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Is WvW meant to be unbalanced?


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Gw2's pve loot rules are the best, as any number of players can kill something and receive full loot/reward. This does not translate as well to wvw, where if you and 9 other people kill 1 person you get rewarded as much as if you did it solo. Rewards are the best way to direct player behavior.


If the pip system worked where it was based on ppt + capturing objectives + kills ÷ players currently playing for your server people may not zerg as much, or leave things undefended, it would also promote playing when your server is low on players because you would be rewarded more, giving an incentive for players to combat dreaded timezone gaps. Some people may swap off blob servers if they can get rewards faster for being on a smaller server, which would balance things out from the current system that players like to tip. If servers become even a little more balanced, fights should get better and so would coverage, doing better as a server would matter a little more and competition between servers might start to happen again, instead of a match being nearly predetermined unless a server wants to lose.

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