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WvW Roaming Build - Actually Viable Or Am I Dreaming?


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It won’t work because you only have 1 stun break and the turrets will be cleaved down before they can do any sort of damage. 4/5 of your utility bar will be on CD so that leaves you to the mercy of your shield, dodges and health from dura runes and gear. Health won’t matter because any condi you go against will eat you alive (since you also don’t have any means of condi cleanse). Dura runes won’t save you and you can’t dodge if you’re chain cc’d. 


I’m sorry but this ain’t it chief. 🙁

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not rly, overtime thay nerfed most minion/turrets in pvp/wvw to not suport ai gameplay


 i wuld also recomend scrapper for roaming racher then holo/mech


change your toughness from 1200 to 1300 it will allow face tank most full berserk players

your power and ferocity is bit low, you can up it by using hight caliber trait (+15% crit chance on mele range ) and +10% if target is bleeding, then utylizing that adional crit chance to swap gear for more might/ferocity 

I also recomend that runes, thay will up your power, boon+might duration, and reduce enemy condi dmg !!!


here is typical build i wuld recomend for solo roaming :





219% ferocity (+10% while under fury)

45% crit chance (+20% fury+15%hight caliber+10%hematic focus= 90%)


I'm using med kit, as f1 have only 17s cd, and on 3 you have x4 pulsing condi cleanse ( counters fire stack guardian spamers)

also 5+3=1200hp from water field blast

runes gives you -10% to condi duration and -10% from dmg from them, adaptive armor also gives you -20% condi dmg, thats -30% condi dmg on you, and bigger barrier to absorb that dmg


i was able to 1vs3 in that build, also took 1500 rank in pvp (as solo que)




Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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3 minutes ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

OK! I was just making sure I wasn't about to promote degenerative gameplay.

Turrets overall have low dmg, if you rly need, take rocket turret ( as it's first shot knockdown enemy for 2s) and "Rocked" tooldbelt skill have big power skaling 

rest are meh 

Also check dragon gear + firearms if you want have better alternative to maruder

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On 8/24/2022 at 12:55 AM, Noah Salazar.5430 said:


change your toughness from 1200 to 1300 it will allow face tank most full berserk players

Lol you can barely facetank zerkers with 2k toughness, most good builds will tear straight through it. Your trait build and skill set, not mention how you engage and manouver in a fight usually weighs heavier. 100 toughness difference is negligable, its like 2 or 3% less damage.

But regardless, its not like you are limited to anything in WvW. Never ask whether something is "viable", just try it. Change where you want. Abandon it if its just that bad.

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19 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Lol you can barely facetank zerkers with 2k toughness

yeh maybe "facetanking" was too big word xd

-> my point was to make inaf survability to allow you to use your heal/barrier twice in combat before you die


from my testing i was able survive much often with 1300

 with less then 1200 strike builds kicked my butt for too much to surive for my barrier/heal was up ready again and with this build i provided you win by oversustaining ennemy racher then big bursting and adional round of heal/barrier allowing you escape from combat much easier if nessesary 


not mention how you engage and manouver in a fight usually weighs heavier

yep that one, managing your heal,  barrier, dodges and stealth matter alot

you use one too fast or too late and your dead xd


 just try it. Change where you want. Abandon it if its just that bad.

Thets why it's best to share opinion in what builds you was most sucesfull and your battle plan that made you win combat more often 😉

Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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