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AFK'ers and match manipulation


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I've come over to GW2 from eso, in both games I've mainly PvP'ed or done end game raiding content, I came to gw2 due to the woeful performance in eso. However lately with the way ranked sPVP works in gw2 I've been considering going back to eso and putting up with the performance, the matchmaking system in gw2 is the worst I have ever experienced in my long experience with multiple mmo's. No one ever gets MMR right but kitten, there is literally no way to deal with the numerous duo queuing who seem to be alternating between accounts to win trade, or just sitting afk in a match for presumably the legendary pips.


In eso you could vote kick these people from your team and it would bring in a new replacement, if someone dc'ed it would time them out pretty quickly and bring in a new replacement. In gw2 if someone dc's, it holds them in your team and just dishes out a dishonour but bones the rest of the team for the entire match. This isn't being respectful of the 9 other player's time. Combine this with the woeful LFG system in PVE and I don't really think gw2 is going to have very good retention after their steam launch.


And while I'm at it, why the hell can't we dismiss the arena selection screen after we've made our choice???!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry but I'm just about done with this game, the AFK'ers and crap matchmaking algorithm really do outweigh what could be a really great game mode.

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I dont see why you would smerf, afk or even boost in this game.

I guess you could smerf then transfer the gold from all the wins but you would still have to buy the expansion to have a competitive advantage. A better option is to lose purposefuly between seasons to lower your MMR. 

Afking is the worst idea since it will lead you to a 3 day ban, If you get reported alot. 

Boosting is most common but if you are high MMR and lose one game that net loss won't be made up by winning the next 3 games so the end result is you and the other player averaging thier rank. (only valid one) 

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So you blame afk for bad balance mm? I think balance mm need to be improved first.


Next if afk is still exists then decide.

You had one sided matches? Because I have them in very very often, and no matter how you try you can't win. So you blame afk during 50-500 score or so? ALso keep in mind that person can be in losing streak 5-10 in a row.

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