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Temple of the Silent Storm Autocap


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9 hours ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

So, Bell is not an instant advantage? Skyhammer is not an instant advantage? Beast is not an instant advantage?

Just think, for a second, if what you say applies to other mechanics.

Unless it comes late in the fight then while it does give an instantanious advantage it gives a small advantage, Stillness gives an advantage that can potentially flip the pace of the match.

Unfortunately it's against the forum rules for me to state the nature of your questions. So, just know that I can see through them and recognise them for what they are.

Edited by Malus.2184
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9 hours ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

- Capping a node gives an "instant cap" when you finish capping the node (the same way Tranq is "instant" once you finish channeling it). If you don't count capping a node as instant, you can't count channeling Tranq as "instant" either. Have you ever even gone to get Tranq? Are you even aware that it has to be channeled and doesn't happen instantly? If you say that a node can be contested, guess what, so can Tranq. Infact it is significantly easier to contest Tranq, as you don't even have to stand near it, just poke with a ranged attack every few seconds.

- Using Tranquility requires you to be on the spot to take advantage, exactly the same as Skyhammer. Do you even read back what you write to see that it applies just the same?

- No, dominating bell does not mean you've automatically won. Plenty of teams throw by over-committing to bell and leaving nodes in enemy control

I would argue that Bell, Skyhammer, are FAR more impactful than Tranq, because they happen more frequently. An individual Tranq "event" is more impactful, but it only happens once or twice per match and can be easily nullified by a prepared team being in position to back-cap. If you play correctly, losing Tranq can have almost zero negative impact, the same can not be said of Bell.

In the end, there is no particular difference between Tranq and other map mechanics. You can say "no other mechanic gives you a node-cap", well, I can say that "no other mechanic gives you an instant-rez" for Shield, or "not other mechanic gives you increased point-rate" for Stillness. The fact that mechanics are different to each other doesn't mean anything in and of itself.

Yes it does and? While you spent your time filling the bar you can be killed, pushed off and contested. Stillness just happens. That's the difference, and it's map-wide.

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7 hours ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

Ok. Let me see your "points":

completely fair and predictable mechanic - random;

"someone is in the right spot" - 5v5 teamfigh at lower buff;

wasting a lot of time and losing map control - instant advantage;

- this absolutely can not happen in any other map and only tied to Temple and it's mechanic;


And ofc your main point - your audacity to ask for removal of completely fair mechanic because you don't know how and don't want to learn how to play around it.





By the existence of it is has the potential to completely flip the pace of the match. No other map ability has the potential to do that. That's the issue. The other things are just ways to try to get around the issue.

I woulkd compare it to treating the symptoms instead of the cause.

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2 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

By the existence of it is has the potential to completely flip the pace of the match. No other map ability has the potential to do that. That's the issue. The other things are just ways to try to get around the issue.

I woulkd compare it to treating the symptoms instead of the cause.

it's not issue once you learn to play around it. If you have advantage before "flip" happens you can just force enemies to run "flip" it with numbers while still contesting points and it means nothing, because they will be decaped super fast.

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1 hour ago, Malus.2184 said:

Yes it does and? While you spent your time filling the bar you can be killed, pushed off and contested. Stillness just happens. That's the difference, and it's map-wide.

You can be killed, pushed off and contested from Stillness too (I assume you actually meant Tranq here, but it's the same for both)? Do you even understand what it is you're complaining about? It doesn't "just happen". Do you think it's just randomly occuring or something?

Genuinely the only way you can think like this is if you fundamentally don't understand what is happening. Go and play some arena matches on Temple for a while to understand what is happening,  maybe read up on the wiki.

There is nothing different about how Tranq is acquired or how quickly it provides benefits to any other map mechanics.

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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4 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

Unless it comes late in the fight then while it does give an instantanious advantage it gives a small advantage, Stillness gives an advantage that can potentially flip the pace of the match.

Unfortunately it's against the forum rules for me to state the nature of your questions. So, just know that I can see through them and recognise them for what they are.

Yeah, on the sPvP forum I too wish ToS didn't apply half the time to post my counter-replies to some of these.

Anyway, you are correct in that Tranquility is a game changer if your team is inept.  The most you can do is anticipate this and try to just stand on a node to at least decap one of them.  There are also times (with a competent team) you can let one bunker go to Tranq and troll it, forcing the entire other team to go there--then just decap all points anyway.  

The notion that other map mechanics are just as powerful is absurd though.  Like Skyhammer does nothing, you can lot of times bunker through it or just walk off node for 1/2 second until it does its thing.  

Only thing that comes close is Capricorn bell, as that can be a game changer too if your team is doing idiotic things because its just instant points.  Possibly even worse than Tranq because you can't counter it once you lose on bell, you just lose.  

EDIT: Also agree that Unranked is objectively pointless.  Could just start people in bronze (or keep them in bronze for 20 levels) and get the same effect.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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