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Caracter movement speed : Race or class ????


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Hi, guis 

Im tired of the turtle speed of mi main norn warrior, so maby i will change caracter, so 

I have this question waths define your caracter movement speed, your class or your race? 

I like norn, but if i take a norn thief or hunter it will be so slow junst bicose his a norn or it will be more fast bicose use midium or ligth armor??? 

Edited by Drax.7308
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All characters and races move at the same speed. The size of the actual toon gives the illusion of moving slower (larger models) or faster (smaller models). 

Add to that the +25% movement speed added by various traits, skills and runes, and that somewhat becomes the new baseline speed. Some professions/elites can achieve a base +33% movement speed, while others have easy access to skills that grant it.

There is additionally the "super speed" speed buff, which tends to be brief.

What profession is your norn?

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As i said before is a warrior norn, with warrior you can ad 25% more speed with discipline, but is a trait that don't help to much in combat, and if you ad a rune with speed you will end with a faster warrior but terrible in combat, warrior is the slowest class of all the game, super hard to have full participation in dragon fall or other metas that require to move fast, also is terrible in combat 

5 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

All characters and races move at the same speed. The size of the actual toon gives the illusion of moving slower (larger models) or faster (smaller models). 

Add to that the +25% movement speed added by various traits, skills and runes, and that somewhat becomes the new baseline speed. Some professions/elites can achieve a base +33% movement speed, while others have easy access to skills that grant it.

There is additionally the "super speed" speed buff, which tends to be brief.

What profession is your norn?


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Sorry, must have glazed over that.

You can equip the Discipline trait line while leveling up, and choose the Warrior's Sprint trait. While wielding a melee weapon, you'll get the +25% movement bonus.  Once level 80, you might consider a rune set that includes the +25% bonus.

How far out your camera is zoomed is also a factor, so play with that.

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20 minutes ago, Drax.7308 said:

Hi, guis 

Im tired of the turtle speed of mi main norn warrior, so maby i will change caracter, so 

I have this question waths define your caracter movement speed, your class or your race? 

I like norn, but if i take a norn thief or hunter it will be so slow junst bicose his a norn or it will be more fast bicose use midium or ligth armor??? 

Either play scrapper norn with perma superspeed or play human with average height. 

Shortest asura and tallest norn have same speed. Former looks like flying

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26 minutes ago, Drax.7308 said:

Hi, guis 

Im tired of the turtle speed of mi main norn warrior, so maby i will change caracter, so 

I have this question waths define your caracter movement speed, your class or your race? 

Neither, the bonus if any applies does.

Some classes have easier access to movment speed traits or swiftness. Overall it is a non issue at max level though.

26 minutes ago, Drax.7308 said:

I like norn, but if i take a norn thief or hunter it will be so slow junst bicose his a norn or it will be more fast bicose use midium or ligth armor??? 

All races are the same speed. What you are put off by is the slower animations on large characters. There is no actual in game advantage here, just that large character legs move slower in animation due to larger steps.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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I have done almost all content with warrior, all Tyria maps, all HOT maps, all POF maps, Fractals, metas, farming, jumping puzzles, pvp, wvw, etc. And i can tell be ffffaaar warrior main is terrible, in every aspect of the game, dosen't mater how hard i try i alwais feels terrible to play, 0 kils in wvw 

0 pvp competitive 

Arena net don't give warrior tools to work with, the only thing has make it litle beter is de baner of defence that gives barrier, but warrior need more that just baners

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1 minute ago, Drax.7308 said:

I have done almost all content with warrior, all Tyria maps, all HOT maps, all POF maps, Fractals, metas, farming, jumping puzzles, pvp, wvw, etc. And i can tell be ffffaaar warrior main is terrible, in every aspect of the game, dosen't mater how hard i try i alwais feels terrible to play, 0 kils in wvw 

0 pvp competitive 

Arena net don't give warrior tools to work with, the only thing has make it litle beter is de baner of defence that gives barrier, but warrior need more that just baners

Comon guis, you can't say just that wath makes the diference is the profetion you play??? 😲😲😲

Warrior profetion is the most slow profetion 

Of all game, feels so terrible, other profetions have more movemest speed from build, and much more tools to work with ‼️😲😲😲😲😭😭😭

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@OP, you're adding a bunch of stuff not related to movement. Is movement really your issue? Is it norn? Warrior? What exactly are you complaining about?

Warrior is not "the slowest profession" per se, that'd be Guardian, who has no built-in movement bonus. Warrior has the option at least. Plus, as stated previously, you can choose a rune set with a +25% movement bonus if base movement speed bothers you.

But I'm not sure now what all bothers you.

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Wath bothers mi, is how much i spend in a caracter to simpli find that is not woth playing this class, guardian is the slowest are you shure!!! Is not guardian the favorite class of so many people, the other day in chat a gui said that hi start playing guardian and it have never had such much fun in gw2! 

Wi you want speed if you are one of the most powered profetions in the game? 

Wath bothers me is how arena net, keeps bufing all other profetions, and warrior ar let in garbage, soorry but is the way i feel with this class, some times a sayd next pathc the maybe gona fix it, then next one the same, same thing over and over, you go to pvp and wvw wath do you se the most, guardians, hunters, renegade, ingniers, thives and necros

Mesmers, etc

Sorry again but is not fun to give so much to build a caracter and find that you simply have to accept that you have to start again, bicose the class you play is not wath arenanet want you to play, or bicose nobody plays warrior 

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14 minutes ago, Drax.7308 said:

Wath bothers mi, is how much i spend in a caracter to simpli find that is not woth playing this class, guardian is the slowest are you shure!!! Is not guardian the favorite class of so many people, the other day in chat a gui said that hi start playing guardian and it have never had such much fun in gw2! 

Wi you want speed if you are one of the most powered profetions in the game? 

Wath bothers me is how arena net, keeps bufing all other profetions, and warrior ar let in garbage, soorry but is the way i feel with this class, some times a sayd next pathc the maybe gona fix it, then next one the same, same thing over and over, you go to pvp and wvw wath do you se the most, guardians, hunters, renegade, ingniers, thives and necros

Mesmers, etc

Sorry again but is not fun to give so much to build a caracter and find that you simply have to accept that you have to start again, bicose the class you play is not wath arenanet want you to play, or bicose nobody plays warrior 

Are you sure you just dont know how to play warrior?


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Some of what you're saying has nothing to do with movement speed, and I get that. I, too, easily get off topic.


With the addition of Bladesworn, Warrior has so much mobility, it's insane. Leaps, swiftness, Warrior's Sprint trait, Dragon Slash-Boost, Breakstep. If you know what you're doing, you can even keep up with some thieves.


And that is just talking about their mobility. If you think they are bad, maybe take another look.


As for what you see the most in PvP: Warriors, Necromancers, Engineers, Rangers.
WvW, much the same, with the added Herald and Firebrand for more boons. You'll rarely see thief (heh, I did a funny) because they are simply bad in WvW, for reasons I won't get into here.
To add to this, you only see a lot of Engineers in low-tier PvP play. Warriors, on the other hand, are a solid pick in any gamemode right now. Just because YOU don't feel overpowered playing them, doesn't mean they are weak.


Lastly. Instead of complaining and refusing to learn a class, just... play something else. You have eight other classes to choose from, each with three elite specs. If you don't like how warrior plays or performs... Just don't play it. And certainly don't complain on the forums with a lack of understanding, it doesn't help you or anyone.


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So yes bladesworn is op, i now that and im not okay with that, bicose 4 people vs 1 warrior bladeswors, we literly can't get him dawn, tooons of healing. Wath wee need is balace for each profetion, bladesworn is op now and that is not okay, so to play bladesworn i need to buy another expantion, and is op, over powered is not okay


Warrior profetions is the slowest profetion of all game, tooons of things that are rong with traits, slow atack, unflexible builds, all feels rong and terrible, nottank at all, etc.

Its easy to sai to start a new caracter, you think i want to explore all tiria maps, hot maps, pof maps again, start the story of living world season again, sorry but is tooo much 

Wath i want is every class to be  capable of give a good figth, not metas that make the game joke,metas that make other people feel bad and at the end thats wath gw2 is abaut GO META

Thats haw the game feels good? Next patch you make a caracter to be over povered and have fun crushing everyone just bicose you are op? 

That is balace to you? 

I will not play op classes, 

Bicose makes the game frustrating you can't go pvp or wvw bicose you are not on meta, i love GW2 and i want the game to get beter for everyone no mater if they go meta or not

Sorry all for mi actitude, im jus very obset with this, sorry Alll 

Ending it here 


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13 minutes ago, Drax.7308 said:

Warrior profetions is the slowest profetion of all game, tooons of things that are rong with traits, slow atack, unflexible builds, all feels rong and terrible, not tank at all, etc. 😨😨😨

Then switch to a different profession. You'll either enjoy yourself more or come to realize: it's the player, not the class.

Either way, it'll be a win-win for you.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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