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Projectile Immunty


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6 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

Because it still happens, and if you want more people in Rankedt hen they need to have significantly fewer unfun experiences in Unranked. I only keep going with even Unraked because I need the tracks. Just he knowledge that hard counters exist is enough to never even want to bother with Ranked. And this kind of opinion is more common than you'd think. The theory of the Zone of proximal control describes this kind of outcome specifically.


It's great it happens, a lot of things happen in unranked and no one listens to those opinions as the skill level isn't there.  

Hard counters are a part of every competitive game, for great examples look at fighting games.  Plenty of characters hard counter other characters, and skilled players work around that without asking the developer to nerf the hard counters.  

Once you get the requisite skill level you will be able to work around them too--but it would be ludicrous to say that a group of mechanists, deadeyes, and LB rangers should have the capability to dominate a match at relative safety.  

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6 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Hard counters are a part of every competitive game, for great examples look at fighting games.  Plenty of characters hard counter other characters, and skilled players work around that without asking the developer to nerf the hard counters.  

Just because hard counters are objectively part of games it has no effect on it being abjectively good. It's just going to be a sad experience if someone pulls a fast one. For example, every character is a hard counter to another character in a fighting game. This means that if the players choose their characters blind then there's a 1:characters chance of them losing by default.

6 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Once you get the requisite skill level you will be able to work around them too--but it would be ludicrous to say that a group of mechanists, deadeyes, and LB rangers should have the capability to dominate a match at relative safety.  

Being able to play around something makes it by definition a soft counter instead of a hard one. A hard counter means that there are no ways to circumvent it.

The latter example is one of those Professions being overpowered rather than them being hard counters. 

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20 hours ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

According to OP beign a target dummy for rangers, deadeyes and rifle mechanists is fun. Because he likes to pew-pew at people and don't likes when people have instruments to stop hes pew-pew.

According to what you express the opposite is perfectly valid though. 

The only difference between what you say and the reality is that if you catch up with a ranged as melee you can hit them. You can do virtually nothing as ranged while the ranged bubbles last.

Do you understand the simple concept of, "just because something is OP the solution is never to introduce another mechanic that completely nullifies it"?

The ranged immunity existing in amounts that dwarfs melee immunity makes it so that the meta essentially chooses your playstyle for you. Going ranged is a bad option if people can completely shut you down without doing anything other than pressing a buttoin while they get free damage on you and you can just try to desperately survive.

Ranged immunities would be okay if

- Reflects were personal and channelled.

- Projectile Blocks were still bubbles and ground-targeted.

- The Ventari Tablet cost the usual amounts of energy to drop and maintain and would deplete a massive chunk of energy when moved so there were a real opportunity cost to moving it (PvP and WvW only).

- Any projectiles that originated inside the fiels was unaffected by the field.

Especially with the latter since it could still be used to protect you while advancing and if used in melee it forced the raged into melee. That would make it a soft counter instead of a hard one.

Edited by Malus.2184
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