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New forced key binding screwed up rotation?

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So i run dual-wield axe berserker build, i love it, but the introduction that you guys made by putting eviscerate back into the F1 slot is screwing my rotation and i've NEVER needed to use that burst skill ever before but now all of a sudden we're being forced to use it?....because i tried changing the key binds for activating my berserk to F1, then having my decapitate ability also as F1 (while in bereserk mode) but you guys won't allow us to do that since you can't have 2 keybinds in 1...so sometimes im F***** up and pressing f2 and spending all of my rage accidently on a weaker attack (eviscerate) and it's lowering my dps because of that forced implemenation, is there ANYWAY TO MAKE IT BACK TO NORMAL WHERE I USE F1 TO ACTIVATE MY BERSERK MODE BUT ALSO BEING ABLE TO USE THE SAME F1 KEY TO USE DECAPTITATE WHILE INSIDE BERSERK MODE INSTEAD OF BEING FORCED TO PRESS F2...PLEASE TELL ME THERE IS

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Keybinding in this game is borked. You'll just have to learn the new way or be stuck in can never use that button land.

Something changed during PoF and the way they bind things now interferes with other things when you try to bind them yourself.

1) I kinda wish they had the GW1 method of dragging skills onto the UI so you could order them how you like.

2) allow us to keybind each toon differently and not all have the same binds across the account.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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Bursts are back to where they belonged in the first place. Removing regular Bursts with the post-PoF redesign was nothing but detrimental to Berserker.

I don't think this topic belongs into the bugs subforum, as it's not a bug.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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