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Static Wells isn't the way, recall original gyros.


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As in title. Do you not remember how bad it felt to play original Scrapper? That's why they reworked it the first time. Because a lot of the gyros felt weak and were hard to play with due to the mobility of the spec and having to wait for it to catch up.

The whole point of the spec is to be a bruiser that is constantly moving. Comboing off your fields etc. Now you have to stay still to get full benefit of your skills which will feel clunky. This is just a horrible side effect of one mode ruining something in another. Same thing happened with blast gyro recently. The pve change ruined the gyro in pvp modes since knockback was more useful there.

Please Anet reconsider this change as you are basically ruining one of the better designed engi specs in other modes for the sake of one build in wvw. There has to be another way to nerf support Scrapper without destroying the whole spec.

It just upsets me that i've stuck with this elite for so long as it is my fav and has been underperforming most of the time and it is now going to be much much worse. It's clear this is an unpopular change based on reactions in various places.

I don't even think I want to dedicate time to play another class or something and myself might just take a break from GW2 for a while.

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The quickness trait allowed for huge pressure in the brawling side of the class making up for the lack of damage scrapper generally has, now without that trait builds go from being well synergized to a slower paced lower damage build, back before this trait my scrapper fights would last long and some builds were unkillable because I did not do enough damage.


Now also if your gyros will be stationary i wonder how bulwar gyro will be functional

you throwing gryo 900 range from you, not geting barrier, and on top of it your taking 35% dmg of others 


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The bit you are forgetting OP is that original gyros were not akin to wells, but more like very weird spin on ranger spirits. specifically they had health, hitbox, and were stopping doing whatever you were doing when they got killed. Prime example for it was "counterplay" to stealth gyro, where gyro was still visible, targettable, and killing it would disrupt the stealth field, meaning that agains any sensible oponent, it would be useless.

And in terms of WvW specifically, all of gyros were not usable in zergs at all, because - same as ranger spirits - they would get killed off as soon as they get dropped just by residual AoEs.

They did not "feel weak and hard to play with the mobility" they were virtually unusable in zerg fights.

Now I did not see AN neither in blogpost or on steam mentioning anything about hitbox or health of gyros (they are still wells, just normal wells, not self-centered and mobile wells).

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Is there SOME advantage and scenarios to throw a well/gyro 900 meters away... sure. In small groups I think scrapper will still be viable and wanted (then again w/o quickness...). BUT... will scrappers WANT to play with this new gyros? The mobile bruiser support style and identity was more than just making scrappers good it was what made them dynamic and fun to play. YES being WITH/ON you will always give an advantage to scrappers, BUT this just reverts scrappers back to when yeah gyros will stationary wells and that was ugh. It's a headache and maybe some ppl like a challenge/skill of timing your wells blah blah but nah lol not me.

Yes, scrappers in WvW needed a nerf to allow other supports to be used; or more so, other supports needed a boost and Druid got one. ALSO - why is this applying to ALL modes? I get it such a big change sorta mechanically must be but it's only good in WvW scrapper everywhere else is underperforming this totally makes it much more meh. In PvE there's a bit more use to throw from range a gyro I will say that in certain fights sure BUT... idk, I just think this is a band-aid solution or more like a sledgehammer to see what happens to quickly see how other supports rise in one mode.

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The old ideal of gyro where ai base pets that did one effect to mostly one target at a time when you where as an scraper able to go into melee combat to do dmg and cc. The support and field part of gyros was mostly tacked on due to med kit getting an massive buff and the player base using the super speed from the gyros death to "buff" there group when mostly using the med kit to support that group. What we have today is no where near what the scraper was made to be and in no way is it good for the game for scraper to play like it dose now.

If gyro are to be wells they should act like wells and not wells +1 if the player base dose not want the gyros to act like wells then the effect needs to be something different like the old Spirit Weapon that have an big effect on detonation kind of like the way they use to be when scraper first came out. But in no way should they still be fields and stay right on the scraper.

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