Clan


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Hello, I'm a transgender woman, on HRT & I am looking for a very social & friendly clan to join with lots of discord chat activity.


I'm just getting back to the game after taking a very very long break (years hehe) & I'm looking for fun, friendly people to chat & play with as I work through all the content I've missed over the years.


I'm Canadian, technically in the EST but I generally play a variety of hours & cover a lot of time zones.


Please reach out if you have a guild you think would be a good fit. I'm not interested in joining any brand new or guilds that aren't established.


Thanks for your time & have a wonderful day 😃




I think it would've been super helpful if I had added that I was on Devona's Rest in NA hehe. I am 100% down to change servers if there was a really great guild on another server filled with active social friendly folks who actually enjoy using voice coms to play & chill together. I would totally buy some gems & transfer 😃


2nd edit:

I was told about other places to check for guilds, such as:




not sure how much luck I'll have at either, but just thought I'd help others in the same boat & share the info 😃

Edited by Razordoll.1063
added missing info
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There are absolutely LGBT clans in the game. My guild is LGBT friendly but it's not an LGBT guild.  Not everyone looks at the forums for recruiting either though. I only wander in here randomly since my guild only has a limited number of spots to fill.


I've even seen some LGBT tags for guilds during the time I've been playing.


If you're interested in talking to me in discord, send me a PM here, or message me in game. 

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1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

There are absolutely LGBT clans in the game. My guild is LGBT friendly but it's not an LGBT guild.  Not everyone looks at the forums for recruiting either though. I only wander in here randomly since my guild only has a limited number of spots to fill.


I've even seen some LGBT tags for guilds during the time I've been playing.


If you're interested in talking to me in discord, send me a PM here, or message me in game. 


Thank you for the reply & the offer Vayne, however I'm not looking for a "lgbt friendly" guild though, but a specifically LGBT guild. they are vastly different groups in my experience. With the first being primarily straight white males, acting very much like SWMs do hehe vs the other group which are generally people I enjoy socializing with more, as its a more relaxed environment for me.


Secondly, if the forums aren't very good for recruiting / finding guilds, is there a better way in game to do it? Like I just want to find some nice people to play the game with 😃

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On 8/7/2022 at 7:12 AM, Psynister.8761 said:

With the first being primarily straight white males


Whenever I've joined guilds that include "LGBT Friendly" in their limited text size ad within map chat, I've noticed those guilds tend to be filled with younger players and a good amount of them were female players. Either way, if you'd like an LGBT experience in a guild, then there shouldn't be anything wrong with there being "white" or "male" players in that guild. Otherwise, please specify if you'd like to join a niche guild filled primarily with female, trans, and POC players.

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14 hours ago, Eddy.7051 said:


Whenever I've joined guilds that include "LGBT Friendly" in their limited text size ad within map chat, I've noticed those guilds tend to be filled with younger players and a good amount of them were female players. Either way, if you'd like an LGBT experience in a guild, then there shouldn't be anything wrong with there being "white" or "male" players in that guild. Otherwise, please specify if you'd like to join a niche guild filled primarily with female, trans, and POC players.

It's not that I am specifically looking for a niche guild, but if every time you go near the straight white dog, the dog bites you, well you just learn to stop petting that dog ya know? hehe


This has been my experience with the majority of straight white males in non-lgbt guilds/clans/groups.


They are more often than not (obv some good apples out there) rude, ignorant, transphobic, racist, like just generally toxic unpleasant people to be around. So I try to hedge my bets & prefer to hangout with queer folk who are generally just nicer more accepting people. Of course there are definitely some bad apples there, but on the whole, I have a better experience than I do with the vanilla groups.


Like theres no need to take it personally, I am simply trying to protect myself while trying to enjoy the game & be sociable with friendly folks.

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There are lots of LGBT specific guilds. The one I'm in currently is called Our Sanctuary [LGBT]; you can find information here: https://lgbt.enjin.com/


There is also 'We Friendly Few' (also tagged LGBT), and a handful of others I can't recall the names of right now. A lot of them seem to be on EU unfortunately (for me lol). 

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We are not a 🏳️‍🌈 guild but we do have many LGBT members in our community, including myself (GM)

<Dragonsong> We are recruiting new players, returning players, and veterans interested in helping others.
[NA][PvX][Semi-Hardcore][New Player Friendly]

Are you NEW or RETURNING to GW2? Do you feel like you missed out on the "new player experience"? So do we! Let's have fun and learn together. <Dragonsong> is a semi-hardcore PvX guild. We are recruiting new players, returning players, and veterans interested in helping others. We are interested in clearing all content in all difficulties at a pace that feels natural to us.

While not expected, we do offer leadership opportunities to those who are interested in the shared success of our community. As a PvX guild, it is important that we offer support to all areas of game content in order for our guild to be successful.


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Thanks for the replies 😃 I have tried a few places, & everywhere has been varying degrees of deadness. from all the way dead, not seeing anyone online in discord, no one in voice, no activity at all, to minimal activity, seeing 1 or 2 people milling about, but otherwise nothing, to moderate activity, but all solo work, no one really did stuff together, or even used voice to just chill & chat.


none of this is what I am looking for.


I am specifically looking for very active & out going folks that are social & actually use voice chat. Everyone I seem to meet these days is too shy to talk, or doesn't like the sound of their voice, or doesn't have a mic. Its frustrating trying to get to know folks & having to play & type instead of simply using voice coms. We all just get a lot less done hehe.


Like I'm happy to change servers if there is a guild like what Im describing on another server. I'm more than happy to shell out for the 1000 gems to meet some nice people to play with 😃

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I don't want to spam or sound like a copy paste but if interested Remnants of Hope [RoH] is a nice gaming community. We do have a post here on the GW2 Forums or our post on reddit. We are pretty social on discord as well and active in game with all content. Many of our leaders and members are part of the LGBTQ+ community and we have a lot of support in our discord!  We are a very diverse group of individuals. I'd love for you to take a look and see if we'd be a good fit for you!  

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8 hours ago, CoffeeMuffin.7431 said:

I don't want to spam or sound like a copy paste but if interested Remnants of Hope [RoH] is a nice gaming community. We do have a post here on the GW2 Forums or our post on reddit. We are pretty social on discord as well and active in game with all content. Many of our leaders and members are part of the LGBTQ+ community and we have a lot of support in our discord!  We are a very diverse group of individuals. I'd love for you to take a look and see if we'd be a good fit for you!  


Thanks muffin, but I don't think it would be a good fit. Thanks all the same though 😃


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