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Its literally a grandmaster tier trait that allows them to keep using it, and with flow boosts its not uncommon to be able to get it off a half dozen times or more before running out of flow (which is then restored a few seconds later). Its alot more than four times, unless your flow management is really bad.


Keep in mind this gives up their ability to CC opponents with Dragon Trigger, so if you were getting CC'ed it was from something else. Did you check your combat log?

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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Someone remember the video from a while back which called Bladesworn OP/ is hacking because he could spam Dragonslash non stop and the video was a ele face tanking 21 Dragonslashes on node without going under 90% hp?

And the dude was simply not aware of the GM Trait? 

I just got a flashback. 

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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7 hours ago, memausz.7264 said:

Was just in a game where a player, either through game modifications or by pure exploitation of the existing game build... was non-stop spamming Dragon Slash—Force,  Dragon Slash—Boost, and  Dragon Slash—Reach.  Every.  Single. Second.  Of combat.  So not only is Bladesworn a class that, somehow, the balance team thought is okay for literally all of its skills to do lots of damage despite inflicting CCs, but now, players are spamming the Dragon Slash skills every second so you can't do anything because you're CCed and they are hitting you for 6K every second.... what is going on with this game?  😆


Even factoring in Flow Stabilizer and Daring Dragon, attempts to re-generate the scenario could only chain maybe 4 Dragon Trigger skills under ideal conditions.  Definitely not 5 or 6 times as I was seeing.


I have seen this phenomenon as well.

Daring Dragon doesn't explain it. 


I ran into a charr warrior that was dragon slashing well over 6-7 times in succession., but I'll need to see it more often before I say it's exploiting, and the slashes definitely don't stun.





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